Tag Archives: Torah

Bibliyoga.com’s Marcus J. Freed Live On My Cam

Here is his site Bibliyoga.com. I met Marcus at LimmudLA last February. We started our conversation at Jeff’s Gourmet Sunday evening. It was cold and windy. Marcus: "Bibliyoga is a body-soul workout….[connecting] spirituality to the body. " Luke: "Can straight … Continue reading

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The Santa Rampage

I don’t fully understand what "postmodern" means but a man dressed as a Santa going on a killing rampage strikes me as post-modern. When the Cowboys against the Giants ten days ago on first and goal at the Giants one … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Torah And Porn

When I wrote critical things about pornographers, they often as not threatened to break my legs. When I wrote critical things about Hollywood players, they often as not threatened to sue me. When I wrote critical things about Torah Jews, … Continue reading

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Maps To The Stars — Of Torah!

HymenRoth:  Young man, were I to visit your city, would you be so kind as to provide me with a torah tour of the local Jewish community? HymenRoth:  I am most interested in places of yicchus. HymenRoth:  I think the … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk

Watch the discussion here. This week’s portion is Vayetze.

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