Narrative Clash

Goy: I was thinking about conversion to Judaism from a Catholic/Christian perspective & asked my Catholic buddy what the catechism would say about that — he said, basically, it’s impossible after baptism, because baptism can’t be reversed. But then I said, “But, from the Jewish perspective, that’s not true, right?” And he & I both realized that what’s going on here is something like a contest of “narrative perspective.” Reality really is shaped by which perspective you take. But then… how can these two irreconcilable views be reconciled *except within a framework of liberalism*?

And so… was Sargon correct?

And the scientific method seems like a kind of liberalism to me… at least, when it’s done correctly. I’m thinking of starting a book on Narrative Perspective & Epistemological Uncertainty… or something like that. I feel myself kinda bored with the certainty of the alt-right, and wanting to float up a level and see that as one narrative among many. But I don’t wanna just be a classical liberal either, cuz that’s embarrassing… it seems like we might have wars over narrative perspective in the next hundred years.

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Yahoo: The neo-Nazi has no clothes: In search of Matt Heimbach’s bogus ‘white ethnostate’

From Yahoo:

George Hawley, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Alabama and author of the recent book “Making Sense of the Alt-Right,” said that in his view the funding issue has always made the TWP’s community outreach plan seem “implausible.”

“In theory, the idea of gaining social support by providing useful services makes sense. That requires resources, however,” he said, noting that groups like Hezbollah and the Irish Republican Army, both of which Heimbach sites as influences for the TWP, “enjoyed significant financial assistance from the outside.”

“Perhaps Heimbach and his colleagues have some deep-pocketed sponsors that we don’t know about,” Hawley offered. “But it looks to me like a shoestring operation, and their members don’t appear to be doing any better financially than the people they would seek to assist.”

According to the FEC, 100 percent of donations to the TWP’s National Committee during the 2016 election cycle came from individuals, with the majority of “large” donors spending between $200 to $400 at a time (the maximum annual amount an individual can donate to a national party is $30,800). The party’s biggest single donation, a whopping $979, came from William Johnson, the head of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, who was selected by the Trump campaign to serve as one of its California delegates during the Republican presidential primaries. Johnson was ultimately removed from Trump’s list of California delegates after his white supremacist views were highlighted in the press, with the campaign blaming his acceptance on a “database error.”

Hawley went on to explain that, in terms of financing the broader white nationalist movement, the “TWP’s situation is not unique.”

“There are some wealthy people that support radical right causes that we know of, but they are few in number, and their contributions seem comparatively small,” he said. “There is no alt-right equivalent to the Koch brothers, so these groups are always strapped for cash.”

“We are not going to see a major alt-right think tank break ground in the Beltway anytime soon,” he continued. “Nor will the alt-right enjoy well-funded and well-organized grassroots groups equivalent to the conservative tea party.”

…Either that, or he’s painted himself so far into a corner that he simply can’t back out now. Regardless, Heimbach is hardly the only one whose participation in this movement has come at a cost. At its core, the TWP is centered on the claim that American society has deprived young white people, men in particular, of the right to community and economic opportunity. But for an overwhelming majority of the group’s members I’ve talked to, it’s their affiliation with white nationalism, more than anything, that has resulted in alienation by family, friends and even employers.

As Hovater, who lost his job as a restaurant cook after the Times article, told me, “At some point you become unemployable in the movement.”

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A New Look At The Jewish Question


I argue that the conventional wisdom among WAs [White Advocates] on the “Jewish Question” is mistaken. There is good reason to believe that many purported group differences between European Jews and gentile whites have been exaggerated. I argue that European Jews have a unique ethno-religious identity, but that they still have a white identity, and that Jews have increasingly been assimilating into white culture. I argue that if Jews are more hostile to WA interests than gentiles, this can largely be explained by group differences in religiosity, education, and perceived outgroup hostility. While I concede that Jewish elites have been disproportionately anti-white, I argue that this behavior, for the most part, is characteristic of Jewish elites rather than Jews in general. Finally, I argue that generalized hostility towards Jews is a counter-productive strategy that hurts our movement. I believe white advocacy should be a movement that accepts pro-white European Jews.

Make no mistake, we have every reason to blame antiwhite
Jews for the disproportionate impact they have
had on immigration policy and their efforts to
undermine white racial consciousness. Whites should
defend themselves, and should never be afraid to
confront their critics. However, it is unfair to blame an
entire people for harm done by their elites. Just as
blacks should not blame whites because a small
number of whites owned slaves, gentile whites should
not blame Jews or treat them all with hostility because
of the reprehensible actions of a small Jewish elite.
While we should vigorously oppose all anti-white
statements and actions, I believe it is not helpful to our
cause to oppose Jews as Jews.

I agree that many influential Jews have had a negative
impact on European civilization, and have done great
harm to our people via the ideologies they have
promoted. Nevertheless, I think there are large gaps
between the activities of the Jewish public and Jewish
elites. In other words, it is my contention that Jewish
elites, insofar as they are anti-white, for the most part
act independently of the larger Jewish population.

Kevin MacDonald wrote on page one of The Culture of Critique:

“There is no implication here [in The Culture
of Critique] of a unified Jewish “conspiracy”
to undermine gentile culture, as portrayed in
the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Since the Enlightenment, Judaism has never
been a unified, monolithic movement, and
there has clearly been a great deal of
disagreement among Jews as to how to protect
themselves and attain their interests during
this period. The movements discussed in this
volume (Boasian anthropology, political
radicalism, psychoanalysis, the Frankfurt
School of Social Research, and the New York
Intellectuals) were all advanced by relatively
few individuals whose views may not have
been known or understood by the majority of
the Jewish community. The argument is that
Jews dominated these intellectual movements,
that a strong sense of Jewish identity was
characteristic of the great majority of these
individuals, and these individuals were
pursuing a Jewish agenda in participating in
these movement . . . There is no implication
[in this book] that Judaism constitutes a
unified movement or that all segments of the
Jewish community participated in these
movements. Jews may constitute a
predominant or necessary element in radical
political movements or movements in the
social sciences, and Jewish identification may
be compatible with or even facilitate these
movements without most Jews being involved
in these movements. As a result, the question
of the overall effects of Jewish influence on
gentile culture is independent of the question
of whether most or all Jews supported the
movements to alter gentile culture.”

