Tag Archives: rabbi

The Faith-Based Model For Recovery Pays Damn Well

I’m checking out the 2008 990 filing of Beit T’shuva (House of Repentance), a Jewish recovery house. “The most important component of the Beit T’shuva faith-based model of recovery is the spiritual community.” Rabbi Mark Borovitz, the founder and author … Continue reading

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This Could Hurt Your Orthodox Marriage Prospects

Heshy Fried writes: Facebook: Unless you are a kiruv rabbi, you have no excuse to be on facebook. If you happen to be on facebook you may want to make sure that you are fans of gedolim and kosher Jewish … Continue reading

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Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

This week’s Torah portion is Veetchanan: Va’etchanan (ואתחנן — Hebrew for “and I pleaded,” the first word in the parshah) is the 45th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the second in the … Continue reading

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Ten Commandments For Liberal Jews

Click here to watch last night’s entire Torah discussion with Rabbi Rabbs. Rabbi Rabbs says: The Ten Commandments for Liberal Jews: 1. You shall take offense to Christians and loudly proclaim Christianity goes against Judaism, while you shall have no … Continue reading

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The Gadolim Stand Behind Rabbi Rabbs

The whole thing. Rabbi Rabbs: “I don’t want kids. I’d be a terrible parent just like my parents.” “I am strongly against child abuse. That’s my big ticket item… I see myself as a leader in standing up against child … Continue reading

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