I totally buy that and any goy who doesn’t is an antisemite

“Even these groups, fighting what they see as threats to immigrants and minorities in the era of President Donald Trump, lack the bandwidth to make this a priority issue.”

JTA Article: A pro-Israel philanthropist is furious at the country’s treatment of African refugees

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Trannies Who Scared Steve Sailer

Three of the most obnoxious Google employees named in the James Damore lawsuit are trannies.

Steve Sailer writes: That’s been my experience: for a lethal combination of high IQ, hostility, and taking things personally, nobody compares to the late onset ex-men. For example, I’ve had a lot of run-ins with the SPLC over the years, but the only time they got me shook was about a dozen years ago when the SPLC teamed up with computer genius Lynn Conway and economist Donald/Deirdre McCloskey to persecute anybody who’d said a kind word about the Northwestern professor who’d published a book revealing their secret that they hadn’t always felt like a girl on the inside. Those two are really smart and really mean.

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Shalhevet Parts Ways With Dr. Noam Weissman

Because of how the following email is phrased, I think it was sexual talk that got him in trouble:

Shalhevet High School is saddened to announce that it will be parting company with one of its longtime educators, Dr. Noam Weissman, at the end of the school year.

Dr. Weissman has been affiliated with Shalhevet since 2009, first as a teacher, later as an administrator, and eventually as the Assistant Head of School and Principal. He has been instrumental in the school’s curricular development and cultivating countless programs that contribute to the academic and spiritual growth of our students. For those efforts we are deeply indebted, and we wish him and his family well in their future.

In October, the school received complaints about Dr. Weissman’s behavior towards other faculty members. As required by law, and in conformity with its policies, Shalhevet immediately retained an outside investigator to fully explore these complaints. The three-week investigation included interviews with faculty and staff.

To be clear, the investigator found absolutely no inappropriate physical contact of any sort by Dr. Weissman toward any person, nor any inappropriate conduct of any sort directed to any student. There was, in fact, no allegation by anyone of inappropriate conduct toward students.

The investigator did find that Dr. Weissman had made inappropriate comments to, and conduct toward, certain staff members. He was also unacceptably assertive toward several staff members, both male and female. While Dr. Weissman does not concur with many of the investigator’s findings, and regrets this sequence of events, he and the School have mutually agreed that for the remainder of the year, he would continue teaching with no administrative or supervisory duties, and that he would not return in the fall.

Shalhevet takes its workplace policies very seriously, prides itself as a leader within the Modern Orthodox world, and demands that all of its employees model respect toward everyone in the community. Shalhevet acknowledges the courage of the individuals who came forward to disclose their concerns.

As an institution, we take it as an opportunity to improve our institutional policies and practices. While this experience has been painful for our school, we remain committed to living by our values, reinforcing our high standards, and continuing to fulfill the school’s mission.

Rabbi Ari Segal and the Shalhevet Executive Board

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Michael Wolff: Trump ‘Aware Of Who’s Jewish In A Way That Feels Creepy’

Noticing is bad. Assimilated Jews particularly hate it when they are noticed as Jewish. People who like their identity don’t mind such noticing.


The author of the bombshell new book exposing the inner workings of the White House said in an interview on Monday that President Trump is “aware of who is Jewish in a way that feels creepy.”

Michael Wolff, the author of the new book “Fire and Fury,” also said on MSNBC that he believes that Trump is racist, xenophobic and sexist, and that he views women in “as transactional a way as he thinks about everything.”

When asked by host Katy Tur whether he thinks Trump is anti-Semitic, Wolff demurred, saying that former White House chief advisor Steve Bannon — himself accused of anti-Semitism — thought Trump was a racist but not an anti-Semite…

In his book, Wolff quoted former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger describing the internal battle between Bannon and senior advisor/son-in-law Jared Kushner for control of Trump’s agenda as “a war between the Jews and the non-Jews.”

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New York Times Reviews ‘Fire And Fury’ Book

Jonathan Martin writes in the New York Times:

Then there is the sloppiness: The former representative Dick Armey was never House speaker, the Washington lobbyist Hilary Rosen spells her first name with only one “l” and it is Mike Berman, Walter F. Mondale’s former counsel, who breakfasts at the Four Seasons, not the Washington Post reporter Mark Berman.

In other words, I’m really jealous at how successful this new book is and how it eclipses my work. I wish I could write as well and report as deeply as Michael Wolff. By comparison, I am a mere pedant.

Whenever a book review is reduced to criticizing minor spelling errors, you know it comes from a place of pettiness.

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