Hotep Jesus, Hotep Nation & Alt Blacks


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Care Vs Cure

From comments at Greg Cochran’s blog:

* It’s a very engineering view of human nature to think that medicine is primarily about combatting disease, and whether what we’re doing actually works.

Part of what people want from medical care is precisely the care part, and this is because it makes them feel better. The care meets actual objective psychological demands, and the utility of this perhaps often exceeds the utility of a (quicker) cure. To some extent people behave as though they would prefer to be cared for, rather than cured.

In judging the efficacy of medical cures, patients buy into a socially-sanctioned belief structure, rather than doing any sophisticated cognitive assessment. Whether they feel cared for is something more directly within their own experience, and while trusting in the appropriate socially-sanctioned practices produces some of this sense of being cared for, it is not the whole of it: there’s also a tender manner, and human attention, and love.

Homeopathy works and survives because it is a medium for people to provide this care.

In instrumental terms, it invokes placebo responses, which is a valuable achievement in itself.

Perhaps most valuably, it reveals another dimension for understanding what we are really doing when we seek medical care and when we provide it to each other. What other social practices are primarily a medium of care?

We are then left to decide whether we can bring ourselves to tolerate people participating in a mistaken belief structure which does actually facilitate their access to this care, or whether instead we need to set them right and extirpate their heresy.

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Greg Cochran Interview Wednesday 7pm CA Time (5-25-18)


Greg Cochran blogs: “From time to time I have marveled at how the Left has changed over the years – basically, from steel-driving commies to gender-bender commies. Which leads me to wonder what would happen if, via some mechanism built of ivory and twisted crystal rods, they were ever to meet.”

Greg Cochran’s Twitter.

According to Wikipedia:

Gregory M. Cochran (born 1953) is an American physicist, author, and anthropologist. He is a research associate at the anthropology department at the University of Utah.[1] He is co-author of the book The 10,000 Year Explosion.

In opposition to what he sees as the ‘conventional wisdom’ that civilization has been a static environment which imposed stabilizing selection on humans, Cochran, along with like minded anthropologists such as John D. Hawks,[2] contends that haplotype and other data indicate the selection of genes has been strongest since the advent of farming and civilization.[3]

Ashkenazi intelligence
Main article: Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence
Cochran and co-authors Jason Hardy and Henry Harpending suggest that the high average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews may be attributed to natural selection for intelligence during the Middle Ages and a low rate of genetic inflow. Cochran et al. hypothesise that the occupational profile of the Jewish community in medieval Europe had resulted in selection pressure for mutations that increase intelligence, but can also result in hereditary neurological disorders.[4][5]

Cochran believes an evolutionary perspective suggests that the proximal cause of homosexuality must be an infection.[6][7] Cochran does not suggest that an infectious agent that causes homosexuality is spread by homosexuals. The premise is that homosexuality reduces the number of offspring and would lead to the genes carried by a homosexual person to be progressively eliminated over generations. Cochran maintains that the observed level of prevalence of exclusive homosexuality (3 to 4 percent of men and 1 to 2 percent of women in the United States) means genes cannot be the cause of homosexuality. This argument is based on natural selection, the fitness cost of genes ‘for’ homosexuality being too great for its occurrence at a frequency above that of random mutation (~ 1 in 50,000). The argument assumes that evolution would have largely eliminated homosexuality related to non-infectious environmental causes, except novel ones.

Sponsor and Co-Host: Halsey English

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Report: After accusations of deceit, UW-Madison graduate student apologizes for falsely claiming to be a person of color

From the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

A doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison issued a public apology this week after accusations emerged online that they were presenting as a person of color despite being mostly of Italian ancestry.

CV Vitolo-Haddad — who uses they/them pronouns — wrote in a Medium post Sunday that they resigned from a teaching position and stepped down as co-president of UW-Madison’s chapter of the Teaching Assistants’ Association graduate workers’ union. Vitolo-Haddad was also at one point director of the school’s speech and debate team.

