Brett Kavanaugh Accusations

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* If Kavanaugh had been arrested, tried, and convicted of this made up incident, the court records would have been sealed and expunged because he would have been a juvenile. The expungement would give you a legal right to deny it ever happened.

Government background investigations do not go in to criminal activity before age 18 for this reason.

They never should have given this crazy lady the time of day.

* Steve Sailer: It’s pretty hard to be in any kind of illegal business above dealing marijuana to your friends without being connected one way or another to violence.

A friend of mine in high school was the son of a top bookie, who was occasionally off to the Men’s Correctional Colony for awhile. His dad was a high IQ guy. But how do you collect on debts in illegal businesses if the government won’t send the sheriff around on your behalf?

* Lib websites are playing up the white man angle but none are considering that lowering the burden of proof for sexual assault will put more African American men of color behind bars.

* From the perspective of living with (and sometimes arguing with) Mrs. ic1000 (a wonderful mom and stepmom, if I haven’t mentioned that) — seems that the Democrats’ Kavanaugh strategy is effective at mobilizing their base, and also at bringing straying liberal-but-practical Nice White Ladies back into the fold.

Most commenters here are concerned about the logic and plausibility of the competing narratives, the weight of evidence, precedent, consistency (e.g. Keith Ellison), and the like.

The news isn’t a priority for Mrs. ic1000, she gets it from the TV, Facebook, and talking with friends. She relates stories to her own lived experience. As a pretty woman of a certain age, that includes a number of decades-old episodes of groping and harassment at work, and the advice from (female) supervisors to “let it go”.

On the one hand, Kavanaugh the hard-drinking, entitled ‘bro’. On the other, an accomplished woman with no reason to lie or exaggerate. So where there’s smoke , there’s likely fire.

Sen. Feinstein’s camp threw a Hail Mary pass, and why not? The upsides are plain. The story might be truthful or truthy enough to sink the nomination. Or, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” somebody else might step forward with some other, more credible tale. At a minimum, a prominent conservative’s reputation has been impugned. If he should turn liberal on the Court, there’s plenty of opportunity for rehabilitation.

The Republican Brain Trust’s idea to blame some other, drunkier bro just reminds this demographic of “It Wasn’t Me”. Maybe not such a brainstorm after all.

* “Rolling Stone’s lawyer says he’d be happy to stipulate Phi Psi. But Eramo attorney Libby Locke suddenly stands and demands that the jurors trust their own ears.

“It goes to credibility,” says Locke.

Judge Glen Conrad agrees.”

See this is the difference between a real trial and the kangaroo court of public opinion as filtered thru the leftist media. In a real trial you have opposing counsel viewing the witness with appropriate skepticism (whether she is a man or a woman – none of this bullshit where people are entitled to a presumption that they are telling the truth based on chromosomes) and an unbiased judge as a reality check. Without this check, people get carried away on a wave of wishful thinking that supports their pre-existing biases. Jackie’s account on the tape is filled with inconsistencies – she can’t even get the name of the frat right. But they go right over Erdely’s head because she WANTS to believe and there is no one telling her to be skeptical (the old journalistic maxim that if your mother tells you that she loves you, you should check it first before you print it is forgotten in the Woke Era). Some stories are too good to check.

In a courtroom, people lie more often than not. I once had an old lawyer tell me that in a courtroom, every time a witness tells the complete unvarnished truth, the brass eagle on top of the flagpole comes to life and flies around the courtroom, but that in all his years of practice he had never seen it. Therefore, judges instruct the jury that they not only may but MUST assess the credibility of each witness and that they are free to discount the witness’s testimony if they find her to be not credible.

Meanwhile, in leftist media land, the great tradition of show trials continues. In a show trial, an accusation is the same thing as a conviction – if you weren’t guilty then you wouldn’t be accused in the first place.

This shows real short term thinking by the Dems, like their announcement of the Biden Rule and their decision to do away with the filibuster for judicial nominations. The politics of personal destruction are a double edged sword. RBG, an old school liberal, says that the “old way” was better for everyone.

