Do you know anything about the Beit Din of Rabbi Hafuta/Da’at Torah in Pico?

Many people of color and ex-Kabbalah Centre folks convert to Orthodox Judaism through this Beit Din. The conversion is reasonably priced, even free for some. It’s an intriguing collection of people who pass through its doors. They add vibrancy and excitement to 90035. One troubled woman is on her fourth attempt to convert to Orthodox Judaism and this is her best shot. She’s very impressed by how Rabbi Moshe Hafuta’s conversion class apparently revolves around the Zohar and Kabbalah.

Sam*: “I think I know some of the people you’re referring to. More of the bnai conversos who think they’re Jews by birth because they have the same last name as someone killed in the 1500s Inquisition. They have made their way all over California from LA. I’ve seen them but don’t talk to them, they’re like their own nation.”

R. Moshe Hafuta is one of ten children. He has a sister married to Rabbi Pinto. His father R. Avraham Hafuta, was controversial in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Moshe Hafutah’s uncle was arrested for repeatedly raping a girl:


The Central District Court ruled today that David Ben-Haham Hafuta, the Netanya rabbi charged with using mystical threats to make a 13-year-old girl have sex with him, will remain in custody throughout the court proceedings against him.

The state had requested Hafuta remain in custody, rather than being released to house arrest, claiming that the rabbi posed a threat to the public.

Hafuta, a 63-year-old community rabbi from Netanya, was arrested in May and charged with forcing a 13-yearold into having sex with him, by exploiting his authority and using “mystical threats” to intimidate her.

According to the charge sheet, Hafuta is accused of performing sexual acts on three occasions with the girl.

Between July and August 2010, the defendant picked up the girl at a Netanya intersection and drove her to a local beach.

He had sex with the girl after telling her she had to “repair her sins” and that she would be “the mother of the messiah.”

“The defendant used sayings and threats which were apparently based on mystical foundations in order to intimidate and enchant the minor, and convince her to hold sexual relations with him,” said the charge sheet.

He then held a “marriage ceremony” with the girl, and swore her to secrecy.

“He told her on several occasions that she has destructive forces that could cause the deaths of people, and that she must control those forces by having sex with him. He also warned that her mother ‘had to go’ and that she had to save her,” state prosecutors said.

Some Los Orthodox rabbis use this same approach.

From YNET:

Rabbi charged with raping 12-year-old girl
Netanya rabbi tells minor she’s fated to be ‘messiah’s mother,’ must have sex with him to atone for sins

A Netanya rabbi was charged on Monday with raping a 12-year-old girl. David Hafuta, 64, who prayed at the same synagogue as the minor, allegedly assaulted her on several occasions between July 2010 and May of this year.

According to the indictment, the girl asked Hafuta questions about religious matters. In response, he told her that he wants to “reveal her purpose in the world,” and for that she has to meet him.

Last July, the defendant asked the victim to wait for him early in morning at a Netanya intersection. He picked her up in his car and drove her to the beach. There he told her that she is fated “to become the messiah’s mother,” and that she must “atone for all the bad deeds that she has done so far” by having sexual relations with him.

He then conducted a marriage ceremony with the girl while still in the car, and swore her to secrecy. At one point he asked her to take her clothes off, and assaulted her.

The rabbi told the girl on several occasions that she possesses “destructive forces that might erupt and cause people to die,” and that in order to control these “forces” she must have intercourse with him. He also said that she would save her mother by having sex with him. He reportedly assaulted her at several locations, including his office.

Moreover, the rabbi asked the girl to bring friends to him, and so she lead two other girls to his office. He told each one that “the war of Gog and Magog (Armageddon) is near,” and that she is fated to “become the mother of the messiah and save the people of Israel.”

The Central District Prosecutor’s Office has motioned to extend his remand until the completion of the legal proceedings. “As a neighborhood rabbi and a familiar figure with a reputation in the field, the rabbi abused the girl’s trust to have his way with her on several occasions,” the attorney said.

