A Night at the Garden

Youtube: * In 1939, New York’s Madison Square Garden was host to an enormous—and shocking—gathering of 22,000 Americans that has largely been forgotten from our history.

* I believe after this disgusting spectacle in the Garden as they exited a crowd of loyal Jewish Americans attacked them and gave them a thorough ass whupping which they most definitely deserved. This rally looked very much like the many rallies Trump had during his campaign and continues to have. Eventually this alcoholic Kuhn was discovered to have embezzled something like fifteen thousand dollars from the coffers of this disgraceful German-American Bund and was deported to Germany where he died in ignominy from the alcoholism he was plagued by.

* Reading the comments on here, I assume that Marshall Curry got exactly what he wanted. This is by no means a “documentary” as there is zero history of what is going on other than a rally. No mention of the protests outside, only the footage of the plumbers helper trying to say “death to Hitler”

This is all about attacking Trump and trying to tie him into a Nazi movement that is NOT happening. I guarantee you there were more Nazi’s in the USA pre WWII than there are now.

Trump may attack the media that are attacking him, HOWEVER he does not call them “the Jewish controlled media” and in fact, he does not want to divide this country between the races, he wants us to all live in peace.

It is the liberal agenda to bash Trump any way they can. Associating him with racism is just one of the ways they are doing it.

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Does Dodger Pitcher Yu Darvish Infuriate WNs?

Every WN I know admires the Japanese, sees Japan as a model, perhaps the model for an ethnic state, and has more positive views on Iran than the average American. So no, Yu Darvish, doesn’t infuriate WNs.

I notice that at the end of his performance last night, Yu Darvish saluted the umpire. This is the sort of good manners that cultured people appreciate. I wish more Americans had the good manners and good looks of Yu Darvish.

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WW: Two Decades After Author Jim Goad Fell From Grace In Portland, He’s Re-emerged As an Icon of the Alt-Right

From Willamette Weekly:

Twenty years ago, Jim Goad was Portland’s hottest new writer.

When he gave a reading of his first book in May 1997, fans spilled onto the sidewalks outside Reading Frenzy, the downtown counterculture bookshop owned by now City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly. They were there to get a look at the 35-year-old author with a rockabilly bouffant and a heart tattooed on his sculpted biceps.

“There were people out the door, peering in the windows,” he now remembers.

Goad was then a breakout name in Portland, where he lived for 11 years. The Temple University graduate arrived here with a bit of notoriety as the creator of a crass zine called Answer Me! that printed “ironic” essays in favor of rape and abusing women. In Portland, he wrote his first and most infamous book, The Redneck Manifesto, which earned him a $100,000 book deal from Simon & Schuster.

Early reviews of Redneck—which opened with a chapter called “White Niggers Have Feelings Too” and uses the N-word a total of 76 times—were mostly positive. Florida’s Sun-Sentinel called it a “furious, profane, smart and hilariously smart aleck defense of working-class white culture,” while Publishers Weekly said he was “writing at the top of his voice” and “merits a listen.” Kirkus Reviews wrote that while Redneck was “sure to infuriate the liberal reader, he is also likely to make that same reader laugh ruefully, and often.” WW praised the book’s “brutally candid critique of American race relations.”

That book was the closest Goad got to mainstream success.

Twenty years later, Goad has become instead a leading figure in far-right fringe media. Best-selling author Michael Malice called him “godfather of the new right.”

In 2016, Gavin McInnes, a co-founder of Vice Media who later founded the Proud Boys—a far-right men’s organization whose members dress in MAGA hats and Fred Perry polos—called Goad “the greatest writer of our generation.” McInnes lists The Redneck Manifesto as one of three “required” books on modern Western culture, alongside Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West and Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 by Charles Murray.

“This is Proud Boy Holy scripture,” reads a review of Goad’s book on the Proud Boys’ website. “This book could be our bible.”

Goad’s popularity during the Trump era has seen a resurgence. Goad says his former publisher doesn’t give him figures, but The Redneck Manifesto’s sales are accelerating. It’s been through 17 printings, and its Amazon sales rank shot up 200,000 places between 2012 and 2017. It’s currently the No. 30 top-selling book in “minority studies.”

“People see that Trump got elected, and they want to know how this monster came to power,” says Goad. “They come to me for the etiology of the disease.”

Portlanders often view the alt-right that elected Trump as a phenomenon foreign to our city. But the “bible” of the Proud Boys was written right here. If you want to know where the angry white men of the alt-right came from, it’s important to try to comprehend Jim Goad.

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Two Prominent Alt Right Jews Have Shut Down

They operated for months under the pseudonyms “Reactionary Jew” and “Ari Ben Canaan.” Also, Joshua Seidel quit Twitter.

There are a growing number of online resources for Alt Right Jews, including:

Twitter Accounts:

* AltRabbi
* Luke Ford
* Steve Notovitz
* Elvis Nixon
* Crud Bonemeal
* Yair Stern
* The Rebbe
* Alt Jewish
* Bar HeiHei
* Based Airman
* Matts Our Semite


* The Jewish Alternative
* The Jewish Right (Joshua Seidel)
* Alt Zionism (Ari Ben Canaan)
* Luke Ford

Alt Right Rabbis:

* Mayer Schiller

My essay: “Jews for Consistency

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The Jewish Family Making Billions From The Opioid Crisis

A friend notes: “There is a lot about the Sacklers and their marketing techniques in Sam Quinones’ book Dreamland, about the Opoid Crisis. The book is terrific. I thought Quinones got robbed of a Pulitzer.”

From the Forward: If you’ve ever been to a famous art museum or glanced around a prestigious university, you’ve probably seen a wing or building named after a member of the Sackler family. But many may not know that the family’s fortune comes from selling pharmaceuticals—most notably OxyContin, the addictive painkiller at the center of America’s opioid epidemic.

A new profile in Esquire chronicles the life and business practices of Arthur, Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, three brothers from a Jewish immigrant family who built a medical empire. Their descendants privately own Purdue Pharma, which was instrumental in using lobbying and advanced marketing techniques to convince doctors of the need to manage patients’ pain—and then prescribe OxyContin to manage it.

As OxyContin use ballooned in the 1990s and 2000s, so did addiction. Journalist Christopher Glazek noted that under the direction of Richard Sackler, Raymond’s son, “Purdue responded [to criticism] with symbolic concessions while retaining its volume-driven business model. To prevent addicts from forging prescriptions, the company gave doctors tamper-resistant prescription pads; to mollify pharmacists worried about robberies, Purdue offered to replace, free of charge, any stolen drugs.”

In 2007, Purdue was fined $600 million by the federal government for lying to doctors about the potential for patients to abuse OxyContin. No members of the Sackler family were named in the case.

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