Mexico’s Congress Seems Oppressively White


* Whites like Del Toro sit as a thin film at the top of Mexican society, much as Jews do in the US. In both cases, the .7-1.0 SD difference in IQ at the group level leads to several orders of magnitude of outsized influence.

It’s La Griffe’s smart-fraction theory through the lens of ethnic networking.

Del Toro the individual, who would be a despised conquistador in Chiapas, is a typical Hollywood/Manhattan courtier peddling crap that he knows will receive support and acclaim from the Ministry of Information.

* Bottom line, ‘the fringes’ are really the centers of power. They are the ones who cannot be criticized in any way, are the defacto Aristocracy, and do most of the censoring and controlling of society’s boundaries.

* Del Toro is one of those people, like James Whale, Tim Burton and David Cronenberg, who have a gift for design, but aren’t terribly good at storytelling.

* I think you hit Del Toro’s weakness on the nose – he’s spending hundreds of millions of dollars setting moods with visual design but without stories to match. The visual style can fool you into thinking there’s going to be a good film but it just doesn’t work out that way.

He also seems to have a fetish for inserting his own Manichean politics into his projects. Of course both Pan’s Labyrinth and Devil’s Backbone featured Francoists as the baddies. The Strain couldn’t resist making both the original Vampire a fan of the NAZIs and his adjutant an actual NAZI, and hitting you over the head with NAZI parallels to the vampires.

* Remember Mohamed Noor, the Minneapolis policeman who for unknown reasons shot and killed a nice Australian tourist when she tried to say something to his partner? Turns out he was hired after the city drastically lowered their standards for psychological screening in the name of diversity. Welp, turns out that those lowered standards are still keeping out too many vibrant applicants, so they are being lowered even further.

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Bribing The Press

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* It would seem to me that Mexico is just practicing a less sophisticated form of message control that is commensurate with its generally lower standard of living, i.e. outright bribes in the form of advertising payoffs and the occasional strong-arm tactics. Whereas here in America, the money is sanitized by funneling it through a maze of government agencies, obscure grant windows, foundations, think tanks, endowments, shell companies, and other financial subsidiaries, until it becomes ritually purified; and the threat of shunning, silencing, un-personing, and career track devastation are enough to keep any dissenters in line. Not there are many dissenters anyway, since all practitioners of the journalistic craft are carefully vetted by the universities, the professional organizations, and the internship process so as to ensure that they are bonded and certified PC.

But, since in both cases, after normalizing for the degree of sophistication, the process is essentially the same, it appears to be an intrinsic feature of modern societies rather than an aberration. It should not be surprising that he who pays the piper calls the tune. Most journalists would rather eat than be martyrs for truth.

Indeed, there really cannot be any such thing as a “free press” that does not depend on money and protection from another source who may seek to influence it. What there can be, however, is meaningful opposition to Leviathan’s press corps, but only if people are willing to put some effort into it.

In plain English, this means that people have to be willing to pay for it. It is unrealistic to expect anything to materialize from the efforts of a few heroic bloggers who, after exhausting themselves at their daily wage slavery, stay up late into the night trying to fight the power by tapping away at their keyboards for stuff-all. Nothing against the heroes, mind you; but it is a poor reflection on the people they are trying to lead, when the latter will not lend their encouragement and financial support. There are entire books that could be written right now, and there are people with the talent to write them, but they are lacking in the time and the means. If only such support were forthcoming, we could genuinely change the face of American culture.

This is why I’m supporting Steve’s fundraising drive with my limited abilities and I entreat everyone else here to do the same. There was a time when journalists would produce extremely well-written and and well-researched monographs, traveling to foreign lands, hanging about the encampments of battlefields, diving into industries and governments. We can make it to be so again, and the books we write will influence a generation and will shine out across time. We have the will to do so, we just need the means.

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Why Are Guatemala And Honduras Moving Their Embassies To Jerusalem?

Newsweek: “The United States is an important source of assistance to Guatemala and Honduras, and Trump had threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that supported the U.N. resolution.”

According to ADL surveys and the like, Latinos have a high rate of anti-semitism but it is more accurate to say that they have a high rate of noticing. By assenting to propositions such as “Jews control the media” or “Jews have disproportionate power and influence over American politics”, Latinos are then graded as “anti-Semitic” by the ADL.

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WP: Jeff Flake is the latest Republican to acknowledge the GOP’s race and gender problem

How come you rarely see stories about the Democrats race and gender problem? After all, white males are reluctant to vote Democrat. How come that’s not an issue?

The Coalition of the Fringe (minorities) have an interest in banding together against the white Christian core. The Democrats represent the angry fringe and Republican represent America’s core.

Black reporter Eugene Scott writes for the Washington Post:

Sen. Jeff Flake (R.-Ariz.) repeated a frequent criticism of his party that could be a bigger challenge for them in the 2018 elections than President Trump’s unpopularity — a lack of diversity.

The conservative lawmaker said on ABC’s “This Week”:

“When you look at some of the audiences cheering for Republicans, sometimes, you look out there and you say, ‘those are the spasms of a dying party.’

“When you look at the lack of diversity, sometimes, and it depends on where you are, obviously, but by and large, we’re appealing to older white men and there are just a limited number of them, and anger and resentment are not a governing philosophy,” he continued.

This is a familiar critique of the GOP that even conservative lawmakers have become increasingly vocal and concerned about. In recent large scale elections, most people of color have voted Democrat and most Republicans are white, according to the Pew Research Center. And most women have voted for the Democratic candidate while the right often wins the male vote.

In other words, the more divided and angry Americans get, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. The more people get married and have kids, the more likely they are to vote Republican. The more affordable it is to make a family, the more Republicans thrive. The more challenging it is to make a family, the more Democrats thrive. It all comes down to Steve Sailer’s Affordable Family Formation theory.

Jews will tend to vote for the Coalition of the Fringe because they fear a strongly white Christian majority could hurt them. Blacks and latinos will usually vote for the Coalition of the Fringe because their low average IQs means they need more social welfare spending and don’t mind higher taxes on the wealthy because they are rarely wealthy.

Most white people around the world want strong law enforcement, lower taxes and less social welfare spending because that is in their group interest.

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NYT: ‘ISIS Is Resilient in Afghanistan Despite U.S. Campaign’

I presume this condition exists because the ISIS program better fits with the Afghani DNA than does the American program. Liberal democracy is great for populations with an average IQ of 97 and higher. The average Afghan IQ is 84, four points lower than the average IQ of Mexico.

Some groups do better under authoritarian regimes.

New York Times:

The Islamic State is far from being vanquished in eastern Afghanistan, surviving intense pressure from American airstrikes and raids by United States and Afghan forces.
The group has waged brutal attacks that have displaced thousands of families and forced even some Taliban fighters to seek government protection.

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