
A goy tells me: Termites are eating away at the foundation of my home. Already ate 1/8th of an inch off my floor joists. We have to spray. Will cost us $1300, but be really bad for the termites. Will kill them all. Also, not great for me: we have to tear-out our herb garden, because you can’t grow anything within ten-feet of the foundation of the home after spraying. But… I’m not mad at the termites. It’s just their nature. But still, I can’t let them keep ruining my house, so, I’m spraying. Sad!

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What Accounts For Jewish Success?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Cochran figures a 12 point IQ gap fits well with the achievement distributions. Maybe the IQ gap is actually only 10 points and other traits account for the other 1/6th of the achievement gap?

* The key to understanding modern America is to forget about race and religion and look at IQ instead. In raw numbers, Jews are “over-represented” in the elites but if you adjust for IQ, they are just where you would expect them to be. Instead of “Jews” say “high IQ elites” – high IQ elites are disproportionately Jewish but not just Jewish – they are WASP and Asian too. And instead of blacks say “low IQ” and instead of “whites” say “middle IQ”. Modern America is based on a high-low coalition against the middle. The elites provide the intellectual leadership and the low provide the voting masses (in exchange for goodies) and they squeeze the middle to pay for it all.

* IQ plays a huge role but so does geography (Jews are more over represented than IQ alone would predict). Roughly 2/3rds of US Jews live in the Bos-Wash, Chicago, LA, and SF metro areas. 30% live in the NYC metro area by itself. US Jews are a high IQ group (110ish) that culturally values economic/academic success, and they overwhelming reside in premier metro areas where paths toward that success are both highly visible and more numerous. Those two factors lead to the over representation that exists.

By contrast only roughly 16% of US non Hispanic whites live in those metros. The horizons of a smart person growing up in the NYC or SF metro areas is going to be far different than someone growing up in Ohio or Tennessee.

* In addition to IQ there are certain network effects involving certain high profile industries. Just as Cambodians dominate the donut trade, Jews just happened to be in the right place at the right time to dominate the film industry, which has a higher profile than the donut business. Jews are also concentrated in large coastal cities which set the tone for the overall culture and are interested in sending their kids to high profile national universities. There are a lot of high IQ Midwesterners who are perfectly happy attending their flagship state university and then going back home to run their family farm/business/the local bank/ local law firm, etc. and Jews are UNDER represented in those places. Likewise, Jews are underrepresented in certain other businesses – in America they were mostly absent from aerospace/auto manufacturing and other heavy industry (but they were present in light manufacturing – e.g. the garment business). Possibly because these industries were centered in places that the Jews weren’t.

* When it comes to elite college admissions, Jews (and not just Jews but other “plugged in” elites) have an advantage. As I mentioned earlier, many otherwise qualified non-elite whites are just not interested in playing the game to begin with. They will attend their flagship state U, get a fine education and go on to fine careers in their home state.

BUT, even among those who want to attend, coastal elites are especially networked in. There is a whole network of college consultants who will help you to polish your application, tell you what summer internships you should do, maybe get you untimed testing on the SAT, etc. Maybe you know some prof. at that university who will write you a recommendation. Just going to an elite private school is already an advantage – these places remain feeder schools for the Ivies. Worst comes to worst (Jared Kushner) daddy may just make a huge donation and buy you into Harvard. If you are a rich person (Jewish or not) living on the Upper East Side or in some Superzip, there are a ten different angles that you can use to get your kid into an elite college and some parents begin plotting these from the moment of birth.

The average farm family in Iowa doesn’t even know that these things even exist (and if they did, they aren’t in a position to pay for them anyway). Their SAT study advice is “get a good night’s sleep and bring a #2 pencil.” On the other end, you have Asians who are first generation. Their idea of getting an advantage is cramming for a 1600 on their SATs. They (again not being plugged in) don’t understand that Ivy admissions officers LOVE to throw (not all – gotta keep those averages up so you can let in more minorities) Asians with 1600 SATs in the reject pile. Should have started that charity for the children of Rwandan coffee bean pickers – THAT would have impressed the readers, not playing 1st violin in the school orchestra.

Again, ALL coastal elites benefit from this network effect – it’s not just Jared Kushner, it’s Chelsea Clinton too. It just so happens that Jews are disproportionately plugged into this network already.