“I am Southern Italian/Sicilian. In trying to make sense of my experiences with race, I grossly misstepped and placed myself in positions to be trusted on false premises,” Vitolo-Haddad wrote. “I went along with however people saw me. I over-identified with unreliable and unproven family history and latched onto anything I remembered growing up.”

…”For years, I have doubted my intuition, questioned whether anyone would believe me, and rationalized that CV might, despite all of the inconsistencies in their story, somehow be telling the truth,” the author of the post exposing Vitolo-Haddad wrote. “Race, after all, is slippery and racialization is not just about what is immediately visible, a fact I now believe CV has taken advantage of as they slide themselves further into spaces of Black identity and political organizing that do not belong to them.”

UW-Madison spokeswoman Meredith McGlone confirmed that Vitolo-Haddad, a student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, is not currently a teaching assistant at the university.

“UW-Madison expects that people represent themselves authentically and accurately in all aspects of their academic work,” McGlone said.

The graduate workers’ union issued a statement condemning the cultural appropriation “in no uncertain terms.”

“The TAA enabled this harm by electing them to a position of power in our union: we have unknowingly rewarded the toxic opportunism of performing Blackness,” the statement reads. “We intend to immediately begin the work of repairing this harm.”

The union will host a town hall on race Monday to allow members to discuss the revelation and to determine how the group can move forward.

From Inside Higher Education:

The graduate student in question is CV Vitolo-Haddad, a Ph.D. candidate in journalism and mass communication. They (Vitolo-Haddad’s preferred pronoun) were outed last week via an anonymous post on Medium and subsequently wrote two posts of their own on the platform.

Vitolo-Haddad described their own actions as letting “guesses about my ancestry become answers I wanted but couldn’t prove” and allowing people to “make assumptions when I should have corrected them.”

“I am so deeply sorry for the ways you are hurting right now because of me,” Vitolo-Haddad wrote in their first public apology. “You have expressed confusion, shock, betrayal, anger, and mistrust. All of those things are a consequence of how I have navigated our relationships and the spaces we share.”

In the second, edited apology, Vitolo-Haddad described themself as “Southern Italian/Sicilian.” In trying to make sense of their experiences with race, “I grossly misstepped and placed myself in positions to be trusted on false premises. I went along with however people saw me.”

On social media, spanning years, however, Vitolo-Haddad has described themself as other than white — in various ways.

This summer, for instance, Vitolo-Haddad described themself as “italo habesha,” meaning of Italian and Eritrean or Ethiopian descent, and “lightskin,” according to screenshots included in the anonymous post outing them.

Several posts are also in Spanish, and allude to Latinx and/or Afro-Latinx ancestry. Tweeting about Krug just last week, they said that their mother described them as Cuban and that the “colorism we uphold and lean into to distance ourselves is actually why no one trusts.” Ironically, in retrospect, they called Krug a “Kansas cracker” who got a Ph.D. in “performing blackface.” They also described “transraciality” as “violence.”

In another 2017 post, Vitolo-Haddad wrote that their mother faulted them for not having enough burning sage to keep their dog “safe from los espíritus malignos,” or evil spirits. The post also seems to say that their mother is a “bruja,” or witch.

Other posts refer to their family’s history of being “colonized.”

The anonymous author of the Medium post says that Vitolo-Haddad is from a white, affluent Italian American family that lives in Florida. Haddad, according to the post, is a name Vitolo-Haddad kept from their past marriage. The author — described only as an affiliate of Madison — notes that Krug also described herself as having different nonwhite backgrounds, including North African and Afro-Latinx.

“Though their claim to a POC identity was vague, the one consistency was their insistence that they were a constant target of acts of racism and that they came from some kind of nonwhite background,” the anonymous author wrote, accusing Vitolo-Haddad of changing their appearance over time to appear nonwhite. “They referenced it frequently on social media and in interpersonal conversations. Their behavior was reminiscent of the way people who knew Krug have described her: perpetually in a victim status, but also perpetually shifting in terms of the specifics. Their stories lacked coherence, but they intimated an insider status that made (and makes) people hesitant to question them.”