…When white advocates talk about “Jews,” they almost
always mean Ashkenazi or European Jews. Although
other Jewish subgroups are interesting, they are rarely
relevant to most discussions of the Jewish question.
Therefore, I have deliberately excluded any nonEuropean
Jews from Jewish samples, whenever this
was possible or prudent. [4]

In this essay “Jew” is a synonym (or near synonym) for “European Jew.”
Also, I use “gentile” primarily to describe white
Europeans who aren’t Jewish. Unless otherwise
specified, “gentile” always means “white gentile.”

One of the central assumptions of many white
advocates is that Jews see themselves as a separate,
non-white group. They believe Jews have no white
identity and no sense of kinship with or preference for
Europeans. Some even think that Jews are so highly
predisposed to ethnocentrism that they can never be
assimilated into gentile societies. I call this the
Separatist Theory.

On its face, this theory seems reasonable. Jews have
often kept their distance from gentiles. In particular,
Jews have shown powerful tendencies to live near
other Jews, marry other Jews, pick friends and
acquaintances who are Jews, and hire Jews. Even so,
there is reason to think that Jews are as capable of
integrating with gentiles as other white religious

In diverse societies, we would expect an alienated,
ethnocentric minority group to: (1) distrust most
people, (2) not expect most outsiders to be helpful, and
(3) not expect fair treatment from most people. This is
because most other people are not part of that minority.
Jews should therefore be less trusting than gentiles,
and should have lower expectations that others will
help them.

The data suggest otherwise. According to the GSS,
Jews were just as likely as most other white ethnic
groups to agree that “most people are trustworthy,”
and Jews were more likely than blacks, Hispanics, and
Asians to agree with that statement. Similarly, Jews
were as likely as most whites to agree that “most
people are fair” and that “most people are helpful;”
again, Jews were more likely than blacks, Hispanics,
and Native Americans to think so. [6] These findings
suggest that Jews do not display the kind of
ethnocentrism we would expect from an alienated,
ethnocentric minority group.

Problem 2: Jewish Intermarriage Rates and
Preferences for White Spouses

Intermarriage rates are one of the best indicators of
integration and assimilation. Although Jews are more
likely to marry within their religion than would be
expected by chance, rates of Jewish intermarriage
have risen more than threefold over the last 40 years.
Between 2005 and 2013, approximately 58 percent of
newly married Jews married a non-Jewish spouse (vs.
only 17 percent before the 1970s). [8] From the 1950s
to 2013, the proportion of Jews in new marriages who
married non-Jews increased at a linear rate of about
7.5 percentage points every decade. If current Jewish
intermarriage trends continue—and they show no sign
of stopping—by the year 2044 (the year the US Census
predicts that whites will become a minority), roughly
84 percent of American Jews who marry in that year
will marry a spouse who isn’t Jewish. Incidentally, the
annual increase in the share of people who marry
outside their religion has been far greater for American
Jews than it has been for Christians.

The exception to this trend is Orthodox Jews, who
rarely marry out. In several generations many
remaining Jews could be Orthodox, neither marrying
out nor assimilating. However, their effect on the
larger society is minimal—like that of the Amish.
Furthermore, unlike secular Jews, Orthodox Jews are
more likely than white Mainline Protestants,
Catholics, or Orthodox Christians to identify with the
Republican party.
[10] Recent statistics also suggest a
degree of instability to Orthodox Jewish identity.
According to the Pew Research Center, less than half
of those who were raised in an Orthodox Jewish
tradition still adhere to their religious upbringing as
According to recent data, married Jews were just as
likely as married gentiles to have a white spouse; in
both cases the figure was approximately 94 percent. [12]
When I combined Pew survey data with Reuters/Ipsos
data, I calculated that 12-16 percent of Jews in Jewgentile
marriages have non-white spouses. While this
is more than twice the out-marriage rate of whites as a
whole, it still means that Jews who marry out have a
clear preference for whites (given that the US is about
39 percent non-white). Put another way, Jews who
marry outside of their religion are roughly three times
less likely to marry a non-white person than would be
expected by chance.

According to the dating website CoffeeMeetsBagle,
white gentiles and Jews have very similar dating
preferences. [13]

Jews of both sexes were more likely
than white gentiles to prefer dating whites, despite the
fact that the website lets users state a preference for
any racial group. What’s more, Jews of both sexes
were more likely than gentiles to express an exclusive
preference for white people. This is not what one
would expect if Jews had no white identity.

Problem 5: Jewish Endogamy Rates Compared to
Other Religious Groups

Proponents of the Separatist Theory assume that Jews
are uniquely ethnocentric and that this reflects
something inherent in Jews. They argue further that
Jewish ethnocentrism is so ingrained that it is an
insurmountable barrier to successfully integrating
Jews into gentile societies.

However, Jews appear less ethnocentric than several
other groups. Using data from the Pew Research
Center, I found that Hindus, Orthodox Christians,
Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Buddhists, and
Mormons are all far more likely than Jews to be
endogamous, or marry within their religion. With the
possible exception of Muslims and Hindu…

The most straightforward way to test whether Jews
have a white identity is to see how they identify
themselves when presented with a wide choice of
racial categories. According to the Pew Research
Center, 90-95 percent of American Jews identify as
Non-Hispanic Whites (Note: “Net Jewish” means “All

The renowned writer, filmmaker, and social critic
Susan Sontag once wrote: “The white race is the
cancer of human history; it is the white race alone––its
ideologies and inventions––which eradicates
autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which
has upset the ecological balance of the planet, and
which now threatens the existence of life itself.” [27]

Gentiles rarely write in such harsh terms. It is therefore
easy to believe that Jews have no sense of kinship
towards whites, and are hostile towards them.
However, survey data suggest that most Jews do not
share these sentiments.

How should one gauge the emotional closeness Jews
feel towards whites? The General Social Survey asked
Jews and gentiles whether they felt “very close” to
whites, “not at all close” to whites, or “neither one nor
the other.”

