The Tribe

* Liberal Jews are drinking their own supply, going extinct.

* Ariel Sharon was Israel’s Nixon without the paranoia.

* Israeli men are more alphas than nebbishy, while American Jewish men are often more nebbishy than alpha. Nebs often have higher IQs than alphas.

* The Eternal Jew of mythology is more nebbishy than alpha. He holds the King’s loans but he’s no threat to the throne.

* Bibi, Rabin, Avigdor Lieberman, Meir Kahane (Israeli leaders on right) are alphas. Shimon Peres and Laborites are nebbishes.

* Many USA Jews in power such as Harvey Weinstein, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Abe Foxman, Richard Cohen, are more nebbishy than alphas.

* I’m organizing a WASP charm school for ex-Hasidim.

* Jewish feminism equals Jewish women who feel inferior to shiksas and are angry that Jewish men can do better than them.

* When inter-dating started by Jewish men, Jewish women reacted by pushing feminism (reducing male sex choices, increasing female choice).

* Jewish feminism is anger about not being wanted by Jewish men (who often prefer non-Jewish women as black men often prefer white women).

* Most obnoxious “Me too!” Harvey Weinstein posts are by fat ugly women who are proud that when they were younger, hotter and tighter, somebody wanted them. Hot women don’t need to tweet “Me too!”

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Is There Anything Jewish About Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Behavior?

Judaism holds that sex should be kept for marriage, but outside of Orthodox Judaism, Jews on average have far more sex partners than non-Jews.

The outrageous of Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood Gay Mafia, Jeffrey Epstein, and other Jewish sexual predators are just the flip side of the Jewish trait of assertiveness. Jews make excellent attorneys, for example, because they can passionately argue a case. Jews tend to have chutzpah. This allows them to do things that non-Jews would often feel too inhibited to do. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is bad.

I don’t think I could have ever written about the porn industry if I hadn’t converted to Judaism first. While Judaism is completely opposed to pornography, converting to the tribe gave me chutzpah to do anything and this has been good and bad.

America would never have had the nuclear bomb when it did if not for Jewish scientists (and this saved at least a million gentile lives that would have been spent invading Japan). On the other hand, all the scientists who gave America’s nuclear secrets to Stalin were Jewish.

Different groups have different gifts.

Name me a living German. It’s hard to do (other than Angela Merkel). Prior to WWII, Germany was the most culturally influential country in the world. After WWII, it had little cultural influence. Why? Because it lost its Jews.

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The Jews Refused

Comment: It’s always amazing to me that Jews who are otherwise intelligent seriously spout–as if they believe it themselves, not just pushing it as propaganda–a completely cartoon version of Jewish history and “oppression”.

European national peoples are all a melange of whatever tribes existed in the area, plus the contributions of various invaders, who were Christianized–converted en masse–at various times over the last couple thousand years. The unique and salient feature of the Jews, is that they are a people who *refused* to integrate with their neighbors–socially, culturally, genetically–and hence were able to maintain themselves as a separate tribe down to the present day.

Jews acting like their ancestors were all little MLKs giving “I have a dream” speech and just wishing that every man should be judged “by the content of his character” and wanting to get together with the gentiles break bread and sing kumbaya … absolutely the most laughable pablum propaganda ever.

The Europeans were the integrationists–live there, speak the language, celebrate the local traditions, go to the local church, marry one of your neighbors … and you were, or would in a generation or two become, one of the local people–English, Bavarian, Frisan, Alsatian, what have you. The Jews were the reverse, the hyper-tribalist non-integrationists who rejected assimilation with their neighbors. (Actually with very specific religious commandments against social association with the goyim.)

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NY State blesses ‘incest’ marriage between uncle, niece

New York Post 2014:

The state’s highest court has toppled a cultural taboo — legalizing a degree of incest, at least between an uncle and niece — in a unanimous ruling.

While the laws against “parent-child and brother-sister marriages . . . are grounded in the almost universal horror with which such marriages are viewed . . . there is no comparably strong objection to uncle-niece marriages,” Tuesday’s ruling reads.

Judge Robert Smith of the Court of Appeals wrote that such unions were lawful in New York until 1893 and Rhode Island allows them.

The decision stems from a case brought by Vietnamese citizen Huyen Nguyen, 34, a woman who had appealed a ruling by an immigration judge.

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Is Netanyahu The Greatest Statesman Of Our Age?

Comment: Netanyahu, both personally and politically, is by far the greatest national leader of our age. He is a second founding father to his country, and his genius is proven by the dog that does not bark. Despite occasional rumblings on campus, BDS is a spent movement, and before it can even begin to get going again Israel will have quietly achieved, through creeping demographic conquest, the defacto and irreversible annexation of the West Bank and Jerusalem. And this time, through smart family planning policies, deployment of the latest security technologies (drones, Iron Dome, smart fences), and a general let’s-keep-our-heads-down attitude-things-are-going-great there will be none of the public relations agony (Mohammad Dura, stalemate in Lebanon, weekly pizzeria bombings) that bedeviled it during the 90′s and 00′s.

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