Parasha Balak (6-24-18)


From Chabad:

Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel. On the way, Balaam is berated by his donkey, who sees, before Balaam does, the angel that G‑d sends to block their way. Three times, from three different vantage points, Balaam attempts to pronounce his curses; each time, blessings issue forth instead. Balaam also prophesies on the end of the days and the coming of Moshiach.

The people fall prey to the charms of the daughters of Moab, and are enticed to worship the idol Peor. When a high-ranking Israelite official publicly takes a Midianite princess into a tent, Pinchas kills them both, stopping the plague raging among the people.

* Num. 22:3: “Moab was terrified because there were so many people. Indeed, Moab was filled with dread because of the Israelites. 4 The Moabites said to the elders of Midian, “This horde is going to lick up everything around us, as an ox licks up the grass of the field.””

Numbers matter. Demographics matter. Fearing a powerful neighbor is normal.

* Balaam has supernatural gifts. I am open to people having such gifts. Perhaps God reaches out to those who reach out to him.

* How much do you care about other people blessing or cursing you?

* Wikipedia entry on Balak.

* When Pinchas kills the fornicators, that’s an intense solution to an intense problem — the public desecration of Judaism’s laws. It is one thing to sin privately, that can be ignored, but if you sin publicly, you’re asking for a response. The more intense the public sin, the more intense the response. What was the proper response to the decadence of Weimar Germany? What is the proper response to the decadence of Weimarica?

* Most men will give up everything for the opportunity to have sex with a hot chick. I see no reason to waste time denying or bemoaning this reality. Instead, we should accept it and design policy around it.

Women are not superior creatures because they have a lower sex drive (when did you last see a female leader fired for her bad sexual choices?). They are superior in the narrow sense that nature enables them to make less impetuous sexual choices just as nature has endowed men with greater strength and intelligence and courage to make sounder choices in other areas of life.

* Richard Spencer talks about the lawfare against him and the Alt Right. He discusses how almost every fundraising platform he’s joined, has then banned him. Well, when your stated platform is to overthrow the existing order, you have to expect this level of opposition.

* CNN reports:

HHS official listed work for anti-Islam show, conspiracy website on resume

(CNN)A far-right political pundit who was appointed to a post at the Department of Health and Human Services listed on her resume her past work on a conspiracy website and YouTube show where she made anti-Muslim comments, according to documents obtained by CNN’s KFile.

Ximena Barreto was placed on leave at the department in April following reports from CNN and Media Matters that she spread conspiracies and made anti-Muslim comments. She returned to work after issuing a public apology but was moved from her job as a deputy director of communications.
“Comments I made as I private citizen before I was hired at HHS were brought to light by concerned members of the press,” Barreto said in her apology at the time. “In the heated and hyper-passionate political campaign environment, I made generalized comments regarding race relations and radical Islam. I fully understand that these emotionally-charged comments were hurtful, and I deeply apologize to members of both communities.”
A copy of Barreto’s resume, obtained by CNN on Thursday through a Freedom of Information Act request, shows she listed her previous conspiratorial work on her resume as a qualification for the communication position.
The resume noted her work from June 2017 through the present on “The Right View” and on the Halsey News Network — YouTube shows she co-hosted where she said Islam was “a cult” and said the Republican Party shouldn’t allow a Muslim to run for Congress.

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The Bronze Age Mindset (6-22-18)

From Vox:

Who is Bronze Age Pervert?
That’s not altogether clear. His profile photograph is of an impossibly buff man facing away from the camera. His bio identifies him as an “Aspiring Nudist Bodybuilder. Free speech and anti-xenoestrogen activist.” He’s been cited to me by a number of sources familiar with the cultural landscape of something of a leadership figure among devotees of Pepe the Frog. He frequently condemns other alt-right figures, such as Richard Spencer, at times suggesting they might be in league with the FBI.

His posts veer between retweeting MRA rhetoric about “roasties” (slang for women with multiple sexual partners), claiming that Jordan Peterson plagiarized his suggestion of “enforced monogamy” from him (in an earlier forum post, he claimed women should be reduced to breeding stock), and celebrating on #HandsomeThursdays the physiques of chiseled, muscular Aryan and Slavic men. It’s not clear, in his internet-slang-laced posts, where performative trolling ends and authentic far-right views begin, nor does it necessarily matter.

Nobody knows who Bronze Age Pervert is. But among a subset of internet denizens, he’s something of a demigod: a Jordan Peterson in miniature. He was well-known enough for the neoreactionary and proto-alt-right thinker Curtis Yarvin (better known by his pseudonym, Mencius Moldbug) to name-check him in a recent interview with an Atlantic journalist, telling Rosie Gray that Bronze Age Pervert was his contact inside the White House. While this seems to have been an attempt to troll Gray, it speaks to Bronze Age Pervert’s relative notoriety within this tight community.