* Unz makes large numbers of basic factual errors in that article.

Kind of like his multiple attempts to show hispanics don’t have a higher crime rate than whites.

In both cases you get an overwhelming sense he started with his conclusion and looked for any possible justification for it and ignoring any possible contrary evidence.

Sure, antisemitic stereotypes, like stereotypes in general, rarely come out of nowhere. I can go even further and say I agree that Jews are disproportionately responsible for nearly all of the destructive cultural Marxist trends that are ruining America.

The problem with right-wing anti-Semites is even the less nutty ones exaggerate the disproportion, minimize the non-Jewish responsibility, never seek to weigh the damage caused by the cultmarx Jews with the benefits bestowed by others, and wink-and-nood their approval of genocide.

* In a complex transaction, it’s just not true that both sides would be better off if they did not hire a lawyer. We live in a complex world where no two business people have the time or the specialized knowledge needed to enter into a complex transaction. Say you are buying a used car and you have a professional mechanic look at it and talk to the dealer’s mechanic – have you both “lost” because you hired an expert?

Ignorance is only bliss until you find out what it is that you don’t know. Say that two businessmen follow your advice and don’t hire lawyers. Instead they write up some crappy two page agreement on the back of a napkin – I’ve seen it done. At first everything seems great – they didn’t have to “waste” money on legal fees and fight over all sorts of issues that might get covered in a complex contract and will probably never come up anyway. But then, stemming to “bad luck” one of those issues does come up – say you get a letter from the state sales tax people asking you to pay the business’s unpaid sales taxes from 2015. They are telling you that you are liable for this even though you only bought the assets of the business and not the seller’s corporation – they tell you that you should have gotten some kind of clearance certificate and you didn’t know that you were supposed to do this. Or maybe one of the company’s suppliers is saying that there are unpaid invoices and they won’t keep shipping to you unless you pay them. Or maybe someone pulls up with a truck and says they are here to repossess some machine – they show you that they have a recorded security interest on it and you didn’t know that you can look these things up. You don’t even know what a “security interest” is. You open up the 2 page agreement that you did with the other guy and you realize the contract doesn’t say anything about any of these things – you never even considered that they might happen. What do you do now? (That’s when you call me and I tell you that you should have called me BEFORE you signed that contract).

* Yes, Hollywood was great before the Jews ruined it. Mind you, it was just a bunch of orange groves before then, but they were great orange groves.

* Hitler permanently changed the stakes on anti-Semitism, even on American anti-Semitism which was never genocidal (or even close to genocidal). Before the Holocaust, it was possible to be a “polite” anti-Semite and make rational arguments about whether the Jews were in all respects 100% nothing but good for America and all Americans and should be included in every possible sphere (club, private business, etc.). People (especially Jews) might disagree with you but it was a valid (if somewhat controversial) POV. Henry Ford was openly anti-Semitic and remained a well respected figure. Lindbergh too.

But, the Holocaust changed everything for American Jews. They perceived (rightly or wrongly) that “polite” anti-Semitism might lead to the not so polite kind and that the stakes involved potentially were not just membership in golf clubs but literally life and death. Say you have some dandelions in your lawn – you might choose to live with them or fight it with half-hearted measures. But one day you realize that those weeds are not dandelions, they are really poison ivy. Suddenly you are not willing to tolerate them at all, even a little and will do everything in your power to stomp them out.

* Ron Unz: “The problem with dealing with fanatic Jewish-activist types like Gelman and Mertz (and “Lot”)”

* Lot: I am a Christian of a bit less than half Jewish heritage, was raised going to church semi-regularly in small metro areas that were under 1% Jewish and not knowing a single practicing Jew other than a single elementary school classmate. I have never been to Israel, have never been part of any Jewish organization, and know maybe three Hebrew words. I am also not an activist of any sort, though when I was in HS and college I was involved, at a low level, with Republican politics. And I am quite sure that you spend at least ten times the amount of time on these issues than I do, and with far more passion.

Same with Gelman. Looking at his website, there appears to be only a very minor interest in these issues, so low there are no topic categories nor a single reference on the front page to them, while on yours there is an enormous focus on the supposed misdeeds of Israel and Jews. I mean, you just mentioned you listen to Red Ice radio! While I don’t think there is anything wrong in being interested in these issues or writing about them to the extent that you do, it is pretty rich for you to throw around the word “activist” and “fanatic.”

