Jews At The American Renaissance Conference

From Z Man:

A good example of this is a conversation I had with a Jewish guy on Friday night. That’s right, there was a Jewish guy at AmRen. In fact, there were quite a few. Something almost no one knows or thinks about is that smart Jews are having the same debates among themselves about the roles of race and identity in Western society. My sense is that race is the trigger point. Smart Jewish guys grow up in nice safe middle class towns learning the egalitarian faith, only to get into the world and see the reality of race.

Just to get this out of the way, in case it is not obvious, I’ve always been on the side of Jared Taylor when it comes to who is white in America. His line about Jews is “They sure look white to me.” That becomes blazingly obvious when you talk to a conservative Jew about religion or race. Long before I came into hate blogging I knew this, having had this conversation with conservative Jews in the past. I’m also fine with people who think otherwise and are into the JQ. So are the Jews I met at AmRen.

It is at a thing like AmRen where you can appreciate just how oppressive and stupid our intellectual life has become in the West. There are few places on earth where a Jew and non-Jew can talk about something like racial identity or the realities of black life. The guy I was chatting with was like a lot of people I met at AmRen. He was bursting to talk about this stuff because you can’t do this anywhere anymore, other than in the comment sections of sites like this. We really are living in an age of madness.

If one is looking for the little green shoots, a place like AmRen is a good place to start. No where else in America can a guy like Richard Spencer have a jovial and thoughtful conversation with a Jewish guy about whether Jews fit into white identity. Spencer thinks Jews are a separate identity group and he thinks Jews will figure that out on their own and do their own thing. The Jewish guy in this case, is unsure, but that’s why he was sounding out Spencer on the issue. Try having that conversation on a college campus.

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The Ari Shaffir Comedy Special

I just watched the first Ari Shaffir comedy special on Netflix on children. It made me ill. #Poison

A goy: “I knowwww!! It’s… like… see how unselfaware he is? Like obviously he doesn’t realize that he’s being Shlomo Shekelberg. But he is! It’s like his genes are running a program. Weird. I used to like him but my red pilling has made me see him totally different. But I think I still like Seinfeld and Larry David.”

Comedy = hostility. Eros = hostility.

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NYT: ‘Uneasy Welcome as Ultra-Orthodox Jews Extend Beyond New York’

Why would there be unease over hundreds of Orthodox Jews moving into a neighborhood? Are you saying that different groups have different interests? That sounds unAmerican to me.

New York Times:

The influx, however, has provoked tensions with long-established residents, as the ultra-Orthodox seek to establish a larger footprint for their surging population. Residents complain that investors or real estate agents representing the ultra-Orthodox community have been ringing doorbells persistently, offering to buy properties at “Brooklyn prices.” Jersey City, Toms River and Jackson have all passed no-knock ordinances barring such inquiries under the threat of fines or have banned solicitations altogether.

The mayor of Jersey City, Steven Fulop, said his town took pride in its diversity but had been concerned about “very aggressive solicitation.”

…New York City and the surrounding suburbs are home to the largest concentration of Jews in the country and because of their high birthrate — five or six children are common — Hasidic and other ultra-Orthodox Jews represent the fastest-growing subset. They are now estimated to number about 330,000 in New York City alone — one-third of the city’s overall Jewish population.

They have become a more muscular political and social force and have turned the generally liberal profile of the area’s Jews more observant and conservative. Lakewood Township, near the Jersey Shore, voted for Donald J. Trump last year by the largest margin — 50 percentage points over Hillary Clinton — of any New Jersey community, according to an analysis by NJ Advance Media.

Squeezed out of their traditional neighborhoods, ultra-Orthodox Jews have taken steps that have raised concerns as they settle into new communities.

Michele Massey, a former Jersey City councilwoman who is the executive director of an organization that oversees a commercial corridor along Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, said Hasidim had opened a synagogue on the avenue despite a recent zoning change forbidding new houses of worship.

“It’s not because they’re Jewish,” Ms. Massey said of her opposition. “It could have been any other religion or group. It was simply the zoning law. I’m a person of color. Obviously I don’t care who lives where.”

The Hasidim contend that they have been primarily buying boarded-up or vacant homes and that solicitations have come from outside investors, not from the families that have moved in. They support the city’s no-knock law and point out that the Hasidic families that have moved into the Greenville neighborhood are a minuscule fraction of the area’s 47,000 people, half of whom are black…

Underlying the objections of many municipalities is an often unspoken worry that ultra-Orthodox Jews will transform the character of their communities. The ultra-Orthodox may not explicitly raise the specter of anti-Semitism, but they do see a bias against their unconventional lifestyle, modest dress and customs. Orthodox Jews, in general, live in tight-knit communities because of their need to cluster around an infrastructure that includes a synagogue within walking distance, kosher butchers, yeshivas for boys and girls, and ritual baths.

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From An Editor At Reason Magazine

Libertarianism 2017!

Reason magazine editor Elizabeth Nolan Brown wants to ruin this young man’s life over a joke.

I pray there are no negative repercussions from this incident for either of them.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Anyone using social media must be aware that others such as the unReasonable people do not play by the same rules. Do not expect fair play or civil discourse. The Marquis of Queensbury was obviously part of the dreaded Patriarchy so his influences must be eliminated.

* Shouldn’t this be an example of Sailer’s first law of female professionals: They can’t stand criticism!

Or is it: They can be vicious when someone makes a silly remark they don’t like but they expect their mistakes to be instantly forgiven.

* Libertarianism is a Jewish ideological plot to atomize and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the United States.

* Libertarians have always been heavy on the (selective) libertinism and rather light on the liberty. Someone once described them as “closeted homosexual pot smokers who like low taxes” and the type seems to have some truth in it. Their gambit is ratifying leftist social war victories (no matter the means or the implications for conflicting liberties) while not putting their shoulders behind the right’s push back against creeping left wing authoritarianism. They seem to get off on opportunities for finger-wagging to their right with “neener-neener, I told you so” (e.g., the bizarro-world where if government was never “in the marriage business” we wouldn’t be forcing pizza parlors to cater gay “weddings” at gun point).

* It’s remarkable how eager so many “libertarians” are to play the identity politics game, and most viciously, when it offends their own favored groups.

Cathy Young will be the first to call something “anti-Semitic” and “racist” when it suits her. This other woman at Reason is happy to sic her dogs on anyone who disrespects her “feminist” needs. I see also that Reason is seriously bent out of shape over Trump’s transgender ban.

How different are these people, really, from the PC left? How can they not see that their own behavior is just more of PC gone wild?

Frankly, as usual, these “libertarians” just give me the creeps. Like all ideologues, they lack entirely any sense of proportion.

* I saw this Twitter exchange too. I was appalled, thought about it for a minute, and decided that mob violence is intellectually consistent libertarianism, and continued to be appalled.

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Should Rapists Have Pride?

Imagine a guy who says: I was born a rapist, but–no no, don’t worry, don’t freak out. I’m not a practicing rapist, thanks to years of the preemptive conversion therapy literally blasted at me from every public institution in the West. So, I’m just celibate.

Should I come out? I know a few guys who are public about their depraved thoughts. One guy even celebrates it! Rape pride, he says. We are the world.

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