…When Jews and gentiles were asked if they feel
emotionally close to blacks, supermajorities of both
groups say they have no feelings one way or the other.
Jews were slightly more likely than gentiles to say they
had no feeling towards blacks one way or the other,
and there was little difference in the share of gentiles
and Jews who felt “very close” or “not at all close” to
blacks. All in all, Jews were four to five times more
likely to say they felt “very close” to whites than they
were to have similar feelings towards blacks…

Problem 9: Jewish Tolerance of “Racists”
Some white advocates imagine the typical Jew as
someone like a Marxist sociology professor—
someone who actively opposes any person who
contradicts his anti-white narrative.
However, combining several years of GSS data shows
that Jews are equally (or more) likely than most white
ethnic groups—and more likely than most non-white
groups—to think “racists” should be allowed to make
public speeches, to oppose firing teachers for “racist”
attitudes, and to think “racist” publications should be
allowed in public libraries. [32]

Jews, therefore, appear
to be some of the strongest defenders of individual
expression, even of views they may find distasteful…

Concluding Remarks on the Separatism Hypothesis

Some white advocates argue that Jews lack the white
identity and emotional closeness to gentiles required
to support European civilization. They argue that
Jewish ethnocentrism and zero-sum-game competition
with whites are so strong and constant that Jews have
no place in white societies.

The evidence suggests that while Jews may be
moderately ethnocentric, they are not uniquely so
compared to other white ethnics. Jews are increasingly
integrating with whites, and appear to have a white
identity. Rather than a separatist mentality, Jews
appear to have a sense of loyalty, kinship, and
emotional feeling towards whites that is similar to the
way whites feel about each other…

Canadian Jews were no more likely than
gentiles to report having a left-wing ideology.
Surprisingly, Jews were more likely than gentiles to
identify with the political right. They were also equally
likely to identify as moderate. The evidence suggests
that, contrary to what some may think, gentiles in
Canada are more leftist than Jews. [38]
It is not only in Canada that Jews identify with the
right. During the 2010 British Elections, Jews were
nearly twice as likely as gentiles to vote Conservative,
they were less likely to vote for Labour, and were
equally likely to support the Liberal Democrats. On
the whole, Jews were more likely than any other ethnic
group in Britain to vote for a right-wing party in 2010.

Jewish politics in other English-speaking countries
also fit the British pattern. According to Kenneth
Wald, a professor of political science at the University
of Florida, “From the late 1970s on, Australian Jews
developed and exhibited a strong preference for the
country’s conservative party, the Liberals, giving the
party’s candidates roughly three-fifths of their support
in most elections.” [ 45 ] The somewhat misnamed
Australian Liberal Party has historically offered more
resistance to mass immigration than any other
mainstream Australian party. If Jews in the West were
uniformly bent on promoting open borders, we would
expect Australian Jews to favor the Labor party and its
support for open borders.
Data on French Jews suggests that they, too, are
attracted to right-wing politics…

Finally, a variety of independent studies of Jews in
European countries conducted between the late 1970s
and late 2000s have found that Jews in white countries
haven’t been significantly more leftist than gentiles,
and that European Jews tend to fall to the right or
center of the political spectrum. [52] Thus, contrary to
the stereotype of Jews being liberal everywhere
outside of Israel, Jewish liberalism appears to be more
the exception than the rule.

In recent decades,
American Jews have increasingly identified with the
Republican Party. According to several Gallup polls
conducted between 2008 and 2014, Jewish
identification with the Democratic Party declined from
71 percent in 2008 to 61 percent in 2014. By contrast,
Jewish support for the Republican Party increased
seven points from 22 percent to 29 percent.

Contrary to the
assumptions of many white advocates, a reduction in
the Jewish population of Europe, Canada, and
Australia would entail an immediate shift to the left.

However, even if the evidence shows that a small
number of Jewish elites dominate our media, and even
if there is reason to think that these elites have
promoted anti-white views, these facts alone do not
justify belief in the Fifth Column Theory. This is
because although Jewish media elites may promote
these toxic ideologies, it could also be true that Jewish
elites act independently of the Jewish public.
If there were a Jewish Fifth Column that extended all
the way to the public, we would predict that Jews
should be more likely than any other racial group to
express high levels of confidence in higher education,
television, and the press. There is no question that
American television, media, and universities have
promoted anti-white ideologies. If Jews
disproportionately support those ideologies, they
should have greater faith than gentiles in these
institutions. Moreover, Jews have been highly
overrepresented among college admissions officers
and university faculty for many years. As a result, the
Fifth Column Theory predicts that Jews should have
more confidence than gentiles in higher education.
GSS data show this is not the case.
Dr. Tom Smith’s analysis of the General Social Survey
found that between 1990 and 2002, Jews were no more
or less likely than any other European ethnic group to
have confidence in television, the media, and higher
education. [67]
Jews were also less likely than Blacks,
Hispanics, and Asians to express confidence in
television and higher education, and were less likely
than Hispanics and Asians to express confidence in the
mass media.
I re-aggregated GSS data in order to compare gentiles
to European Jews in two separate time periods, 1973 –
1989 and 1990 – 2014. [68] During the 1970s and 80s, I
found that Jews were just as likely as gentiles to have
confidence in the media, but were slightly less likely
to say they had “hardly any” confidence. On the other
hand, after 1989, Jews were just as likely as gentiles to
express large, moderate, and low levels of confidence
in the American media…

In conclusion, there is little support for the Fifth
Column theory. There is a great deal of international
variation in Jewish voting patterns and political
ideologies. Jews in the West are becoming less liberal,
and Jews have no more trust than gentiles in Jewishdominated
institutions. These results suggest that the
anti-white behavior of certain Jewish elites does not
reflect the views of ordinary Jews. [71]

III. Jews and the Gates of Europe

Perhaps the strongest evidence against Jews involves
the systematic efforts by Jewish elites to promote mass
immigration into white countries. The Culture of
Critique outlines these efforts in striking detail, and
they may lead one to conclude that: (1) the Jewish
public overwhelmingly supports open borders and
massive Third-World immigration, (2) that far more
than any other group, Jews want to open the West’s
immigration floodgates, and (3) that Jews in general
are responsible for opening the West to non-white
immigration. I call this the Floodgate Theory. Here are
four reasons why the theory is probably false.