Rabbi Hafuta is discussed in this interview with his son-in-law:

Another situation, no less serious is when a Cohen marries a convert woman and every week fights to get called up to the Torah. As far as he’s concerned he’s correct; he wants to partake of this special mitzvah like the rest of his fellow Cohanim. But from a Jewish law perspective it’s very problematic. My father in law dealt with this question in a book he authored called “Siftei Daat”. He wrote how to permit it in order to prevent strife between congregants.”

“Thought, caution and sensitivity are paramount in this position. You must use great wisdom to get to the hearts of people and influence them in a way that brings them closer so that they will want to strive for more of their own volition. For example, a family would come to pray Friday night by car. What do you do in this situation? At times it’s better to wait for the right moment to broach the subject even if it seems you should not under any circumstances compromise. This method is tried and proven; the family that drove to synagogue one day decided to give up their creature comforts in their home far from synagogue and moved to a much smaller house so they could be next to the synagogue.

R* emails:

Hi Luke in regards to your blog:
First and foremost I know the rabbi personally and assist the community.
Our great rabbi Moshe Haftua Shlita, arbiter of Jewish halacha well known in Israel, he and his many books are well known.
Rabbi Moshe Hafuta Former Rosh Yeshivat Baba-Sali in Netivot in Erez Israel, Rosh Yeshivat Ozar Hatorah for 10 years.
The Head Rabbis in Yerushalim know the rabbi and respect him and accepts his judgments.
Unfortunately, we live in troubled times when we face ignorance still exists by many so-called self-proclaimed rabbis.
Lately, i-was personally involved to pass on a get, that was requested by the bet-dean in Netanya, Israel and the get was accepted by every bet-dean in Israel.
I attach a document one of many letters that our Rabbi Moshe Hafuta Shlita received by that the head Rabbi Rishon Lezion, that hopefully, you heard of named as Yitzchak Yoseph and well known as Hara’v Av Bet Dean in Israel.

From the Los Angeles Times, May 9, 2003:

5th Site Identified as Arson Target

Rabbi Moshe Hafuta of the Da’at synagogue said he grew accustomed to such problems while living in Israel. But the Tuesday attack was the first major act of intolerance he has experienced since moving to the United States two years ago.

It is also the first attack on the temple, which he started 14 months ago to serve a small group of Israeli, American and Persian Jews, who attend services and Torah classes in a clean, bright space that once housed a concert ticket business.

On Thursday, Hafuta showed visitors the plywood board that covered the synagogue’s smashed-out side window.

He said he was a bit scared, “even though I am not showing it. But when something like this happens, it’s not going to stop us. The synagogue, the studies — that’s our power.”

From the Los Angeles Times, May 10, 2003:

About a day before the first fire, someone used lamp fluid to start a blaze at a home in the 5100 block of Balboa Boulevard. Tehrani and his relatives had rented out the apartment a few months earlier to Moshe Hafuta, rabbi at the Da’at temple. An official close to the case, who asked not to be named, said Tehrani is a suspect in that fire.

Hafuta said Friday that before he and his wife moved out, he and the Tehrani family had a disagreement about inoperative appliances and faulty water service.

Hafuta said he withheld some of his rent money while waiting for promised repairs that never materialized.

“I don’t know if I owe them anything — it could be they owe me money,” the rabbi said. “But this is crazy. It is not a reason to attack a synagogue.”

He said he is surprised that Tehrani, who once came to pray at the temple, is a suspect in any of the fires.

“He is very quiet, somebody you cannot read,” Hafuta said. “It is difficult to be in touch with him.”

Tehrani’s sister could not believe her brother had been arrested.

“There is no way, no way, no way,” said Sheena Tehrani. “There has to be some mistake. My brother is not that type of person.”

Tehrani came to the United States from Tehran about 16 years ago, his sister said, and has devoted his life to his family: his mother, father and two younger sisters, she said.

From, May, 2020:

In 2017, economic circumstances improved and the Hernandez family moved into the Jewish neighborhood. They immediately began the conversion process with the Beit Din of Rabbi Moshe Hafuta, driving every Sunday to Los Angeles for classes. (The two older sons opted not to convert.)

In the spring of 2018, a few days before Passover, they drove up to Los Angeles for a final meeting with the Beit Din. They answered a round of questions and dunked in the mikveh. Hernandez was now Ezra, his wife was now Chana Leah… and Yehudah was the rare Jewish convert who didn’t need a new name.

