LAT: ‘Nearly 100 nuns at a nursing home near the Skirball fire were evacuated. With nowhere to go, staff took them in’

Whatever happened to Catholic charity? I can’t believe a group of 100 nuns could find no help from the Los Angeles Catholic community. If these were Jews in trouble, our community would have rallied to help them.

Unlike Protestantism, which focuses on the individual, Catholicism focuses on the community. So where was their community?

Los Angeles Times:

Kowalski, 87, is among the nearly 100 retired nuns who live at the Carondelet Center in Brentwood — a nursing home for the Sisters of St. Joseph, a congregation of Catholic nuns.

The nursing home sits atop a hill and is surrounded by thick brush on all sides. It is also not far from the Sepulveda Pass. Firefighters Thursday worried that if winds picked up, the flames from the Skirball fire — which had already destroyed six homes and damaged 12 more — could jump the 405 Freeway and race west.

That would put the nursing home right in its path.

With wind gusts picking up and air quality already compromised, the nursing home staff didn’t want to take the risk of staying. Everyone was evacuated by 7 a.m. Wednesday.

But now the nuns, many of whom are in their late 80s or older, suddenly needed places to stay.

The staff had an idea: Why not have them stay with us?

“We don’t want to take the risk and put them through this again if we’re asked to evacuate again,” said Sister Anne McMullen, an administrator at the nursing home.

“So this was the safest and most comfortable option we could think of.”

Maintenance workers, nurses, administrators and drivers offered up their homes.

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Tats & Crooks

From the book Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life:

* A study, which focused on the relationship between tattoos and the criminal way of life, found that criminals get tattoos for reasons such as “self-indulgence, a need for gratification, a deep commitment to delinquency and criminality and a disregard of their consequences” and concluded that tattoos endorse the criminal lifestyle.

Tattoos have been shown to be associated with high-risk behavior. Several studies have linked tattoos with “deviance, personality disorders, substance abuse, risk-taking behavior, and criminality.”163 One scholar writes, “The criminal world universally considers tattoos an inseparable part of their symbols.”

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Porn Star August Ames Commits Suicide After Bullying By SJWs

Comments at Steve Sailer:

Briefly, to get out ahead of this since I have been following it:
–Porn stars tell themselves they are safe because of testing (for venereal disease).
–Porn stars are largely leftists who support LGBT causes and see themselves as championing individual freedom, especially the freedom of women to choose their partners.
–They have this idee fixe that mandating testing will guarantee lying and cheating; the control here is that a person who does not volunteer for voluntary testing can always be rejected through female sexual sovereignty.
–There have already been several scandals where irate industry rejects and troublemakers have “outed” people with their real names and medical records. This is very unpleasant and illegal, but it has also established beyond doubt that voluntary testing (and discovering infection after the fact) is a joke.
–A large number of porn stars commit suicide, often overdosing on painkillers.
–”August Ames” (original name Mercedes Grabowski) was assigned to “do a scene” with a primarily gay guy who does not condescend to meet the voluntary testing protocol.
–The gay venereal disease situation is like the black venereal disease situation, and for the same reasons. Thus there is a certain undeclared boundary, of porn stars who categorically reject blacks and bisexuals, and from that it proceeds that the Left wants that boundary broken down.
–Ames warned [whoever replaced her for this scene] on twitter about the guy who’s too good to get tested or wear a condom.
–She was immediately targeted by the gay mafia, to include a “journalist” who framed her statements as rank homophobia and “offered” her the chance to explain herself, like a cop might. This is important because governments are looking at official registration of real journalists, and because it represented a threat of further publicity.
–One gay guy flat out told her to apologize or commit suicide (“swallow cyanide”). His tone was not unique.
–He later explained his actions in incomprehensible Leftspeak: “I used her platform to address an issue.”
–Ames hung herself after two days of comments like this.
–She had some support: at least one fellow female star explained to a third party that the man Ames was avoiding was known to not meet the protocols.
–There is a general situation where gay men are allowed to do whatever they want, most recently illustrated by California making it legal to not inform sexual partners of HIV-infected status.
–This might seem sordid or unimportant, but the suicide of August Ames actually ties together the whole brainlessness and destructiveness of the left and their ad hoc, reinvent the wheel, permissive morality.
–Somewhat OT illustration of the same larger issue: somewhere there is a (pg-rated) “gotcha” interview of (fully clothed) Alexis Texas at a convention. She’s part Puerto Rican and famously does not do blacks. And the interviewer is confronting her about as aggressively as is legal about it. Her voice shakes as she mumbles about how who she sleeps with is her choice.