British Jews were just as likely as British whites to vote for Brexit.

In the United States, however, there is no denying that
Jews display a tendency towards liberalism on
immigration. Yet how large a group difference must
be in order to be thought of as “substantial” is a
subjective question.
If whites and Jews are as likely to share the same
attitudes on nearly 70 percent of immigration-related
issues, it does not seem fair to single out ordinary Jews
for their role in supposedly opening the floodgates.

On foreign policy, Jewish Republicans have views
analogous to their gentile counterparts and generally
agree on how to pursue US interests abroad.

Jewish Republicans do not appear to be markedly prowar,
and their views on appropriate levels of military
spending are identical to those of gentile Republicans.

In sum, while there appear to be a few Jewish
Republicans who support a hawkish US foreign policy
out of a desire to help Israel, Jews in the GOP largely
see eye to eye with gentiles.

Reason 3: No Correlation Between Mass
Immigration and the Size of the Jewish Population

If the Jewish public were responsible for opening the
immigration floodgates, we would expect countries
with more Jews to have larger shares of immigrants. If
we look at data on 39 white countries in which there
was information on the size of the country’s immigrant
and Jewish populations, we see a positive (but
statistically insignificant) correlation between the
number of Jews per 100,000 people, and immigrants
as a percentage of the population.

In layman’s terms, so long as white countries are
equally wealthy, they are just as likely to have high or
low levels of immigrants (on average), no matter how
many Jews live in them. Prosperity rather than Jewish
influence appears to be the main reason why the Third
World immigrates to Europe.

Furthermore, there was no correlation between the
number of Jews per 100,000 people within a white
nation, and percentage changes in the number of
immigrants (as a percentage of a country’s population)
between 1990 and 2013. Put simply, white countries
with large Jewish populations are no more or less
likely to gain more immigrants over time compared to
countries with small Jewish populations. By the same
token, there was no association between increases or
decreases in a white country’s Jewish population, and
changes in its immigrant population.

Moreover, since
the overall size of the Jewish population is a proxy for
the number of Jewish elites within a nation, these
findings suggest that reducing the number of Jewish
elites (or Jews generally) within a nation would not
decrease its level of support for open borders.

So far I have found one survey on whites and Jews that
could be used to estimate the proportion of race realists
within each group. From 1988 to 2014, the General
Social Survey asked its respondents “Are Black/White
differences in income, housing, and jobs partly due to
the fact that most Blacks have less of an inborn ability
to learn?” During the 1988-1998 and 2000-2014
periods, Jews were just as likely as the general white
population to agree with this statement (unfortunately
only about one in 10 people in both groups agreed). [90]
As such, GSS data suggests that, proportionately, there
are as many Jewish race realists as gentile race realists.
Still, the extent to which Jews are represented in the
WA movement remains an interesting question. When
it still published a monthly magazine, American
Renaissance conducted a survey of its readership. It
found that approximately 3.3 percent of readers were
Jewish. [91] Since Jews are roughly 2 percent of the
population, this suggests that Jews are slightly
overrepresented among supporters of pro-white
identity politics.

Additionally, after researching the backgrounds of 75
of the most prominent race realists, several colleagues
and I discovered that about 13 percent could be shown
to have Jewish ancestry. [93]This means that Jews were
roughly seven times more likely to be prominent race
realists than would be expected by chance alone.

Furthermore, although one of the basic assumptions of
WAs—myself included—is that Jews have certainly
been pioneers in promoting anti-white thinking, are
elite Jews today really that much more anti-white than
elite gentiles? There may be some way to answer this
question empirically, but until that research is done, it
is worth pointing out that it has become almost as easy
to find sick, anti-white statements from elite gentiles
as from Jews.
Bill Clinton looks forward to the day when the United
States has no majority race. [201] The Army’s chief of
staff, General George Casey, says he believes that “the
strength of our Army comes from our diversity.” [202]
Joschka Fischer, the former foreign minister and vice
chancellor of Germany says his country should be
“contained from outside and heterogenized from the
inside by influx, ‘diluted’ so to speak.” [ 203 ]
Gorton, the former Prime Minister of Australia says
“if we build up gradually inside Australia, a proportion
of people without white skins, then there will be a
complete lack of consciousness that it is being built up
. . . . [W]e will [then] . . . have a multi-racial country
without racial tensions, perhaps the first in the world.”
[ 204 ] Thomas Eriksen, a professor of social
anthropology at the University of Oslo says, “The
most important blank spot exists now in
deconstructing the majority so thoroughly that it can
never be called the majority again . . . . Something like
this could contribute to both understanding and
liberation.” [205]
Syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher says, “I hate
the idea of being white. I never think of myself as
belonging to the ‘white race.’ Those who do, in my
experience, are invariably second-raters, seeking
solace for their own failures. I can think of few things
more degrading than being proud to be white.” [206]
Peter Sutherland is a former attorney general of
Ireland, and the UN’s Special Representative for
International Migration. He says: “The United States,
or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies
and therefore they accommodate more readily those
from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who
still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference
from others. And that’s precisely what the European
Union, in my view, should be doing its best to
undermine.” [207]
This list could be much longer. It is increasingly less
defensible to single out Jews for special criticism
because of their anti-white vitriol.
Another reason I can imagine for promoting BANs
would be to protect any future white institution,
community, or ethnostate that we might establish.
BANs would build up support for excluding Jews
early so there will already be political support for
excluding them from whatever was established.
Purveyors of BANs fear that if Jews remain in an
ethnostate, for example, they will subvert it from
within. Jewish elites have historically been good at
promoting dissent and exerting negative influences on
popular culture. Elite Jews have also been able to
accomplish these things far out of proportion to their
numbers. The risk of permitting a Jewish fifth column
to remain within an ethnostate would therefore be too
In my view, this view errs on two fronts. As I have
argued above, there is good reason to think that the
general Jewish public is not a fifth column within
white societies. Also, setting aside the moral issue of
excluding Jews, such a policy makes sense only if one
makes two assumptions: First, that Jews cannot be
successfully brought into a white consciousness
movement, and second, that Jews would want to stay
in a white community or ethnostate.
I think the first assumption is wrong given the wealth
of evidence presented above. However, if Jews
remained extremely anti-white uber-leftists, and even
if they couldn’t be brought into our movement, they
would surely leave an ethnostate or community once it
was established.
From this point of view, trying to influence people
with broadly anti-Jewish narratives is not a productive
use of time. After all, if the “anti-Semites” are wrong,
they’re wrong, and if they’re right (and if they win),
they gain nothing by peddling BANs given that what
they want is something that would happen anyway.
Finally, some WAs may think the real benefit of BANs
is not to build support for excluding Jews, but that they
are an effective tactic for persuading more people of
Race Realism, the ills of diversity, and the need to
defend white interests.