I took (as did Gelman) Unz’s core point to be that there was evidence of the top colleges discriminating in favor of Jews compared to white non-Jews. In fact, the opposite is true, for two main reasons. First, there is a geographic diversity preference that results in an admission bump to the heavily non-Jewish residents of the low-population Western states, plus a few more states that produce few very high scoring students like WV and MS. Second, there is an athletic preference, which is strongest for men’s basketball, football and hockey, but exists to a smaller extent in many other sports.

I have no objection to these preferences by the way, but they both certainly exist, and work against Jews and to an even greater extent Asians in favor of non-Jewish whites.

At least on what I took to be his core point, the sloppy Jew counting, including taking Hillel’s absurd and internally contradictory estimates of Jewish student scares screwed up the rest of the work. As does the idea that you can measure talent at the population level with competitions like IMO and Putnam. You might as well conclude that 90% of the most qualified high school students are South Asian based on spelling bee results. The PSAT presents a better method, but the problem is that being a NMS semifinalist is below what you need to get into the very top schools, and also Unz’s Jew-counting was sloppy or biased there too.

* Ron Unz: I’d guess that roughly 80-90% of high-IQ American whites are non-Jewish.

Lot: Depends on where the cut-off for “high IQ” is. Using your 110 Jewish mean and a 25-1 ratio, at the 160+ IQ level the breakdown will be 64.8% non-Jewish and 35.2% Jewish.

At the 170 level it becomes 54.7% non-Jewish and 46.3% Jewish. And there are still hundreds of Americans at that 170+ level, and they likely are well represented in science Nobel winners and founders of large computer companies.

* Jews maximize the brains that they have and push for success in a way that non-Jews don’t. And, of course, some of their success might be looking out for each other at opportune times.

* I don’t mean to use antisemite pejoratively, and agree it is used too readily. But we do need a word to describe people whose negative opinions on Jews inform a lot of their worldview. You must agree it is a distinct group?

A couple months ago someone objected to the term, and I switched to their preferred “countersemite” without complaint, and have used it a few more times since when I thought it would be preferred.

If you don’t think they almost all wink and nod about the holocaust (while blogrolling those who explicitly approve) you’re either missing not very subtle jokes or we are thinking of different people.

* Sailer: 3-d cognitive skills are less correlated with the g factor than anything else. It’s kind of like in PCs that have a CPU chip and a separate 3-d graphics processor chip.

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Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right?


* The “Alt-Right” is more of a philosophy and an ideology than it is an exclusive membership club. If Jews want to be Alt-Right can anyone prevent them? Can anyone prevent Christians from being Zionists?

* explicitly jewish organizations have done everything they can to antagonize and slander people like mike enoch and white nationalists in general…and on top of that, the tactic actually works…as you have admitted yourself. Resentment over this issue is just rather predictable.

* I’m very weary from the binary thinking of many on the Alt Right. They don’t seem to want any ally who offers a smidgeon of a different perspective, and they are dead-set on pursuing the perspective that is as far-removed from mainstream lines of reasoning as possible. There are plenty of mainstream lines of reasoning to wield as weapons to shift the discussion in favor of white interests and culture, but there are many who prefer the path of marginalization to the path of true Sieg. We must become humble enough to want this victory and stay on the true Kampf of recognizing the reality around us. We can strongly advocate for our interests and refuse to cuck while also not pursuing the path of self-alienation. Sieg heil means nothing without victory.

* The issue is that ‘smidgeon [sic] of a different perspective’ is coming from a hostile out-group. We’re not playing games here Thomas, the survival of our people is the only thing we care about. How it comes off, we don’t really care – so they can offer all the advice they want, we don’t want it.

* Privada Machina Again, this seems like either-or thinking that involves thinking that any attempt to reconcile survival with recognition of the outside world will itself lead to demise. But you don’t know that trying to reconcile to certain aspects of the outside world will lead to demise. It doesn’t seem to be controversial to me to want to have a good message and ethos to present to those who have yet to join the fight for survival. You don’t charge the gates of Mordor until you have had a good recruitment campaign, and our recruitment is not very powerful so far. That means a period of self-reflection to figure out a good recruitment campaign is necessary to ensure the survival of our people and a future for white children.

