America First

Michael Anton aka Publius Decius Mus answers questions:

MA: President Trump often used the phrase “America First” on the campaign trail and still uses it as president, including in his inaugural. For him, it obviously means something so simple and uncontroversial it’s almost tautological: the purpose of the American government is to serve the American people. Not foreign people, not the world’s people, the American people. That is the purpose of any and every government: to serve the people who enact and consent to that government.

Trump’s enemies try to make this into a big scandal because the phrase “America First” was the name of a famous committee in the late 1930s and early 1940s that wanted to keep the United States out of World War II. It was primarily an isolationist movement, but there were anti-semitic elements that supported it. What the Left has tried to do—with much success, unfortunately—is retcon the committee as primarily an anti-Jewish group when that’s not what it was. It’s classic guilt by association: here is this group that a lot of anti-semites supported, therefore the group was anti-semitic and anyone who says anything good about it is an anti-semite.

Now, I disagree with the America First committee’s isolationist stance. But that’s easy for me to do in hindsight. However, to the average American in 1940, it was not obvious why the United States should get involved in another European war. It took great strategic vision and foresight to see that clearly, and most just didn’t see it. FDR, who did see it, was very constrained in what he could do for the Allies before Pearl Harbor. Even after Pearl Harbor, absent Hitler’s mystifyingly idiotic declaration of war on the United States, public opinion probably would not have supported U.S. operations in Europe. In fact, in fighting the war, FDR prioritized the European theater over the Pacific against U.S. public opinion, and had to downplay the fact that he was doing so.

The point here is, the wish to stay out of World War II was the animating cause of the America First Committee and that wish was perfectly respectable and reasonable, if ultimately wrong-headed. That’s why I say it was unfairly maligned.

So what does “America First” mean in the current context?

It means prioritizing American interests in our foreign policy and the American people in our domestic policy. Which is what every state—at least every government that is acting as it should—tries to do.

This is such a “well, duh” statement and idea that the fact it would be super controversial shows how corrupt our intellectual discourse has become.

But there’s another layer here, too. There is now, and has been for some time, a broad consensus from the center-right all the way to the far left that America’s only legitimate role is to be a kind of savior of and refuge for the world. It’s not a country with citizens and a government that serves those citizens. It belongs to everyone. Everyone has a right to come here, work here, live here, reap America’s bounty. We have no legitimate parochial interests. Rather America exists for others. This standard does not seem to be held to any other country, although one sees it increasingly rising in Europe.

So Donald Trump’s forthright stance against that, insisting that this country is ours, belongs to us, and demands that we prioritize our own interests, sounds like the most horrible blasphemy against this universalist consensus. I think that explains so much of the freakout against his presidency and the travel executive order, for instance. People ask, “How can he do that? Doesn’t he realize that America belongs to the whole world?” And Trump’s response is: “Don’t be silly, of course it doesn’t. It’s ours and we must do what’s best for us.” No prominent leader has said that or acted on that in ages. So the reassertion of basic common sense sounds shocking.


* America, without a core ethnicity, will never survive. The historic American nation is British and Anglo-Celt. If that core ever gets swept away, you had best look out below. Things will come apart quickly, including any consensus on how to “interpret” the constitution. Ethnic nation states exist because within those self-selected cultural parameters we have consensual agreements on subjects such as ethics, religion, and foreign relations. Absent such a core ethnicity, a “nation” becomes a bickering miasma of varying regional and identity groups competing for power. And the whole thing is held together by political force. And that never lasts.

* “Race is not a nation…” then you go on to pick three examples of nations built by race.

I would love to read some discussion on what a nation is actually. In my observations it is exactly the contributions of the original race that defines the nation and when that race and it traditions, history, etc is diminished the nation of origin is no more. The problems of this country are showing up precisely because the originating race has weakened itself and has allowed the fractions of others to attack and destroy. This is why we are losing the country. We have allowed inside people not of our tradition and who are not members or admirers of our tradition. Thus they will not uphold it.

