Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Katie Couric’s Gotcha Questions

Dennis Prager writes: Just as Charlie Gibson did in his interview with Sarah Palin, Katie Couric set out to humiliate the Republican vice-presidential candidate with a series of "gotcha" questions. This tactic — rarely employed with major liberal candidates — … Continue reading

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Tina Fey As Sarah Palin

This is excellent!

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Why Aren’t We Talking About Palin’s Possible Affair?

Mickey Kaus writes: "Many Democratic friends are asking me why I’m not highlighting the National Enquirer’s Sarah Palin Affair story, given the constant harpi … I mean comprehensive coverage in this space of John Edwards’ affair. It’s not that I … Continue reading

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I’m Disappointed In Sarah Palin’s Debate Performance

She sounds like just another politician. She keeps lambasting "Wall Street greed." She blasts the oil companies for "greed." She’s rushing her words. They come out like machine gun fire. She’s making little personal connection. She’s doing nothing to help … Continue reading

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US presidents wearing Kippahs

Shmuel Tennenhaus created this a pictorial gallery of US presidents wearing Kippahs. Shmuel blogs: I am starting to think that Sarah Palin has all the symptoms of being an Orthodox Jewess: 1- She has five kids already, And possibly more … Continue reading

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