* When we face any criticism, it is important not to misunderstand the criticism or we won’t be able to understand reality. When I was becoming disillusioned with the Left, I noticed time and time again black activists saying that they didn’t want to hear criticism from their oppressors. This seems to be a phenomenon very similar to the one we face now. I don’t think that any movement insulated from criticism is a good thing, and I think that all movements are capable of spiraling out of reality just as the Left did when they started to dismiss any criticism from a white man.

* I truly value Mr.Ford’s channel. I think that he’s highly entertaining and his ongoing struggle with faith an phenotype is fascinating as it unfolds amidst his livestreams…

I frequently comment underneath his videos, leaving observations I doubt he would often support and he has yet to block me. So I have to give credit. In a culture consumed with status he is remarkably candid and seemingly prepared to indulge in levels of introspection that most of his “fellow Jews” would recoil from…

* Let’s face it Luke, it wouldn’t matter what you said on JF’s stream. As soon as the crowd hears you are jewish and sees your yarmulke, they are going to savage you. It’s not personal. It’s just the nature of the beast. I know I also go hard on you in the sperg chat and my fan cuts, but it is not intended as a personal attack. I use the characters on your shows as foils to bounce ideas off of. I think you are doing God’s work with your streams, but even Jesus had Satan as a scrutineer of his conscience.

Keep your chin up you degenerate Aussie.

* I think there’s a resurgence of traditionalism because at this point in time Whites are learning to reject multiculturalism, and I think the Alt-Right is part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multiracial societies that they have become over the recent decades. The Alt-Right is at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. Whites are now going into purification mode, and nationalists are resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

* I think the guest who recommended you call others on their motivations is dead wrong. This sort of pop psychoanalyzing and ad hominem – well, ok, it has its place. But its place isn’t you. I think that would be a bad move.

Let others do that if it is to be done. Keep your focus on the things you have been focusing on (and you actually do that *some,* but you don’t let it derail you, and mostly you do it with respect to whether people are letting their views improve their lives or drag them down, which I think has its place).

If that commented wants to engage in that, let him do that. If you do it, it is far more likely to simply backfire. You will lose, rather than gain, receptivity. It will be more difficult, not easier, to attract such people as guests and they will listen to what you have to say even less than they do now.

It would also be a jerk move. In my opinion.

* I was red-pilled when I was 16 and I am currently 18 now. The red-pill has made me an incredibly hateful person against basically everyone. I was raised by a single-mother and have personally seem some of the awful female behaviors that I have learned about from this movement. This has made me very anti-women emotionally although I try to fight this hatred with logic (very difficult to do). I hide my new knowledge/emotions and don’t speak about it, but the hate is always there in the back of my mind. I isolated myself from all my friends because I am too afraid to talk to them about what I know, but I have nothing else to talk about. I tried going to a therapist but she kept pushing me on what my hobbies were and I couldn’t tell her about this movement and what I was learning (so I stopped going). I was a straight A student who was finally losing weight and improving myself, but the red-pill has thrown me into a vicious cycle of depression and anti-social behavior. I don’t regret learning about what I have learned about, but I always wonder what it would be like to be blissfully ignorant again.

* Travis’s songs are always a highlight. For white identity culture to become something coherent rather than a pipe dream, a folk music revival is imperative.

* My girl was sharing some comments on vegan YouTube videos with me…and it’s shocking the kinds of things that vegans and leftists get away with saying.

Outright incitements to violence and property crime, people saying ‘google and Facebook deserve more mass shootings on account of suppressing our views. Next time I hope a man shoots up YouTube because this way he’ll actually kill people.’

I can’t imagine someone getting away with that on an AltRight channel.

They also post videos of themselves breaking into farms and ‘liberating’ animals.

Sometimes, I think they do good work here. They often get tipped off by people who work at these factory farms because the owners are being grossly negligent about how they keep the animals. There are some truly horrifying things that they’ll come across — and to some extent I buy the notion that it’s in the public interest to know that these people are selling diseased, horribly mistreated animals to the public as food…

But, honestly, the fact that they get away with as much of what they do is astounding.
Symptom of how we’re living in a society where a harm-based hyper-feminized infantile pseudo-morality trumps the rule of law.