Moreover, there are several prominent Jews who have tirelessly
promoted our cause, often at great personal expense.
These include people such as Byron Roth, Mayer
Schiller, Michael Levin, Paul Gottfried, and Robert
Weissberg. These men have all spoken at American
Renaissance conferences. What do we gain by
alienating them and the community they represent?
More recently, other Jews have helped promote racerealist,
anti-orthodox thinking. Steven Miller, Donald
Trump’s senior policy advisor and warm-up speaker at
his rallies, is Jewish. [208] Although he is certainly not
an open race realist, many of his statements seem to
reflect a level of understanding of race that is more
advanced and sophisticated than that of Mr. Trump,
and more closely aligned with WA views. Whether he
would see himself in that role or not, he is doing more
practical good for whites today than any of the
presumed “leaders” of our movement.
Milo Yiannopoulos, the flamboyant Breitbart writer
and campus speaker, is Jewish on his mother’s side.
[209] Although his goal often seems to be to provoke
outrage any way he can, his open assault on taboos is
very helpful in breaking down resistance to WA ideas.
We hurt our own cause if we refuse to cooperate with
such people or create an aura around our ideas that
scares away other Jews who might play similar roles.
At the same time, I have never seen a WA point out a
Jewish angle on some issue in a way that persuaded a
normal person of anything he was not already inclined
to believe. I fully agree with Jared Taylor when he
says, “I don’t think that in the United States you gain
any points if you’re in a debate with someone, and you
point out the Jewish element.” [210]
I would go further.
Pointing out the Jewish element to the unconvinced is
counterproductive. Most people see any mention of
Jews as a crackpot conspiracy theory that is unworthy
of consideration. Although I have seen exceptions, the
pattern seems to be that bringing up the Jewish
Question in the manner WAs do reduces our
Finally, attacking Jews plays into the hands of people
who accuse us of being “Neo-Nazis.” Any accusation
of “Nazism” that a reasonable person would find
plausible marks someone as an unhinged fanatic
whose opinions can be ignored. Nothing is better
calculated to drive away potential comrades than siegheiling
and swastikas, and anyone who doesn’t realize
this has such bad judgment he probably cannot be
trusted to get much of anything right.

Remember: Our goal is to advance our own interests.
We need not work against the interests of others unless
doing so advances our own. Some anti-Jewish WAs
become so fixated on “the enemy” that they act as if
thwarting the interest of Jews were more important
than advancing our own. For example, they are
pleased by any setback for Israel; they are pleased
because Jews support Israel and they oppose anything
Jews support.
WAs should support Israel insofar as it is a shining
example of an ethnostate, of the kind of ethnic selfdetermination
we want for ourselves and for all
people. This is one of the reasons the successful
European nationalist parties such as the Danish
Peoples Party, the Sweden Democrats, and the French
National Front support Israel. There may well be
grounds to criticize the behavior of the government of
Israel and there may be legitimate reasons to oppose
American policies as they relate to Israel, but these are
different questions.
There may also be reasons to notice and criticize
American Jewish support for pro-Israel foreign policy
measures that may harm our relations with other
countries or may not be in American interests. The
same standards would apply to efforts by Americans
of Irish or Pakistani origin, for example, to influence
American foreign policy in narrowly partisan
directions. The concept of a Jewish state, however, is
one that all WAs should support.
BANs lead to another danger. To paraphrase a friend,
“It’s always more fun for delinquents to hate the
people above them than it is to hate those below them.”
If we keep advancing BANs, we will attract unsavory
whites. They will not be people with a carefully
considered view of Jews, but dimwits who think in
simple slogans. Hate, intemperance, and passion will
drive many of them, and, when they inevitably make
bad decisions, this will confirm the negative
stereotypes our enemies peddle about us.

While we should never fail to criticize anyone who is
anti-white, we should focus on those specific antiwhite
things the offender said or did, not who he is.
Unless there is a very good reason to do otherwise, we
should ignore the fact that an opponent may be a Jew.
If we bring up the Jewish question, ordinary white
people will find it at least distracting and probably
distasteful. They will not think this is a legitimate
attack on anti-white behavior. Instead, they will see it
as an attack on Jews in general, which means our
message gets bogged down and loses focus. Also,
anyone who is attacked in this way can turn the tables
by portraying himself as a victimized Jew rather than
an anti-white.

Oswald Mosely: “I am not an anti-Semite. Anti-Semitism is hatred of
Jews on account of their race. I attack some Jews on
account of what they do, but I never attack any Jew on
account of his birth. I never attack a man on account
of his race or religion. If a Jew does something against
the interests of Britain or of Europe, he should be
attacked like anyone else. He should not be attacked
because he is a Jew, but equally he should not be
immune from criticism because he is a Jew.”

Suggestion 2: Meet Prof. MacDonald’s standards or
keep your ideas of Jews to yourself
Regardless of your views on the Jewish question, all
of us should be able to agree that some people in our
movement needlessly alienate normal people by using
extreme language about Jews. Prof. MacDonald
himself has said the following: “I agree with the point
that a lot of people who don’t like Jews express their
views poorly. I have often thought that anyone who
hasn’t read a lot in the area and has an IQ of less than
120 should not be allowed to discuss Jewish issues.”
I do not wish to interpret Prof. MacDonald’s statement
unfairly, but 91 percent of the white population has an
IQ of less than 120. Of the remaining 9 percent,
probably fewer than one in five has “read a lot about
Jewish issues.” This means that very few people are
qualified, by Prof. MacDonald’s standards, to discuss
Jewish issues.

