The Right Tonight With Kevin Michael Grace

* Los Angeles Times: “Before his death, 10-year-old Anthony Avalos came out as gay, official says. Authorities are investigating whether homophobia played a role in his death.”

MP3 MP3.

* The latest on Milo.

* Supreme Court upholds Trump’s travel ban. The right keeps winning.

* Japanese blogger stabbed to death after internet abuse seminar

One of Japan’s most prominent bloggers has been stabbed to death minutes after giving a seminar on how to resolve personal disputes on the internet.

Media reports said Kenichiro Okamoto, better known by his blogger name Hagex, died on Sunday evening after reportedly being attacked by a man he had argued with online.

The suspect, Hidemitsu Matsumoto, allegedly followed Okamoto into the toilets after he had ended his talk at a venue in the south-western city of Fukuoka.

Okamoto was stabbed several times before staggering out of the toilets after his assailant, who fled on a bicycle, according to the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper….

Moments before the fatal stabbing, the 41-year-old had shared advice at a public event on how to deal with online disputes.

According to reports, the suspect had posted messages containing personal abuse directed at Okamoto and other commenters on the blog. The Mainichi quoted a source as saying that Okamoto “had got into trouble before with internet users over the content of the blog”.

In a message purportedly written immediately after the stabbing, Matsumoto said he had continued to abuse Okamoto by opening a new account every time his existing account was deleted.

He added: “I am going to go now to my neighborhood police box to voluntarily surrender and take responsibility for my actions.”

Matsumoto, 42, reportedly confessed to stabbing Okamoto, telling police he had grown to “hate” the celebrity blogger and wanted to kill him.

Regarded as a leading expert on cybercrime and the dark web, Okamoto worked for an IT security consulting firm and made regular TV appearances.

Japanese Twitter users paid tribute to the blogger, with many voicing disbelief over the violent nature of his death. “Rest in peace, Hagex,” one user wrote.

The IT journalist Daisuke Tsuda said he was shocked to learn of Okamoto’s death. “How could this have happened?” he wrote.

Online personalities and journalists are often victims of online abuse in Japan, where attempts are being made to crack down on hate speech.

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How Do You Stay Sane While Streaming?

How do you stay sane while moderating a lively Youtube discussion? How do you balance the competing needs of your audience, your ethics, and your guests? We can’t control other people, and yet we all exert a force field. We can’t force people to do what we want, but we influence others. Dennis Prager, for example, emits a strong moral force field. When Dennis walks into a room, people stand up and pay attention. They are profoundly affected by his presence. My force field, however, is weak.

Tehrani comments: You should be bloody proud to have created a channel where the audience gets to hear from so many diverse, strange & bizarre people.

It’s one of the weirdest, thought provoking channels I’ve ever encountered on YT.

I hope I don’t come off too stalkingly admirable, but I think the the lyrics to Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ come to mind when ever I listen to your streams.

As a fan, I don’t think I’m alone in relating to the following lyrics when listening to your streams, shows & ‘driving while advising’ vids:

“CREEP” – RadioHead
When you were here before
Couldn’t look you in the eye
You’re just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
And I wish I was special
You’re so fuckin’ special
But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don’t belong here.
I don’t care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I’m not around
You’re so fuckin’ special
I wish I was special
But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don’t belong here.
She’s running out again,
She’s running out
She’s run run run run
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You’re so fuckin’ special
I wish I was special
But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I don’t belong here.
I don’t belong here.

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I was inspired by this webinar by Alex Katehakis.

Far West comments: “I’ve asked myself the same question while feeling lonely at parties – “does anyone here care about me?” I like your therapists response. People will naturally begin to feel a connection with you when you take an interest in them.”

Claire: “There’s something deeply therapeutic about Luke’s musings.”

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Trump attacks ‘filthy’ Red Hen restaurant for turning away Sarah Huckabee Sanders

From The Independent:

Donald Trump has described a Virginia restaurant that refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as “filthy”.

The president hit out at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington on Twitter, after it turned Ms Sanders and her family away last week because she worked for the Trump administration.

“The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” he wrote. “I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!”

On my show today, Kevin Michael Grace and company (Claire Khaw, Analytical Chick, Ecce Lux, and Dennis Dale) discussed this incident and the coming civil war.

MP3 of the show.

Claire Khaw blogs: I come in from the 14th minute.

56th minute  Why the Mexicans wouldn’t put up with an immigrant invasion the Americans have

On the average of a country affecting the National Character from 1:01

The feminine stratagem from 1:24 and Trump as alpha male of America and whether he is really in charge.

Trump backs down on migrant family separations policy

From 1:52 Kevin Grace quotes: “Privatise profits and socialise risks.”