The next time the tables are turned, the teenage sex life of Democrat nominees will be up for grabs (no pun intended) as well. And if Kav makes it onto the Court, I would wager that he is going to be more of a Thomas than a Souter. If he ever thought that he could gain “strange new respect” from the Washington establishment by shifting his views to the left a little, he must now know that is a hopeless cause for himself for the rest of his (I hope) many decades on the Court. In fact he will burn with hatred for the leftists who tried to destroy his life just to score some political points. Maybe as far as Schumer is concerned, this is nothing personal, just business, like a Mafia hit, but Kav is sure to take this personally.

* If Diablo Valley College professor Eric Clanton was willing to slam a bicycle lock into the heads of Trump supporters, potentially causing fatal injuries, then I don’t see why a Palo Alto College professor Christine Ford wouldn’t embellish hazy high school booze party groping to knock off a conservative Supreme Court nominee. It obvious that the Northern California Resistance will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to win a political argument. Their stupid academic titles should not be given a fig of weight in evaluating their statements. They can pretty much be dismissed out of hand as Machiavellian liars.

* Most cops are remarkably blase about whom they send to prison for a crime – the important thing is the clearance rate. Some other guy actually confessed to the murder that they pinned on Dixon but since they already had Dixon down they told the other guy to get lost.

I think one of the reasons that they are so blase (aside from not really giving a damn about anything other than collecting their pensions ASAP) is that they know that most of the folks that they deal with are amply guilty of other crimes for which they have not been convicted – either they have gotten clean away or there is insufficient proof to convict. For every crime they are tried for, they have probably committed 10 other crimes that they have gotten away with (maybe less serious ones than murder). There are some rare cases where a choir boy is wrongly accused but usually those who are convicted are immersed in the criminal milieu and have done all sorts of things before.

* Can we look forward to a Playboy feature on The Girls of Kavanaugh?

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NYT: Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

My read is that Rod Rosenstein couldn’t handle a high stress environment and a chaotic president. Not everybody can deal with stress and anxiety and chaos with aplomb. Rosenstein could not.

I’ve kept many jobs that other people were not able to handle because of the chaos and screaming. I spent some of my early years in foster care and so I learned to negotiate difficult people. Those who went before me would often end up curled in a ball sobbing when the boss screamed at them. I usually kept my cool or yelled back and thus gained the boss’s respect.

An alternative explanation is that the Deep State wants to destroy President Trump.

It’s disturbing that Jeff Sessions said he would resign if Rosenstein were fired. Sessions has bad judgment.

New York Times:

WASHINGTON — The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

Mr. Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring of 2017 when Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director plunged the White House into turmoil. Over the ensuing days, the president divulged classified intelligence to Russians in the Oval Office, and revelations emerged that Mr. Trump had asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty and end an investigation into a senior aide.

Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But Mr. Rosenstein was caught off guard when Mr. Trump cited the memo in the firing, and he began telling people that he feared he had been used.

Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.

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Matt P. writes:

“Whenever I’ve developed an enthusiasm, I’ve always been curious in what debunks my enthusiasm… when I got interested in Judaism I became interested in those books that were most damaging to Judaism… when I was a Christian I became interested in what debunks Christianity… when I was a Capitalist I became interested in Communism… this is the way I’ve always lived my life, I realize that to everyone else it seems schizophrenic and wildly contradictory and impossible to put together…[it’s] just the way I investigate everything.”

— Luke Ford in Stark Truth TV’s new documentary “Supply”

Luke Ford has been many different things in his 52 years; so many so that it is impossible to keep them all in your head at once. He might be well described as porn journalist turned alt-right journalist who, all the while, has remained a steadfast convert to Orthodox Judaism, but this description would leave out other distinct flavors: Luke’s being Australian, his background as the “son of a preacher man”, his devotion to the Alexander technique and other ergonomic endeavors, not to mention his interest in psychology and 12-step work.

Perhaps the most catch-all way to describe Luke, though–other than as a man at life-long war with his own narcissism– is as an investigator: a seeker of truth, who tends to position himself as close to the source as possible. While some of us are interested in Jewish spirituality from afar Luke put on the Kippah and Tzittzit himself, and moved to the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angelas: one of the city’s two hearts of Orthodox Judaism. While we’ve all found ourselves enticed by pornography, Luke has the distinction of actually having immersed himself in the industry for a decade, interviewing hundreds of performers and producers, and even directing a porno himself. And of course, while if you’re reading this blog you likely have interest in the alt-right, chances are you have not explored it as up-close-and-personal as Luke, whose daily livestream has featured virtually every major figure in the movement.