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Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations

All victimologies fuel nationalism and all nationalisms contain the capacity for genocide.

As Maj. Kong noted: “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is to Jewish civilization, Islamic civilization and Japanese civilization.”

Different groups have different interests. Much of the time, life is war over scarce resources. It’s rare that one group rises in power without other groups losing power and hence access to scarce resources.

Politics is war by other means.

From the New York Times Book Review:

“We were too busy and hungry to think about the British and their families,” one assassin told Bergman, recounting how he shot a British officer on a Jerusalem street in 1944. “I didn’t feel anything, not even a little twinge of guilt. We believed the more coffins that reached London, the closer the day of freedom would be.”

Many men who fought in the Zionist underground later became establishment figures in Israel, including Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin; they imported guerrilla methods into the security apparatus they helped create. Assassinations offered a tactical method for a tiny country with rudimentary defenses. The Holocaust, Bergman writes, reinforced the sense that the country and its people would be “perpetually in danger of annihilation.”

Meir Dagan, the spymaster who led the Mossad from 2002 to 2011, kept a photograph in his office of a bearded man in a prayer shawl, kneeling in front of German troops. Whenever Mossad operatives were about to carry out a particularly sensitive mission, he would invite them to his office and explain that the man pictured was his grandfather, shortly before the Nazis murdered him. “Most of the Jews in the Holocaust died without fighting,” Dagan told Bergman. “We must never reach that situation again, kneeling, without the ability to fight for our lives.”

…Another wild card is a belligerent Ariel Sharon, who keeps turning up in this book — first as an army commander, then as minister of defense and eventually as prime minister. Bergman describes Sharon as a “pyromaniac,” and his obsession with killing Yasser Arafat, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as verging on monomaniacal. In his hunt for Arafat, Sharon almost had the Mossad shoot down a plane of 30 wounded Palestinian children by mistake; he even countenanced the downing of a commercial airliner if Arafat were on it. As Bergman bluntly states, this would have amounted to “an intentional war crime.”

But Sharon was just one man, and today there is a bigger institutional problem that Bergman traces, having to do with Israel’s security apparatus getting more technologically savvy and ruthlessly efficient. Instead of taking months or years to plan a single killing, the Mossad and its domestic counterpart, Shin Bet, are now capable of planning four or five “interceptions” a day. “You get used to killing. Human life becomes something plain, easy to dispose of. You spend a quarter of an hour, 20 minutes, on who to kill.” This quote is from Ami Ayalon, who as the head of Shin Bet in the late ’90s helped shepherd the organization into the digital age. He also told Bergman: “I call it the banality of evil.”

The irony of Ayalon’s inflammatory language — an echo of Hannah Arendt’s line about Nazi functionaries — is as pointed as it is jarring. This book is full of shocking moments, surprising disturbances in a narrative full of fateful twists and unintended consequences. As one naval commander says, “Listen, history plays strange games.”

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Defeating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Joe* says: “Luke, just listened to your podcast on chronic fatigue. Amazing work, I myself have been a chronic pain sufferer for years, and can’t help but notice that amongst the redpilled, are the sick. Millenial woes suffers from terrible epilepsy (as did Dostoevsky). Nietszche and Spengler suffered from terrible trigeminal neuropathic pain, migraines etc… so, perhaps a question for your next podcast. “Why do pain and suffering seem to lead us to the truth?””

I think sick people, or those who’ve had serious illness, place more value on order and cohesion and thus are more viscerally threatened by diversity and chaos.

Based writes: “Fear and a sense of vulnerability generally makes people more ethnocentric, more risk averse, etc. — except when, perhaps, ’embracing diversity’ is seen as a survival strategy.”

I wrote in 2005:

Great documentary!

During my 17-year struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I’ve often felt as U.S. women’s soccer player Michelle Akers says in this movie — that she died on the day she got sick.

This is a superb documentary on CFS.

From “In 1984-85, people at Lake Tahoe fell ill with flu symptoms, but they didn’t get better. Medical literature documents similar outbreaks: in 1934 at LA county hospital, in 1948-49 in Iceland, in 1956 in Punta Gorda, Florida. The malady now has a name, chronic fatigue syndrome, and filmmaker Kim Snyder, who suffered from the disease for several years, tells her story and talks to victims and their families, and to physicians and researchers: is it viral, it is psychosomatic, is it one disease or several (a syndrome) ; what’s the CDC doing about it; what’s it like to have a disease that’s not yet understood? Her inquiry takes her to Punta Gorda and to a high-school graduation.”

Roger Ebert writes in the Chicago Sun-Times: “Snyder is an investigative journalist who does her own detective work…a documentary which does what the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta shamefully failed to do: connect the dots.”

I wonder what happened to high school senior Stephen Paganetti, who was too sick to even feed himself. Few of his friends visited him once he got sick. (His mailing address is POBox 145 Durham, CT 06422-0145.)

Most of my friends my age ignored me once I got sick, or said that it was all in my head.

One of my strongest beliefs from my illness is that older people are more compassionate with illness than younger people. They are more likely to visit you and to help you.

I WROTE IN 2011:

Assignment: Write about a big lesson you’ve learned in life. Give the person you became an Indian name and give the lesson an Indian name.

Person I became: Broken Arrow
Lesson: Trying Too Hard

I fear that I did something wrong that precipitated my descent into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). I fear I made some bad choices in early 1988 and they led me out of normal health into chronic illness.

I was taking 22 units at Sierra Community College that Spring semester of 1988. I also worked a gardening job for about 20 hours a week.

The previous semester, I’d completed 21 units with straight As for the first time in my life.

I’d been accepted into UCLA as a pre-Economics major.

On the surface, everything seemed great. I was going from success to success. I had $25,000 in the bank from working construction. I could do 120 pull-ups and 1400 push-ups in an hour. I might’ve been stronger than any time previous.