This is all propagated by the myth of equality which is an obvious fraud and a beleif that there is a universal sameness of mankind. By now if we have not proven thru empirical evidence that these are terribly flawed assumptions then preserving the west is a fruitless effort because what made the west what it was has been the particular views of a specific race and this idea that we are to be open to everyone is nothing more then suicide.

* No, the French, Chinese, and Navajo are not races. You are mistaking ethnic groups for race. Traditional Europeans belong to the Caucasian race, but they divide up into many ethnic groups, many but not all of which formed their own ethno-states, more commonly referred to as nation-states (England, France, etc.), but which now are devolving into multiracial states with their immigration influx from the Muslim world. China is multiracial but is dominated (>90%) by a single ethnic group, the Han. Their race is Mongoloid (or more politely, East Asian). The Navajo are an ethnic group. They belong to the race of Native Americans (or Amerindians). They are large enough to be described as a nation (= a tribe on a larger scale), but they do not have a state of their own, even if they are semi-autonomous.

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What Type Of Bedrock Supports The Oroville Dam?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Former geologist here. What I’ve gleaned from Steve’s commentariat (but emphatically not from following the mainstream news) is that the multiple failures at Oroville are not uncorrelated, because they trace back to a fundamental issue: the bedrock at the dam site is highly fractured.

When we think of bedrock, we typically think of the granite of El Capitan, or impressive roadcuts like Sideling Hill. However, some rock is inherently weak (unconsolidated), or is prone to fracture and weathering, or has been subject to immense tectonic forces (e.g. pictures of conjugate fractures in rock at the San Andreas Fault here).

These are not observations that are new to the 21st Century, or to the 20th Century. For example, read the first paragraph of UCSB faculty Douglas Burbank & Brian Clarke’s ~2011 essay The Role of Rock Fracture in Erosion.

The engineers who designed Oroville Dam in the 1980s were obviously not blind to the implications of building on weak bedrock, or of the facts on the (chosen) ground. There are sure to be damning memos in the archives. But for whatever reasons, the dam was built the way that it was.

1. Failure at the middle of the main spillway — The concrete of the spillway cracked because it was undermined — the rock beneath it must have been eroded away by water flow over the decades that the structure has been in use. This happened because that rock was unconsolidated.

2. Risk that sustained water release at 100,000 to 150,000 cfm will cause the top part of the spillway to break up, undermining the spillway gate itself — Again, unconsolidated rock.

3. Loss of the ability to release 14,000 cfm through the power station — Result of #1.

4. Inability of the auxiliary spillway to operate at 12,500 cfm, 5% of its design capacity of 250,000 cfm — Photos taken Monday show that the emergency spillway flow eroded a deep channel in the hillside in a matter of days, and it was quickly expanding uphill, towards the spillway dam. In addition, the water cresting that 30 foot concrete spillway was likely to excavate spaces underneath it, risking its failure. Both are consequences of the unconsolidated nature of the bedrock at the site.

* Or, they could rally university SJWs to raise awareness about how fluid flow is just a social construct and then implement a program to break down flawed stereotypes about “erosion” and replace the discredited conventional demotics of dam dynamics with progressive intersectional theories that embrace a new sense of fluid diversity.

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What If The Dam Fails?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Mosul Dam with its 1m potential death toll is not even in the top league. Without a doubt the most stupidly placed dam on the planet is the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. Built as a “national greatness” folly by Nasser (using Soviet engineers), it gave Israel a knife to put at Egypt’s throat–in fact it may be *the* reason Egypt signed a peace treaty in 1978.

One nuke, or even one fuel-air explosive, that takes out that dam will send an extremely high-speed wall of water all the way to the Mediterranean. Estimates are that it would be over 50 feet high and going 100 mph when it hits Cairo, and still 20 feet high when it reaches the sea. Since 90+% of the Egyptian population lives within a few miles of the Nile, the death toll could top 75 million people in the first day.

* When the dimensions of the crisis in New Orleans became apparent, Ray Nagin — the utterly corrupt mayor of that utterly corrupt city — literally had a nervous breakdown and fled his responsibilities. The Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, utterly failed in her responsibilities to keep abreast of the situation and respond appropriately. Until she belatedly requested federal help FEMA could not – by law – provide assistance. When she finally did request that assistance it was provided immediately and on a scale proportionate to the disaster. Yet progs then, and still today, lay the blame for this mess on George Bush II.