* Yes, no one could surpass the Kennedies for using and destroying women. The entire clan, multi-generational, starting with Joe Sr. — drunks, scumbags, lechers, rapists, slayers of mistresses, etc. JFK Jr. was told he didn’t have the piloting skills to fly his new plane in the dark and bad weather, but, hey, what did they know? So he brought along his wife and her sister. Why squander your own life when you can wipe out a couple of chicks on the way?

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Trump’s Sinister Anti-Semitic Motivations For Recognizing Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Unz’s own Israel Shamir, hints at an opposite ‘anti-Semitic’ interpretation of this Trump move … as a very clever anti-Israeli & anti-Jewish-lobby wrecking ball, using Israel’s own over-reaching desires to ruin it, as a couple of commenters above also suggest.

On this view, Trump’s gambit with Israel is to pretend to give them what they want, Jerusalem as the capital, annexing more of the West Bank etc … Jewish over-reach will provoke such a huuge reaction, that the world community will more quickly move to declare racial-law Israel an apartheid state, and isolate it as a pariah, so that even in the USA Jewish influence will implode, to Trump’s secret pleasure.

This argument is that Trump, precisely because he has always had to adapt to a Jewish mentality, having spent his entire career amidst it, from his earliest days with Meyer Lansky’s friend Roy Cohn, is quite weary of Jewish power and wishes to bring Jewish influence to heel.

A related idea is that Trump is shaking the table in order to let the mid-east dominoes fall into conflict, Israel with its neighbours & the various Muslim factions & communities against each other, ultimately buttressing his anti-immigration, ring-fence-the-Anglo-culture positioning, as the world watches mid-East nations fire up deadly major conflict out of what increasingly seems to be their inner nature.

The theory is that Trump is lighting up the mid-East on purpose, as the best tool he has to demolish both Jewish influence, and the Islamist-fellow-traveler fake progressives in the West.

* I don’t think it’s possible to fight both the American Jewish left (fanatically pro-massive-non-White-immigration) and the Jewish right (fanatically pro-Israel) at the same time. Somehow a wedge issue must be found. Netanyahu has shown a surprising willingness to support ethnic nationalism in Eastern Europe (Visegrad Group).

He recently opined that reform Judasism would disappear in the US within two generations due to liberal Jewish race-mixing and assimilation.

If the Jewish right is really writing off the Jewish left in this way, then they will have to find new allies in the West. These almost certainly will not be gentile leftists, who despise all ethno-national states including certainly Israel. The reasonable thing to do would be to ally with Western nationalists who are willing to accept a Jewish state, as pretty much all of us do. It looks to me like this is where things are headed long term, and I’m cautiously optimistic about this development.

If the deal is that we accept Jerusalem and the Israeli wall, and we get our own wall, that’s OK with me.

* Clearly the symbolism matters more than the practicality. Jerusalem is obviously Israel’s capital – its parliament, prime minister, supreme court, and president are all located there. The US puts its embassies in capital cities for every other country. We don’t say, ‘yeah, Berlin is your capital but the skiing is way better outside of Munich so we’re putting the embassy there.’

Not having the embassy in Jerusalem has been simply a sop to the Arab lobby and to their threats. They oppose everything that Israel wants on principle. There is the fiction that Jerusalem was supposed to be a UN administered corpus separatorum, but that went out the window when Israel accepted, but the Arabs rejected, the UN partition plan in 1948 and the Arabs invaded. Good on Trump for ending those shenanigans.

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Avinu Malkeinu

I had a dream this morning that I was wandering around a dark building in the very early morning when I met a goy who said, “There’s somebody outside with a gun who’s trying to kill us. We need to run. But as you run, please sing ‘Avinu Malkeinu‘ as loud as you can.'”

So I ran outside singing my best Avinu Malkeinu ever and as I tried to remember the words, I woke up. It was 2:54 am.

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