Tag Archives: torah portion

No One Is Above The Law – A Lesson From This Week’s Torah Portion

Dr. Mark H. Kirschbaum writes for Tikkun: In this, the last perasha in Sefer Shemot, we are going to deal with one of the more ostensibly uninteresting passages in the Torah, and some quite interesting possible readings of it. This … Continue reading

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Kaddish Is Magic

Among the most ridiculous things I see in Orthodox shuls are the fights over the right to various honors such as aliyot (call to the Torah), davening for the congregation, or reciting the Torah or Haftorah portion. I see rabbis … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk With Joey Kurtzman – Parasha Miketz

The Torah portion is Miketz. Read Rabbi Ari Kahn’s commentary here. From wikipedia: "Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, asked his sons why they sat around looking at each other, and sent them down to Egypt to buy … Continue reading

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) II

Click here to watch my discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41)

Click here to watch my discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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