Utterly left out of the equation is the abysmal behavior of New Orleans locals who did nothing to help themselves and when they were not apathetically waiting for someone to parent them indulged in orgies of violence and destruction. Not much later, just as bad a disaster hit at the other end of the Mississippi in the upper mid-west. Local officials responded immediately. The population handled much of the problem itself. Thew magnitude of the natural disaster was just as great. But because of the character of local politics and the local population the human disaster was much less and received correspondingly little MSM coverage.

It’s left as an exercise to the student to determine the cause of the difference between this natural disaster and the impact of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

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Why Jews Can Be Allies

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Seeing Stephen Miller this weekend on the Sunday Morning demonstrated why Jews should not be discounted as allies. Miller shows like a hard-core conservative edge, and unwilling to concede the battlefield at the first sign of tut-tutting by the “good and the great”.

The Left’s “anyone has a right to emigrate to America” is a Godsend. The stupidity of it won’t be lost on even the least of our polity. And the Attorneys General championing this idiocy will rue their participation, with great ruing.

* Like many Jews in politics, Stephen Miller is very intense and energetic. It’s great watching him go after liberals, especially Jewish liberals.

* Trump’s personality is very Jewish: he never forgets any insults or feuds from the past; and he always makes his opponent the guilty person. He would be a very good politician in Israel.

* How could the NY Times publish this and not know they would be laughed at and memed into oblivion on the issue? Seriously, the tone deafness of the Left here when it comes to how people view Caddyshack and how pearl-clutching the Left’s overreactions are—it’s breathtaking. We’re three months after the election, and they still think that calling Trump “boorish” and “uncouth” and “rude” will somehow get Hillary Clinton elected.

For months, we on the pro-Trump side have been half-joking/half-serious in comparing Trump to Dangerfield in Caddyshack, in a very positive way. For the NY Times to pick it up and try to make it seem negative is totally missing the boat, and re-invigorating the meme.

I’m guessing either the NY Times staffers discovered the meme but didn’t note how it was being used and thought they could “own” it, or else there is a secret troll/mole at the paper who mentioned it to the editors and got them to publish it in all dour seriousness while the troll/mole was laughing his head off.

Now whenever someone Googles the meme “Trump Caddyshack” they’re getting a NY Times editorial in all it’s seriousness that sounds straight out of a Judge Smails press release from Bushwood.

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The Case For Cheetos

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Pretty much sums up the lib domination of the MSM when one of its biggest showpieces can make fun of the irony of their worldview, do it with a straight face, and not for a minute think that what they advocate in real life might actually be absurd.

* SNL has much funnier mockeries of the left than this one. Here are some of the top of my head:

President Barbie Doll:

Asian American Doll (Sailer linked this one before):

Mockery of Slavery Guilt Trip in Black History Month (I heard this offended cast members):

Mockery of Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration (Sailer linked this one too)

A fake Mitt Romney attack ad. A little dated to 2012, but still very funny:

SNL has different writers and comedians that range across the political spectrum. Famous SNL alum with outspoken right wing views include Adam Sandler, Norm MacDonald, Colin Quinn, Dennis Miller, Victoria Jackson, Jon Lovitz, David Spade.

I love great comedy and great political comedy and great right wing political comedy wherever I can find it. Ann Coulter can be funny, Steve Sailer has his great gags here and there, mark steyn has his funny moments. Milo is a right wing entertainer with a few funny moments.

Here’s another SNL skit that mocks the left that I missed. This is from moderate leftist Robert Smigel, who is hilarious, but unfortunately, still left.

* I’ve long suspected Anthony Jeselnik of being right-wing and a crypto-iSteve reader. His “Google Search & Destroy” bit was just Steve’s “Google Gaydar” carried out to its logical point of absurdity.

Fun fact; he used to date Amy Schumer. Both of them had shows picked up by Comedy Central at the same time. One of them became a huge movie star/media gadfly. The other was actually funny.

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