A Time Of Tribalism

Rod Dreher writes:

The book starts by talking about how Americans’ blindness to tribalism as a social and anthropological fact has been disastrous for us overseas. She quotes President Woodrow Wilson saying that “America does not consist of groups” — a statement that was bonkers on its face in a time of legal segregation, among other things. But that was the myth that Wilson wanted us to believe, and that many white Americans wanted to believe. Chua doesn’t say this, but it seems to me clear that in the same way that many liberals today conceal their own racism, and racist policies, from themselves by framing their worldview as “inclusive” and “diverse,” many in the ruling white establishment in Wilson’s day (I don’t think “liberal” or “conservative” in the way we understand the terms makes sense applied back then) told themselves that “America does not consist of groups” as a way to conceal from themselves the ugly facts of discrimination against marginalized Americans.

That was the American ideal, though not the American reality. Chua doesn’t use that to slam America as hypocritical, though. She says that this sentiment represents America “at both its best and its worst.” That is, America aspires to be a nation where loyalty to ideals and principles trumps group loyalty — that is America at its best — but is also a nation where the better angels of our nature are so comely that the cause us to overlook our demons.

A friend says:

It’s funny to read this and realize how ignorant Dreher actually is about real world things. I don’t just mean in terms of looking at things through a racial or tribal lens (which once you do it explains a lot more things about the real world including the voting on the Voice) but on factual things, such as not knowing that Chinese dominated commerce in Vietnam and were resented by the Vietnamese or that Chinese dominate almost all the economies of southeast asia and that gives rise to things like the Malaysian “pogroms” against Chinese merchants a few years back. Of course he fails to pick up on the fact that Amy Chua is herself a descendant of the Chinese diaspora (I think her parents were born in Malaysia) and that she is married to a Jew. Both ethnicities are tribal to an extreme. I don’t know if you read Sailer yesterday, but multiculturalism has brought the caste system along with Indian immigrants, where the Dalits or untouchables are facing very real harassment and discrimination from higher caste Indians in the United States.

One of the things about Dreher is that I like him and I think that he is very open and honest about what he writes. I know that Paul Gottfried for one things his thinking is puerile and has no respect for Dreher. The problem with this post is that it triggers in me the insight attributed to the great physicist Murray Gell-Mann (sometimes called the Gell-Mann effect.) Gell-Man was reading the paper one day and realized the person who was writing the science article knew nothing about what he was writing and was wrong on every point. Gell-Man then extrapolated from this that he shouldn’t trust anything he read in the paper, especially the articles about which he knew nothing since he had no way of judging how right or wrong (or true or false) the article was. So since Dreher considers himself a social commentator, to see how badly he misunderstands both immediate historical events (such as the war in Vietnam; my recollection he was very enthusiastic about Ken Burns’ recent documentary) and what drives competing ethnicities, races, groups etc, it makes me question the wisdom and insight on other things, including his pet project the Benedict Option, or his conclusions about the problems facing the church.

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A Celebration Of The Jewish People

Sean Last’s essay:

I am going to empirically document the following claims:

Jews are vastly overrepresented in positions of power and cultural influence
Jewish elites are far to the left of gentile elites and have moved shifted the distribution of political opinion among American elites from centrism to leftism
Jewish leftism and success can partly be explained by their mean IQs, living in large cities, personality traits, and possibly certain cultural values, but ethnocentrism also plays an important role that should not be ignored.

Sean seems to have his statistics correct but he seems to lack common sense knowledge about Jews. He writes: “Higher than average ethnocentrism is also evidenced by Jewish patterns of marriage. Jewish people make up only 2% of the US population, but most Jewish people are married to fellow Jews.”

There are many groups with lower out-marriage rates than Jews (who have a 60% out-marriage rate) and hence one would expect Last to put alleged Jewish ethnocentrism in a context. I don’t see how a group that marries out at more than 60% is ethnocentric.

Last writes: “It is also worth noting that NYC is both the biggest city in America and the largest city with the most Jews. Yet, Jews vote democrat by smaller margins in NYC than they do nationally, making the claim that living in large cities explains Jewish leftism even more implausible (Heilman 2016).”

The moderation of the politics of New York Jews is due to a third of them being Orthodox, a far higher percentage than in other American cities.

Last does not mention that Jews from Western Europe (where Jews generally got along with their fellow citizens) are more moderate politically than Jews from Eastern Europe (where they lived for centuries in an atmosphere of mutual hatred).

The Alternative Hypothesis bases his video in large part on the debunked statistics of Ron Unz.

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Jim Goad On White Privilege Vs Jewish Privilege

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I’ll Be Cohosting With JF Gariepy Monday At 8:15 pm EST For A News & Politics Show

Check out JF Gariepy’s Youtube channel. He’s a neuro-scientist who did post-doc work at Duke University.

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Politico: Jackson troubles shine light on a fact of Washington life: Sleeping pills

From Politico:

Ronny Jackson, the White House physician who is battling to save his nomination to be the secretary of veterans affairs, regularly handed out the sleep drug Ambien and the alertness drug Provigil to West Wing officials traveling on overseas flights.

Jackson’s nomination has inadvertently exposed the widespread use of sleep and alertness drugs among government officials from the White House and State Department to the Pentagon and Congress itself…

Medical experts sounded the same warnings about Provigil, which was hailed by many as a miracle drug for its ability to keep people awake without many of the side effects, like jitteriness, of other substances like caffeine…

Schwartz said use of Provigil to help people stay awake in stressful situations or after long travel is not an FDA-approved use. Doctors can legally prescribe medicines for unapproved uses, but she said there aren’t a lot of studies to inform physicians and patients of the benefits and safety risks of using Provigil in these situations…

Provigil has addiction potential, so caution should be taken in prescribing it, she added. Because it’s a stimulant, doctors also need to carefully consider whether patients have heart problems or anxiety — conditions that could be exacerbated by use of the drug.

This is an ignorant article by Politico. Here’s a smarter piece by Wikipedia on modafinil (provigil):

The addiction and dependence liabilities of modafinil are very low.[1][2][26] It shares biochemical mechanisms with addictive stimulant drugs, and some studies have reported it to have similar mood-elevating properties, although to a lesser degree.[26] Monkeys will self-administer modafinil if they have previously been trained to self-administer cocaine.[26] Although modafinil does not produce reinforcing effects in mice at doses that are equivalent to those used therapeutically in humans, it does do so at higher doses.[27][28] In accordance, although very rare, case reports of modafinil abuse exist…

Modafinil has been described as an “atypical” DAT inhibitor, and shows a profile of effects that is very different from those of other dopaminergic stimulants.[49][50] For instance, modafinil produces wakefulness reportedly without the need for compensatory sleep, and shows a relatively low, if any,[51] potential for abuse.[46][49][50] Aside from modafinil, examples of other atypical DAT inhibitors include vanoxerine and benztropine, which have a relatively low abuse potential similarly to modafinil.

… “[the] neurochemical effects [of modafinil] and anatomical pattern of brain area activation differ from typical psychostimulants and are consistent with its beneficial effects on cognitive performance processes such as attention, learning, and memory”,[51] and a study found that modafinil-induced increased locomotor activity in animals was dependent on histamine release and could be abolished by depletion of neuronal histamine, whereas those of methylphenidate were not and could not be.

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