But there were warning signs that something was wrong. I was getting up at 4 a.m. every day to study Calculus, my most difficult subject because my math background was so weak. The last time I ever cheated in a class was the previous semester in Trigonometry.

“If you have to work so hard at community college,” my mother said, “what will happen to you at university?”

My sister from Australia spent the Christmas break with me. She slept in my room. She said I cursed in my sleep.

I had been in peak physical shape when I started the fall 1987 semester but by November I regularly got severe colds and flus. I would fast to recover quicker, drink huge amounts of water, go to school sick, and at times lose up to 15 pounds before bouncing back.

The harder I tried, the more I compressed my neck, hunched my shoulders and collapsed my torso.

Also, I wasted time on such frivolity as “The Dating Game” which featured “Sierra’s Sexiest Men and Women.” I lost. I was still a virgin.

“I’ll break through or I’ll break down,” I kept saying to myself as I pressed through February 1988. “Either way, I’ll get love.”

Perhaps the first recorded outbreak of CFS was in Lake Tahoe between 1984-1987. Two physicians during that time diagnosed 259 patients with the disease.

Two hours drive from Lake Tahoe, I lived with my parents in zip code 95658.

I came down with mono in late January 1986 and it hobbled me for a couple of months. I’d never experienced any illness like it. All the others had gone away after a couple of weeks at most. This one dragged on. I could make it to class and to work but I felt wiped out all of the time.

When I finished the semester with a B average, I took a job in landscaping, trusting it would restore me to health. It did.

I enjoyed it so much, I dropped most of my classes in the fall so I could keep working outside.

It was miserable, however, working construction in the winter. I returned to full-time school in the Spring and worked full-time on the side to maintain my health.

My father — who got two PhDs in 18-months each by rising before 4 a.m. every day — repeatedly warned me that I was spending my health to get my wealth and that I would be better served by a more moderate schedule.

I wonder where it all went wrong? Was it the year I drove around with a leak in my gas tank, filling my VW Bug with noxious fumes whenever I turned a corner too sharply? Was it the dangerous pesticides I carried in the back seat to kill weeds? Was it the ditch water that gave me giardia? We lived in the country and our water came from ditches that traveled for miles. Like all the families around us, we chlorinated the water and boiled it. My parents drank it and they never got sick.

Who knows who murdered my life. All I know is that I got what felt like the flu in mid-February 1988. After a couple of days in bed, I struggled back to school and to work only to have a relapse a day later.

This became the pattern for the rest of my semester — a few days of work and school followed by relapse.

Nothing like this had hit me before. The mono was constant. Now I was getting mono-like attacks but they came and went depending on how much I physically exerted myself. Abundant rest left me feeling OK but broken. I knew my body engine had suddenly become weak and I had gone from the best of health to the worst of health overnight.

Frustrated by falling out of shape, I went for a three-mile run one Sunday afternoon in March, 1988. Within a couple of hours, I had a severe relapse.

It would be the last time in my life I’d complete such a jog. From here on, I lived as an invalid.

Though what I most needed was rest, I felt under pressure at work because I had over-ordered hundreds of dollars worth of plants which had to get in the ground.

The first doctor I saw was in March at Sierra College. He wondered if I had AIDS. I was still a virgin! I took the test and it was negative.

My parents accompanied me to the next doctor who wondered if I had Epstein Barr Virus, another trendy disease of the time. Again, negative.

My mother wrote a long letter of introduction for my doctors describing my problems: “Recurring viral symptoms–fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, hives, fatigue, malaise and headaches…. His dirty socks have always smelt terrible, as though something died.”

I dropped down to 15 units, halved the number of hours I worked, and got through the semester with As in every class but Calculus (a B). That summer, I worked moderately and took two classes (As).

As I increased my studies over the last week of summer school, I felt my body run down and another relapse wash over me.

My parents urged me to stay home from UCLA but I drove away anyway one Monday afternoon at the end of August.

I napped at a couple of stops along I-5 before cresting the mountains leading to southern California at around 2 a.m. I saw all the lights and felt excited that this would be the place where I’d recover my health and make it big.

Over the next four weeks at the UCLA campus in Westwood, I slept in the bushes beside the girls’ softball field for I didn’t want to spend the money to get better accommodations. My diet largely consisted of peanuts, raisins and oatmeal.

I had two health reasons for risking southern California. One, perhaps there was something in my environment at home that made me sick. Two, my parents knew an eccentric practicioner of Hormone Replacement Therapy, Norman Beals, who had successfully treated my stepmother’s Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

I drove to see Dr. Beals in Santa Ana and he ran tests of my endocrine system that showed low thyroid and testosterone levels. He pumped me full of testosterone, thyroid, gamma globbulin, Vitamins C, B-6 and B-complex.

Immediately feeling better, I plunged into work, taking jobs at the Periodicals Desk of the UCLA’s University Research Library and as a gardener at a private home in Westwood. Towards the end of September, 1988, I moved into the UCLA dormitory Rieber Hall. I stayed on a special Quiet Floor for serious students. It was filled with Asians and Jews.

Within a few weeks, I was breaking down into relapses and had to drop my jobs and all of my classes but one.

My dorm mates at Rieber Hall speculated that my health problems were all in my head.

My parent’s medical insurance coverage for me ran out, so I dropped Dr. Beals and began going to Student Health at the UCLA Medical Center, but they weren’t able to figure out what was wrong with me.

I rested at home with my parents in Newcastle — 40 minutes drive north of Sacramento — during the three week Christmas break, worked on an autobiographical novel that descended into pornography, and studied economics and calculus a few hours a day. It was too much for my system. I relapsed shortly before returning to UCLA in early January to begin the winter quarter.

I hoped that by not working I’d be strong enough for my schedule. Wrong. Two-thirds through the quarter I again dropped all of my classes but one.

My dormmates whispered amongst themselves that my problems were all in my head. I had a CAT scan of my pituitary gland, but like the rest of my medical tests at Student Health, the results were normal.

Too sick to shoulder a full academic load, I hung on at UCLA because I believed that this elite university was where I belonged. Despite my poor health, I impressed several of my professors. For minutes and occasionally hours at a time, I emerged from my illness with sustained bursts of clear thinking. But then I relapsed.