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Nathan Cofnas: Kevin MacDonald won’t accept evidence supporting alternative theories about Jewish influence

Here are some of Nathan’s latest tweets:

* Since I think MacDonald’s theory is wrong, obviously I think it has a “non-educative effect” on people who buy into it.

* Setting out to understand Jewish behavior without being committed to distorting the facts to fit a preconceived anti-Jewish theory = legitimate interest.

* I agree. That’s why my argument isn’t that I can find one or two exceptions to MacDonald’s rule. I’m saying MacDonald’s rule doesn’t predict anything.

* I say here that “many educated white nationalists [have become] anti-Semitic.” Ergo anti-Semitism can affect educated people.

* What exactly does MacDonald’s Judaism-as-a-group-evolutionary-strategy theory explain if it’s consistent with Jews being leaders of the most influential anti-liberal, anti-multicultural movements? This is exactly what the DH predicts. Don’t see how MacDonald predicts it.

* Leonard Cohen: “The point is this that peoples, races, bloods have vocations. That people have geniuses. If you don’t believe it then you wipe out the variety and the beauty of the world.”

* I’m satisfied with having made the point that he [Sean Last] didn’t understand my hypothesis, thus didn’t respond to it at all. There are many issues in his video, but most of his misrepresentations aren’t relevant to my original paper.

Nathan Cofnas writes:

Kevin MacDonald now says that his “central goal has been to describe intellectual and political movements that were influential. The participation of individual Jews, such as the Jewish speakers at American Renaissance…, does not make AmRen a Jewish movement, nor does it make it influential.” He says he is only “concerned about where the power lies.”

Editor’s note: Nathan Cofnas is writing about the essay Kevin MacDonald responds to criticism of his theory of Jewish ethnocentrism and influence. Cofnas’s original piece was Analyzing Kevin MacDonald’s ‘Culture of Critique’ and the alt-right’s embrace of anti-Jewish ideology.

Notice the implication: Even if Jews are vastly overrepresented in leadership positions in anti-liberal, anti-multicultural movements (which they are), it won’t matter for MacDonald because these movements haven’t been “influential” and the “power” doesn’t lie with them. This effectively means that he will refuse to accept evidence that supports the obvious alternative to his theory, namely the “default hypothesis”: Because of their above average intelligence and concentration in influential urban areas, Jews will be overrepresented in all intellectual movements and activities that are not overtly anti-Semitic.

The case of American Renaissance is a good example of how Jews are overrepresented among the whole range of (non anti-Semitic) political movements. AmRen is the only major white nationalist organization that is not anti-Semitic. Jewish involvement in AmRen has gone far beyond the “participation of individual Jews.” Jews were 40% of the invited speakers at its first conference, and many of the most prominent people who have been associated with AmRen have been Jews. There are currently eleven books and pamphlets for sale on AmRen’s website (including three by founder Jared Taylor). Two of these are by Jews: Why Race Matters by Michael Levin, former professor of philosophy at City University of New York, and “The Color of Crime”—probably the most influential AmRen publication—by Edwin S. Rubenstein. (Ironically, Jewish involvement in AmRen seems to have dropped off in recent years in large part due to the increasing influence of MacDonald’s work, which has turned many educated white nationalists anti-Semitic.)

MacDonald says that he “can’t think of any prominent populist Jewish intellectuals.” It’s not clear what he means by “populist” or “intellectual.” Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were both described as “populists,” but I assume MacDonald is referring to a white nationalist populism. If that’s what he means, it’s not clear that there are any prominent populist intellectuals in America today, Jew or gentile.

MacDonald says that “there is a sprinkling of Jews among paleoconservatives.” This is misleading. The term “paleoconservative” was coined by a Jew, Paul Gottfried (whom alt-right leader Richard Spencer described as a “mentor”). As I wrote in my first rejoinder to MacDonald, according to the “Prominent people” section of the Wikipedia entry for “Paleoconservatism,” 1/6 prominent paleoconservative politicians, 1/9 philosophers and scholars, and 1/5 journalists is Jewish. This makes Jews vastly overrepresented among prominent paleoconservatives despite the fact that many self-identified paleoconservatives are (at least implicitly) hostile to Jews. Once again, we find the pattern predicted by the default hypothesis and not predicted by MacDonald.