From MyJewishLearning: “After meeting with many different rabbis in Los Angeles. I found my home at Daat Torah with Rabbi Moshe Hafuta. The conversion process to Orthodox Judaism was very difficult taking close to two years to complete. The process of conversion was more than just learning about Judaism, as it was more about transforming the way I lived, the way I saw the world, the way I saw myself in the world.”

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What’s Rich Botto’s 33rd Act?

Richard Botto started out as a big internet pornographer until he got taken down by the FTC in 2000.

Then he started Razor magazine in 2001 and that closed in 2005.

Now Richard “Stage 32” Botto has hit the wall again, lost his Scottsdale home to the bank and he owes a lot of people a lot of money, including the IRS (around a cool million).

Richard Botto (RB) has been living with Nik Richie’s ex wife Amanda Toney for the last 10 years but refuses to marry her. She bought in at the top of the market because they’re both broke now.

If tough guy RB can’t find true love, what hope is there for the rest of us?

RB intimidates many, including one of his former business associates Joey Tuccio who fled the company, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.

From Folio, April 1, 2002

Many are trying to emulate Felix Dennis’ fabulously sordid cash cow Maxim, but few would insist they were doing so in a bid for respectability. When you are the man behind such popular Web sites as Dirty Cheerleaders and Pregnant Babes, however, the relatively mild beer-and-babes formula can look downright upright.

Razor, launched a year and a half ago in Canada and distributed throughout Canada and the United States, carries the hopes of an unlikely pair of entrepreneurs. One of them, 33-year-old Richard Botto, made his fortune as the founder of RJB Telcom Inc., which runs several popular adult Web sites, including the well-trafficked Kara’s Adult Playground. His editor in chief, 36-year-old Craig Vasiloff, founded, a short-lived Webzine that “went behind the scenes and between the sheets in the adult entertainment industry.” He is also a musician, he says, who once worked with Duran Duran’s Simon Le Bon on several unreleased projects.

Their brainchild is a stand-alone title funded primarily by Botto and his brother, Robert, with editorial offices just outside Toronto and business offices in Scottsdale, Arizona. There is little in it that would surprise anyone who has ever flipped through a copy of Details, Esquire, Gear, GQ, Maxim or Stuff. Recent cover girls include “Planet of the Apes” star Lisa Marie, “E!” hostess Brooke Burke, and Leila Arcieri, the star of a television program called “Son of the Beach.” Inside are such laddie perennials as a look back at the Rat Pack and a handy guide to strip club etiquette.

But Razor is also aiming for sophistication. “We don’t embrace the Felix Dennis philosophy that men are mental midgets,” Botto says. “We’re not about asking every single model that we have whether they are interested in having a three-way.”

Vasiloff recently ran a profile of the 21-year-old underground novelist J.T. Leroy, and he says he is committed to commissioning serious investigative pieces and travel narratives. He’d also like to start running short fiction.

Botto says his hope is to stake a claim somewhere between what he describes as “the college-frat mentality” of Maxim and what he considers the more refined air of GQ, which, Botto says, “puts itself at arm’s length from the average income to above-average-income guy.”

Botto says early success led him quickly to expand from six to 10 issues per year. He also cut a distribution deal recently with Time Distribution Services, a unit of AOL Time Warner, which should result in more prominent newsstand placement. The magazine’s unaudited circulation is 210,000, Botto says.

Ad sales are another story. The magazine’s page count has hovered at 96 since launch, Vasiloff says. But those pages are short on advertising. The January issue included only 10 ad pages; the February issue carried 12. A few are from national advertisers, including Skechers and HBO. The rest are for regional nightclubs or adult-themed products. That shortfall could be a product of the very positioning so avidly sought by Botto and Vasiloff. Richard Notarianni, the New York media director for DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc., echoing the comments of other media buyers, says that he has not heard of the magazine. But when the market position was described to him, he responded that the middle ground between the laddie mags and the fashion mags was a precarious place to stand. “I haven’t talked to a lot of young men who’ve said, ‘you know, I would read Maxim if it was a little more sophisticated,’ ” he says. “It’s like, I’m not ugly but I’m not that good-looking, either.”