We discuss Corporate America and the oligarchy. I was going to say the second American Revolution should abolish to oligarchy and have a one party state like China, but they started talking about Kevin’s avatar instead.

The US could become a one-party state without even having to change its constitution

Western democracy falters and looks to China

It was me who complained about Kevin’s avatar in a previous podcast, so I can’t complain now. I have previously suggested that his avatar should be a marijuana leaf.
After Analytical Chick and are removed, Luke invites the men to discuss women. Kevin complains about my Twitter behaviour and Secular Koranism then starts having a lovely time talking about his time as a thespian, bad British teeth and life goals.

Martin Amis novels discussed.

Muriel Spark and ageing is mentioned. Apparently, being old is better than growing old.

At 2:29 Kevin is asked if he is gay. There is a shocked silence and then ….

at 2:31 Kevin compares about being stalked by me and my tweets to him at  which he says are like Another Tequila Sunrise.

Is Kevin the hired hand? Am I the woman runnin’ round while Kevin is enjoying his tequila nights and sunrises? With whom am I runnin’ round? Dennis Dale?

2:39  Kevin thinks I am nuts and a Muslim.

2:40  Luke Ford says he likes my comments on his videos.

2:41  Kevin Grace [grandly and portentously]: “I have realised the full import of Claire Khaw!”

Dennis Dale: “She is so right. You just reject her message because she is a woman, and an Asian woman.”

2:48  Kevin tells us of his thespian past.

2:52  Kevin very sweetly white knights for me.

David Icke

Tom Selleck

Tom Cruise


3:06  Kevin caterwauls.

Their favourite movies

From 3:34  They talk about being being bullied at school. Kevin calls motiveless malignity Original Sin.

3:38 Ecce is complimented on his voice. I think it is a bookish preppy New England aristocracy voice. I imagine the narrator of The Great Gatsby having a voice like Ecce.

They are basically talking about their Yetzer Hara without using the word.

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My Rage, Resentment And Despair With Technology

Come July 3, I’ll have been blogging for 21 years, but I’ve never been ahead of the curve with technology. I only started using proper blogging software (WordPress) in 2006. I only started my Youtube channel in 2007. I only got an iPhone in 2016.

I was not one of the first guys in high school to learn to use a computer. I never took a computer class at Placer High School. I had peers well ahead of me in this respect. I did learn some computer skills writing for the Auburn Journal in my senior year, and then when I became the editor of the newspaper at Sierra Community College in the fall of 1985, I learned how to use a Mac.

I’ve always had this fear about technology, or just anything technical and practical. And not just fear, but impatience turning to rage and resentment and then despair when I couldn’t make things happened as I wished.

I was talking to someone close to me about this. We decided we had inherited this pattern. It was modeled to us in childhood and those neural pathways got so well worn, we haven’t been able escape them.

When JF Gariepy appeared on my show a few months ago, he said I’d get a lot more views if I did my videos more professionally. I know he’s right. I’ve always been more willing to expend effort to produce quantity rather than quality. My work history is frequently shoddy. “Careless” is my middle name.

So I’m in recovery now. I’m determined to up my game because I know that my habitual ways of doing things don’t work for me as I’d like. So I bought everything he recommended (including the BEHRINGER XENYX X1222USB sound mixer and the Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic Microphone, Cardioid as well as a few things in addition (such as a standing desk, a topo standing mat, the RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Microphone Boom Arm, a polo shirt, and two Van Heusen dress shirts).

When the standing desk arrived, I read that it was simple to assemble, and yet I couldn’t do it. For one thing, my computer monitor cord was too short, so I had to order a longer one. I searched for videos with instructions on how to assemble the desk and there were’t any, so I sat on the ground and looked at the instructions and thoughts about how I could approach or pay people to help me and then I did a bit and a little more and then I set it aside for a few days until the cord arrived and one screw was missing, but I still got the desk working but the 30″ monitor seems shaky, who knows what it will do in an earthquake…

The togo mat was simple. I simply removed the plastic and put it on the floor and went to town on it.

The sound mixer bedevils me. I’ve watched all these videos on it and read the instruction manual but I don’t have a clue except I know that when I plug it into my computer, I can no longer get any sound in my headphones. I downloaded the Banana Voicemeeter that JF recommended but when I installed it, I could no longer get any sound into my headphones or speakers so I had to uninstall it.

I watched video after video about using Streamlabs OBS but I hardly have a clue about how I am going to transition to that platform and so I’m asking around for help.

This is how I’ve long dealt with my frightened approach to technology. I ask for help quickly, and when necessary, I pay for that help.

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