Vitolo-Haddad’s initial apology said that they were stepping down from all positions of organizational power at Madison, including their co-presidency of the Teaching Assistants’ Association and their teaching position.

Vitolo-Haddad did not agree to an interview request. Asked via email whether they would remain at Madison as a student only, with no teaching responsibilities, they said, “Those I harmed will be the ones to determine the consequences.”….

What about Vitolo-Haddad? They said Wednesday via email that while they benefited “socially” in certain ways from the situation, they never applied for scholarships, fellowships or awards for people of color or identified as Black on any forms asking about their identification. They also said they’d never represented themself as Black in their published scholarship, which includes work on the rhetorical strategies of far-right groups.

Vitolo-Haddad directed further questions to the second apology post, which says there were “three separate instances,” otherwise unspecified, when they were asked if they were Black but did not say no. They apologized for entering Black organizing spaces and for “failing to correct varied misconceptions about my identity over the years, and for everything I did to aid or advance those ideas.”

In particular, they said, “I want to apologize for ever taking lies about Cuban roots at face value,” though it’s unclear to what they are referring. “Additionally, I want to apologize for how my failure to own up to these harmful decisions publicly made every conversation on social media about the varied ways I’ve been racialized a source of confusion and deception.”

…Meredith Mcglone, spokesperson for Madison, said that the university “expects that people represent themselves authentically and accurately in all aspects of their academic work.” She confirmed that Vitolo-Haddad is “not currently employed as a teaching assistant.”

Vitolo-Haddad in the second confession post said, “What I know now is that perception is not reality. Race is not flat, it is a social construct rife with contradictions. Fighting racism never required dissociating myself from whiteness. In fact, it derailed the cause by centering my experience.”

While “most of the trust I destroyed cannot be rebuilt,” they said, they seek “redress that is appropriate for each individual I’ve harmed.” This will be a “long-term and ongoing process, prioritizing those most directly impacted. I won’t pretend to know what that looks like, but I am committed to being part of it until the end.”

From Medium:

When the Jessica A. Krug story came out yesterday I was shocked, but not by the extent of her deception. What caught my attention, instead, were the parallels between her story and that of someone I know. I have long suspected CV Vitolo, a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, of engaging in the same kind of race-shifting and copious lying that now has people enraged with Krug (and which distracts from the important work and struggles of actual Black thinkers, both in and outside of the academy). I share this information with the hope that it might prevent CV from causing the same harm and violence Krug enacted on people who trusted her.
For years, I have doubted my intuition, questioned whether anyone would believe me, and rationalized that CV might, despite all of the inconsistencies in their story, somehow be telling the truth. Race, after all, is slippery and racialization is not just about what is immediately visible, a fact I now believe CV has taken advantage of as they slide themselves further into spaces of Black identity and political organizing that do not belong to them.
Another reason I have hesitated to expose CV is because they are adept at weaving new information into their ever-expanding web of explanations. Just yesterday, they tweeted about the Krug controversy by alluding to themselves as a racially ambiguous, light-skinned Black person through liberal use of the first person plural…

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Jewish Federation To Jewish Community Member Elections?

Pini Herman writes:

The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Board of Directors is proposing to END pesky Jewish community member elections in a little publicized election (Jewish Journal 4/20, p.39) it is proposed that the largest group comprising the Jewish Federation, it’s membership, be disenfranchised, a result which is anti-democratic. Once the the public is removed from the discussion, it leaves a much smaller group of people with power and with fewer mechanisms of communal oversight.

Help organize Jewish Federation member voting on June 12. Contact Pini Herman at

The essential small print reads:

“At the meeting, members will vote on proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the corporation. These changes will result in the elimination of membership from the corporation, and all rights of members will therefore be eliminated, including, but not limited to, the rights to elect directors, set the size of the board of directors, and amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.”

Please share this outrageous attempt to separate the LA Jewish community from it’s donated resources.

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