Boogie days

Botto, buff and tan enough to star on his own Web site, founded RJB Telcom with his brother in 1996 and built it into a thriving e-commerce business. Kara’s Adult Playground frequently ranks among the 25 most popular sites anywhere on the Web. And through Max Cash, an affiliated company, RJB also pioneered the use of independent Web masters to direct traffic to other Web sites—a marketing device sometimes known as “clicks for cash.”

The company operated with little publicity until the FTC filed a suit in October 2000 alleging RJB was illegally billing consumers’ credit cards and long-distance phone accounts. The FTC lawsuit claimed the company billed consumers for access to Web sites they never visited, and installed phone dialers on their computers when they tried to exit from the membership areas of the sites. The dialers then called international phone numbers that ran up long-distance charges that eventually flowed back into RJB’s coffers.

The suit was settled in October 2001 without RJB admitting any wrongdoing, although the company agreed to a series of fraud detection and prevention measures. The company also established a $250,000 escrow account that it could forfeit if it violates any of the conditions of the settlement. Botto declines to discuss the matter and says he is no longer involved in the company’s day-to-day operation.

Vasiloff formulated the business plan for a men’s lifestyle magazine in early 2000 and showed it to a number of interested investors, including Bob Guccione Sr., who, Vasiloff says, declined to invest—in part because he felt it was too similar to his son’s Gear. Enter Botto, who shared Vasiloff’s passion for publishing. “This is something that I always dreamed of doing,” Botto says.

Like Botto, Vasiloff says he does not believe his porn career—even, in his case, an unsuccessful one—will hinder Razor’s future. If anything, he says, it prepared him for a brighter future in publishing. “I never wanted to be in the porn business,” he says. “I just wanted to build my skills so I could get where I wanted to be.”

New York Post Sept. 3, 2005:

Razor, the four-year old men’s lifestyle magazine has been shut down by Richard J. Botto, its fast-living Arizona-based owner.

Several company insiders confirmed the news, first reported on the Web site yesterday. Few details were available and nobody answered the phone at the magazine’s Scottsdale, Ariz.-based headquarters.

According the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the magazine’s paid circulation plunged 18.4 percent from the same period a year ago to 200,259. Botto billed himself as an Internet entrepreneur, but rarely mentioned that much of his Internet fortune was derived from pornographic Web sites.

In 2000, his operation ran afoul of the Federal Trade Commission, which accussed him of running an illegal credit card scheme that billed consumer’s credit cards for porn material they claimed they never ordered.

Under terms of a final consent decree, his corporation, RJB Telecommunications was ordered by the FTC to set up a $250,000 escrow account to reimburse consumers who claimed they were defrauded by the Internet billing scheme.

The one-time Internet porn king toned down his act somewhat with Razor, which reveled in the fast living lifestyle of glitz and glamour without resorting to full nudity.

Still, the magazine did run ads that irked regulators, pumping Internet gaming sites including and, which the FTC frowns on. But it also had ads for maintream products like St. Pauli Girl Beer and Skechers Footwear.

And in the September issue, it boosted some high profile contributors including NFL star quarterback Troy Aikman, New York Sun “Gangland” columnist Jerry Capeci, legendary Hollywood screenwriter Joe Eszterhas, and freelance writer Anna David.

Botto burnished the mag’s fast-lane reputation with lavish parties that attracted the likes of NFL quarterback John Elway while the women of Razor dressed in skimpy outfits and passed out gift bags in venues ranging from the Arena Bowl in Las Vegas to the American Century Championship Celebrity Golf Weekend in Tahoe, where Tiki Barber, Jerry Rice and Charles Barkley and Drew Brees were among the guests.

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Can A Society Reverse A Culture Of Promiscuity?

Natz comments: What you say about societies not being able to reverse “sexual liberation”, this would make sense theoretically if we consider that people never really understood any deeper significance of the traditions associated with religion but instead followed it because of rational self-interest and biological/evolutionary drives. So in the past people avoided a lot of promiscuity because it was too costly for the individual and for society not to do so, whereas today the costs associated are less apparent. Today one can have thousands of children or have children with only the best males, or at least that is what ones feelings say, of course condoms and so forth will most likely be used.

