Tag Archives: jerusalem post

The History Of Mixed Seating

Rabbi Shlomo Brody writes in the Jerusalem Post: The controversy over mixed seating was undoubtedly one of American Jewry’s most controversial and divisive issues. Since both the Orthodox and Conservative movements claim allegiance to ancient practice, some tried to resolve … Continue reading

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Hormonal Judaism Vs Mind Judaism

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: There is good kiruv and there is bad kiruv. After reading ‘You’ve been Aish’d…’ in the Jerusalem Post, even the bad kiruv starts to look better. It is a piece that alternates between silliness and shallowness. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shlomo Riskin Says Give Agriprocessors A Chance

He writes to the Jerusalem Post:   Uri Zedek is a burgeoning Orthodox social action group paralleling Maagalei Zedek in Israel. It insists that kashrut and yashrut, ritual concern and ethical sensitivity, go hand in hand. I am proud to … Continue reading

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Guilty Plea In Spinka Case

My favorite headline on this comes from the UPI: "Banker Admits Fraud, Rabbi To Follow." From the Jerusalem Post: A Tel Aviv-based banker with United Mizrahi Bank pleaded guilty to setting up secret bank accounts in Israel that, prosecutors say, … Continue reading

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The ‘Tolerant’ Rabbi Druckman Vs. The ‘Hard-Hearted’ Haredim

Jonathan Rosenbloom, who is charedi, writes: Rabbi Avraham Sherman, author of the Rabbinical High Court decision, served for many years as an IDF rabbi, and once spent a sabbatical at Yeshiva University, the flagship institution of modern Orthodoxy. Another one … Continue reading

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