An anonymous follower of his on another neoreactionary blog declared him the leader of the alt-right in language that, though comically over the top, nevertheless speaks to the fundamental mythic tendency of these movements:

“Bursting away the built up rust of the last centuries so new myths may be sung. He frees us from the constrictions of historicism and geographism- placing the race question in the light of the Faustian imperial infinity. By having us all take up barbarism the Right is spared from the civcuck middling elements having too much a say … new culture will be anti-fragile to the attaqs against it, it will soon give us victory. Long live our liege lord.”

It’s, of course, ridiculous. But it’s also illustrative. What Peterson makes implicit, Bronge Age Pervert and his followers make explicit: the intersection of trolling (complete with language taken straight from Internet memes) and traditionalism. The traditionalist aesthetic allows for both an embrace of an imagined past — in which order is triumphant over chaos — and a thoroughly contemporary assumption of transgression.

Bronze Age Pervert is an embodiment of the strange and effective tension between nostalgia and transgression that makes men like Peterson so popular. His blend of say-anything internet irony, highly eroticized valorization of splendid “warrior” bodies, and atavistic appeals to return to an era when men were real men is as close as you can get to a distillation of the Petersonian essence.

In one tweet, Bronze Age Pervert posts a painting of a naked wood nymph with a thoroughly Nietzschean caption: “return of the maenads …… imagine being torn limb from limb by crazed bacchant-gril as irregular drums beat and very thin, circular demented melody plays on two flutes handled by goat-men … I want such death.”

In a Twitter DM interview, Bronze Age Pervert told me that he did not call himself a traditionalist “because there’s no tradition I can think of that I’m trying to preserve.” He looks, he said, to Homeric and Classical Greek thought, as well as to Tibetan Buddhism, but isn’t trying to “adopt or revive” them.

“Most traditions are hostile to beauty and excellence,” he said, although he believes in a “biological hierarchy” that privileges some traditions over others (he’s a fan of the French, the Greeks, the Japanese; he dislikes Ashkenazi Jews).

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Andy Nowicki: Why are Alt-Right leaders such dismal failures? (6-28-18)


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The Power Of Hollywood

I’ve had a CPAP since 2011 and used it off and on. Then this weekend I watched season two of Goliath on Amazon Prime, where the lawyer played by Billy Bob Thornton effortlessly uses the same type of CPAP as I have. So I went back to my CPAP this week and it was effortless. I was able to leave it on all night and reap better quality sleep as a result.

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Trump & The Jews

Nathan Cofnas tweets: “Trump’s biggest donors and closest advisors were Jews. Virtually all mainstream intellectuals were against him, Jew and gentile. He would not have won without Jewish support, and he wouldn’t have taken a strong stand on immigration without Miller.”

Chaim Amalek writes: “That’s like saying “Jesus’ biggest supporters and closest advisors were Jews” while skipping over the fact that but for the militant agitation of the Jewish establishment of His time – the jews of the Sanhedrin and the temple high priesthood – the Romans would not have bothered with Jesus. In the future, after the Hollywood Jews and the New York Times Jews and the Washington Establishment Jews have claimed Trump’s scalp (wigged or not), angry gentiles will come to regard Trump as their Jesus, destroyed as per the wishes of the Jewish establishment of our time. It won’t be fair, it won’t be right, but then, neither was the last 2,000 years of history for us Yidden.”

Nathan Cofnas tweets: “Jews are highly overrepresented among the top Republican intellectuals and political donors. There wouldn’t be (e.g.) a libertarian movement in any recognizable form without Jewish leadership, and even MacDonald never claimed that libertarianism is a Jewish intellectual movement.”

Chaim Amalek: “Which group benefits from having the goyim adopt a set of principles like libertarianism that real Torah Jews will never, ever adopt? If you can socially atomize those you secretly regard as your opposition, who benefits?”

Nathan Cofnas tweets: “I think you can simply observe people’s behavior and see that most people don’t tend to act in their ethnic group interest.”

Chaim Amalek: “On the issue of immigration into the USA, most non-whites certainly ARE acting in their group’s self interest. On the other hand, on this same issue and encouragement of Muslim (e.g., Somali) immigration into the US, the secular Jewish establishment is acting DIRECTLY contrary to Jewish interests. Go figure.”

Nathan Cofnas tweets: ” I don’t know about LA, but for sure less than 5% of white gentiles in NYC would agree that “America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.” But *most* orthodox Jews in NYC would probably agree.”

Chaim Amalek: “Would this question be asked under conditions of privacy sufficiently strong that the questioned believed they would have true anonymity in answering? If “Yes” then I expect many more than 5% of white gentiles would agree.”

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