It would make sense to me that the point where the incentives will change back to being in favor of more traditional modes of sexual conduct, would be a population collapse or being conquered by some other people (or both). Hopefully what could happen today is that the condom-worshipers simply die out and are replaced by the part of the native population that is more fertile and traditionally minded. This would probably coincide with a great economic upheaval, which would help promote that re-emergence of traditional sexual morality, so it seems plausible it could happen this way.

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Modern Love

Buddy: “Tell her you hate messaging on the app and ask her for her phone number.”

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The F. Matthias Alexander Story – It Ain’t Necessarily So

Robert Rickover, the son of the creator of America’s nuclear navy,
operates He’s also an Alexander teacher, like Jeremy Chance, who often thinks outside of the box (such as teaching by Skype, Up With Gravity, etc) and is willing to say unpopular things out loud, Most Alexander teachers are too insecure to do this even if they believe strongly because what most Alexander teachers, like all professionals, most want is the respect of their peers and you don’t express heretical thoughts if you want your peers to think well of you.

Depending on your perspective, the Alexander Technique teaching profession tends to be pure in its devotion to the Technique or is blinkered or some combination of both.

As with any group with high standards and foundational texts, Alexander teachers have a history of fractious and bitter dissent but this is all expected to be kept in-house. When the Technique was dominated by men, there was more of this. Now the Technique is dominated by women and open conflict is reduced and replaced by cliques and the other characteristics of female-dominated professions (nurturing, conformism, etc, think about English departments in universities for a comparison).

Part of Alexander Technique’s professional code (with organizations such as AMSAT) is that you don’t criticize other teachers or schools publicly. Such organizations would never have me as a member and would punish any member Alexander Technique teacher who affiliated with me. This is not because they are bad. Rather, they are simply doing what any other professional group would do in that situation. The primary mission of any professional group must be to maintain the good name of its profession and anyone who threatens that must be shunned.

Robert Rickover writes:

And kind of like most of the historical information about Alexander then available. Knowing the word “hagiography” actually made me more alert to challenges to the Alexander narratives.

And indeed two very serious challenges to those hagiographies have emerged since then. I’ll very briefly summarize them below, but for the record I want to state that I do consider F. Matthias Alexander to have been a genius – but like most geniuses, flawed. And a very different kind of genius that we have been led to believe.

The first challenge came from Jeroen Staring, a Dutch academic and student of the Technique, who shows pretty convincingly, I believe, that all of Alexander’s teaching procedures came from others.

You can learn more about Staring’s discoveries in these two blog posts by Luke Ford, an Alexander Technique teacher in Los Angeles:

Jeroen Staring – Historian Of The Alexander Technique

When Your Leader Is A Plagiarist

The second challenge is more recent, and ultimately far more profound, since it’s no so much about Alexander Technique procedures, but about where some of it’s basic principles actually came from.

Jeando Masoero a French Alexander Technique teacher and self-described “archaeologist” of the Technique, has discovered a heretofore unknown link between Alexander and Francois Delsarte, a Frenchman whose Method Alexander taught in Australia before moving to England.

We’ve known for some time that Alexander originally promoted himself as a teacher of the Delsarte Method, but its always been hard to imagine how Alexander could have learned much about it because there were no writings by Delsarte or his students that he could have read. But Jeando discovered that Delsarte’s younger brother Camille, also a teacher of the Delsarte Method, moved to – of all places! – Tasmania in 1851 and lived in Hobart, the capital for about 20 years. He had a huge influence on musicians and actors locally and on the mainland of Australia.

Alexander was no doubt influenced by Delsarte’s work. His initial decision to use mirrors to learn the truth about what he was doing to cause his vocal difficulties, for example, comes right out of Delsarte’s emphasis on using mirrors for self-discovery and self-improvement. A great deal more about the Alexander – Delsarte connection at Jeando’s website or here: Francois Delsaarte’s influence of F. Mattias Alexander and the Alexander Technique

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