Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

The Mishandling Of Sarah Palin

Bill Kristol tells Dennis Prager that the mishandling of Sarah Palin was the most frustrating part of the presidential campaign. That McCain’s people "locked her up and didn’t know what kind of communicator they had. Having Katie Couric be her … Continue reading

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MSM Outlet Drops Pretense Of Neutrality

Mickey Kaus writes: Slate‘s quadrennial exercise proving that just because you’re open about it doesn’t mean it’s not embarrassing is up.  Slate is voting 55-1 for Obama over McCain, with one additional vote for Bob Barr. With those numbers, it’s getting hard … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Still Loves Sarah Palin

He says on his radio show today: "She has been mauled by the media. She’s the anti-thing that they love. She’s the anti-media, the opposite of what they adore. Her origins are humble. She’s religious. "The criticism of Sarah Palin … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t McCain Spokeswoman Nicole Wallace Take The Hit For Buying Those Expensive Clothes For Sarah Palin?

On Fox News this afternoon, Fred Barnes says only about $50,000, not $150,000, was spent by the Republican party on clothes for Sarah Palin. He says it was staffer Nicole Wallace who went out and bought those clothes without consulting … Continue reading

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Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

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