Occasionally on weekends, I’d play 20-30 minutes of aggressive basketball. For a few moments on the court, as I knocked around my little Asian friends and scored many baskets, I felt like a man again. Then I would stumble back to my dorm bed.

At times, I could get it up to making some great moves under the covers as well. During those frenzies with my girlfriend, I felt good again, but they rarely lasted more than five minutes.

In March, my uncle in Brisbane, Australia, not a physician, sent me an article from a local newspaper about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). It described my symptoms exactly.

I took it to my UCLA doctor and said, this is what I have.

She agreed.

Steadily I felt the noose of chronic illness close in around me and I knew I’d have to drop out of school.

I despaired about ever getting well and in June returned home to my parents’ lonely home in Newcastle.

I wondered if there was something in my environment that was making me sick. Perhaps California was not good for me?

My sister in Brisbane, Australia, asked me to return home. She said her housekeeper from China was skilled in acupuncture.

I returned down under in September 1989 for eight months. Shortly before Christmas, I decided to convert to Judaism.

I became a religious extremist, abstaining from sex and masturbation. When my UCLA girlfriend came to visit me in June 1990, I let her ride clothed on top of me while we made out but no further. She would moan in such frustration but I was living 100% for God now.

Living 100% for God and finding meaning in the personal transformation that I believed was occurring through my suffering and adoption of Judaism, I felt less frantic about my inability to accomplish anything. My job now was to make it through each day, to do as much walking as possible (on average a mile a day), and as much reading as possible (about an hour a day before my headaches became too severe).

When I could do nothing, I’d lie back and listen to classical music or I’d sit in the park next door and watch life go by.

I once saw some kids my age playing and one of them wore a UCLA t-shirt. I got excited and told him, “I went there!” He couldn’t care less.

“I will return,” I said to myself almost every day. “I will return one day to UCLA in triumph. The place where they said it was all in my head, I will return one day and show them what I’m capable of.”

In the park, I started conversations with strangers. One, Maurice Yang, was doing his PhD in music at the University of Queensland. He later wrote to me that one day he hoped to go into a bookstore and find a book in there by me.

In many ways, my life was easier than ever. I had no responsibilities. I required no special treatment and I made few complaints.

“Did I drive myself to this infantile state?” I worried. “There’s nothing I consciously want more than to be healthy and busy again, but I know how suicidally I drove myself before illness. I deliberately ran into a brick wall. I guess some mistakes you can’t take back and for which there are no repair. My dad was right. Moderation is the best policy. His constitution can handle extreme strain, but mine can’t. I guess I made my sick bed and now I must lie in it.”

My time in Australia made no difference to my health. I moved back to my parent’s home and was treated for free by Dr. Zane Kime, a family friend.

Nothing helped. When Dr. Kime died in a climbing accident in 1992, I moved on to other doctors and tried various medications without much help.

I became convinced in 1992 that the answers to my problems were out in the world and I just needed to reach the right people. So I started placing and answering singles ads and talking to people regularly on the phone and occasionally they’d make the drive to see me in person.

I feared that as long as I stayed home, I would never get well. In August 1993, I moved to Orlando to live with a woman eleven years my senior who was also chronically ill.

She took me to see her psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Golwyn, who prescribed nardil aka phenelzine.

According to Wikipedia: “Phenelzine is used primarily in the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). Patients with depressive symptomology characterized as “atypical”, “nonendogenous”, and/or “neurotic”, have been reported to respond particularly well to phenelzine. The medication has also been found to be useful in patients who do not respond favorably to first and second-line treatments for depression, or are said to be “treatment-resistant”. In addition to being a recognized treatment for major depressive disorder, phenelzine has been found in studies to be effective in treating dysthymia, bipolar depression (BD), panic disorder (PD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), bulimia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).”

Over the course of several months, nardil restored me to about two-thirds of normal health and I resumed what looked to outsiders as a normal life.

After six years, I went off nardil without ill effect. I’ve tried many things since for my health, including acupuncture and homeopathy, without lasting benefit.

Now I’m in the process of graduating from a three-year Alexander Technique teaching program. I am doing better and I want to pass on the benefits of the Technique to my students.

I’m still a broken arrow. I did not become the world transformer I dreamed about as a kid. I never graduated from college let alone got PhDs like my dad. I never made much money and I never married. On the bright side, I live and move in tranquility. I might even be capable of love.

From the live Youtube chat Jan. 31, 2018:

Don’t fear the Truth​Chronic fatigue can be due to low MSH, (melaconyte stimulating hormone)

J. Smith​Which kind of psychotherapy specifically was the one that you attended?

Sho shana​zevtyler you are a disgrace

Sho shana​I know someone with cfs who was very bright she took on too much sadly her mom had to bathe her sadly

Sho shana​an honourable life that is beautiful

Zev Tyler​When Luke mentions tiredness

Zev Tyler​he is also referencing the verse that Esau was tired

Zev Tyler​in book of Genesis, Luke has read the whole bible

Killer Cross​Yoga and meditation and/or weed, those work best for me to get a deep sleep. I like it simple. lol

Killer Cross​Correct, I also teach yoga. Best to have some instruction first.

SkyEarprints​Hi Luke, just tuned in so don’t know if you answered this but do you think the 12 steps can help heal chronic illnesses? I’ve been treating Lyme Disease for almost 9 years with little success.

Killer Cross​dull pain good, sharp pain bad lol

Sho shana​thank you Luke is cfs autoimmune

Zev Tyler​who is your favorite hero of the Rabbinical Torah (figures in Gemara and other works associated with that era)

Zev Tyler​Luke

SkyEarprints​Thank you Luke! Can Skype sessions suffice or only in person? (A bit hard to attend in person).

SkyEarprints​I was thinking Emotions Anonymous

SkyEarprints​Fear is a huge issue with me.

SkyEarprints​Anxiety, Depression, that sort of thing

SkyEarprints​Thank You Luke ☺

Sho shana​I get anxious

Zev Tyler​Luke have you never played warcraft or world of warcraft?

Sho shana​trying to find bf online so difficult

Zev Tyler​What video games did you use to play, Luke?

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