What motivates this kind of rigor? I submit that it is because Luke’s interests are not merely intellectual, but existential: not passive curiosities, but to him, matters of urgency, even life or death. Symptomatic of the narcissistic personality disorder with which Luke was once diagnosed– and of which he admits to exhibiting at least some elements– is the need, in lieu of any internal sense of self-worth, to be constantly validated and stimulated by the external world: and one can sense this in Luke’s work, this desperate search for an ever-elusive wholeness. Whether he’s looking into the healing promised by the Alexander technique or the recovery promised by 12-step programs, the eros promised by the adult industry or the social-cohesion yearned for by the alt-right, it always seems like Luke might be trying find that one thing that could save him. “The people who come into my chat room [are] like me,” Luke explains in one of his ruminative car-livestreams, “absolutely broken: something broken in the way they connect to other people, it’s just not happening in a normal, easy fashion… so we found some process such as extreme politics, some sort of excitement such as sports addiction, we’ve thrown ourselves into religion or to some esoteric philosophy…. and yet at core, when we’re alone and silent, and we have nothing to distract us no one, no substance, no process we’re fundamentally uncomfortable with ourselves.”

What may start out as a loss for Luke’s mental well-being, however, is transformed into quality work through his journalistic craft. The questions Luke asks are clearly animated by a deep existential drive to approach the truth of his subject as closely as possible. What is dug up, whether it is what Luke hoped to find or not, is invariably, arrestingly, truthful and honest. Similarly, Luke seems pathologically unable to make complete covenant with any one world-view or perspective, considering the most compelling negations of a concept at the very moment of his highest enthusiasm for it, and in so doing reaching always toward an ever-broader understanding. In these atomized times, in which our sense of shared reality diminishes with every news cycle, and it seems to be our lot to live perpetually on the precipice between meaning and chaos–I would argue that this bold, searching, and existentially-motivated journalism is the kind that matters the most.

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Judge Kavanaugh And The Case Of The Mysterious Disappearing Accusers

00:00 Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers
55:00 The Virgin Spring
1:44:00 Journalist Maggie Parker (with that thousand yard stare) lists her exes in lurid detail prior to getting married

* Theater Thursday: The Virgin Spring (1960)

* Fmr Scalia Law Clerk Makes Bombshell Claim ‘Compelling Evidence’ Will Exonerate Kavanaugh Soon

* NPR: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Classmate: ‘That It Happened Or Not, I Have No Idea’

* Controversy over Kavanaugh could weigh on Roberts court


* Ford Classmate Claims Kavanaugh Incident Happened, Then Deletes Facebook Post

* Controversy over Kavanaugh could weigh on Roberts court

* Celebrities rally behind Kavanaugh accuser in video: ‘We believe you’

* From the Anonymity of Academia to the Center of a Supreme Court Confirmation

* Celebrities rally behind accuser

* ‘I told her that I believed her’: Lawmaker describes meeting with Kavanaugh accuser

* The Guardian:
‘No accident’ Brett Kavanaugh’s female law clerks ‘looked like models’, Yale professor told students

* 41% of rape accusations are fake.

* Immigration is not a human right

* Nearly half in top 5 US cities don’t speak English at home, record 67 million

* Before She Says I Do: Maggie Parker Lists Her Exes

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Who Needs Due Process? The Democrats Demand We “Believe The Woman”

00:00 Christine Blasey Ford
24:00 Robert Mueller/Russia/Manafort/Ukraine vs Russia
26:00 Are Bert & Ernie of Sesame Street fame gay?
36:00 Emmy’s ratings crash
40:00 Queen Ann Coulter
42:00 Jim Carrey has lost it
48:00 Stormy Daniels’ new book
1:03:00 Reactionary Right on Youtube
1:09:00 Latest episodes of Better Call Saul

* Dennis Prager: The Charges Against Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Ignored

* Paul Krugman has Brett Kavanaugh’s number

* Poisoning the minds of children: Bert & Ernie are gay says writer

* Robin Abcarian: In black churches, pastors recognize a #MeToo moment among their clergy

* NYT: China Once Looked Tough on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling.

* Emmy’s ratings down More

* The Guardian: Stormy Daniels’ tell-all book on Trump: salacious detail and claims of cheating

* Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube

* Meet Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch

* Better Call Saul recap

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