One final point. MacDonald keeps repeating that the Jews he discusses are “strongly identified Jews.” I have pointed out in both my paper and my rejoinder that, in almost all cases, he has no evidence for this other than the fact that these people were Jewish and (in some cases) spoke out against anti-Semitism, which does not actually prove that someone is a “strongly identified” Jew. For MacDonald, however, it seems that the only reasons to oppose anti-Semitism are that one is a strongly identified Jew, under the control of Jews, or alienated from society because of physical unattractiveness. (He recently offered the following explanation for why Jean-Paul Sartre fought against anti-Semitism: “Sartre was ugly by all accounts and 5-feet tall. No surprise growing up he felt rejected & had low social status. He turns this resentment into philosemitism (Jews are also rejected outsiders), hatred of traditional institutions, & into [the] theory [that] anti-Semitism is psychopathology.”)

In his reply, MacDonald claims that the figures he mentions, who espoused universalism and rejected Jewish nationalism, “often had complex and even self-deceptive Jewish identities.” This is a roundabout way of admitting that these figures never gave any indication that they cared about being Jews. Nevertheless, MacDonald concludes that their apparent apathy was “self-deceptive” because unconsciously they were strongly committed Jews. The practice of reinterpreting obvious counterexamples to a theory as supporting evidence is the essence of pseudoscience.

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Chabad Yeshiva Student Kicked And Punched In Crown Heights

From the Forward:

(JTA) — For the third time in three weeks, a person affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement was assaulted in Crown Heights.

The victim, a 22-year-old yeshiva student, was walking home from the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights when he was attacked at around midnight on Tuesday night.

The Crown Heights Info news website reported that the victim felt as if he was being followed and crossed the street, only to discover someone coming at him from the other direction as well.

The two African-American assailants punched and kicked the yeshiva student until he managed to break free and run, catching the attention of police officers. One officer took one of the assailants into custody immediately, and another officer chased after the second assailant, catching him two blocks away. Both assailants were armed with knives, according to the report. Both assailants had prior arrests.

The victim, who had fled, called Crown Heights Shomrim, who assisted in putting the victim in touch with police, and offering translating services in Hebrew until police translators were available.

The father of the victim told CrownHeights.info “they didn’t demand anything from him, all they wanted was to hurt him, to take his life,” and added “my son was lucky [that a police officer] who understood Hebrew just happened to be passing by that intersection and saw my son running for his life.”

A Jewish friend says:

>>You’d think the chabad would be realistic enough to move somewhere less colorful

They are right to stay and fight. Their resilience in the face of the early 90s pogrom directly helped lead to the rebirth of NYC. It takes time. But last time they fought for D’Amato, took down Cuomo, and helped Rudy get elected. I would say all three of those pols made significant changes. They rose up and defeated the Jewish Left, essentially. Whatever my qualms with Chabad, and to be clear, I kinda detest them, they are spiritually along with Breslov the Jewish altright. Those two sects move differently than other black hatters or the Modern Orthodox.

The masses sided with Chabad against the NYT and all of moderate liberal Jewry fell into line. Chabad is more powerful than ever although also more tied to the elites than ever. Time will tell, but they are not going to lay down and they are not going to run away.

* Goy: Both you and your friend are correct (while people like dooovid who welcome the vibrant enrichment and think it’s worth the beatings and intimidation and growing violence are wrong). It was great they stood firm in the 90s and standing firm now has some nobility to it.

However, on present trends, you’re incorrect. If people aren’t going to reverse things (and it doesn’t look like we are), the best thing to do is to pack and leave while they still can. “where will be safe?” nowhere will be safe for my people, but yours has a etho-religious state. I think you all should consider moving there, but not for the reasons AltRighters like M. Enoch give, for example, but rather for the reasons FrameGames predicts and wants us to stop.

There’s no sanctuary down here for my people (and all our elites are to blame for that, which includes, of course, Jewish members of the elite, who are a high proportion of that elite, no matter whether they earned it through sheer merit as Cofnes concludes or through the usual ways any elite rises, as Pareto wrote about 100 years ago). Yours has somewhere to go; I am not sure it will thrive on a South Africa of Everything Planet, but best wishes.

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