Germany Confronts The Enemy Within

There are 16 references to the far-right and six to neo-nazis in this article but no definitions are offered.

Katrin Bennhold writes for the New York Times:

Germany has a problem. For years, politicians and security chiefs rejected the notion of any far-right infiltration of the security services, speaking only of “individual cases.” The idea of networks was dismissed. The superiors of those exposed as extremists were protected. Guns and ammunition disappeared from military stockpiles with no real investigation.

The government is now waking up. Cases of far-right extremists in the military and the police, some hoarding weapons and explosives, have multiplied alarmingly. The nation’s top intelligence officials and senior military commanders are moving to confront an issue that has become too dangerous to ignore.

The problem has deepened with the emergence of the Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, which legitimized a far-right ideology that used the arrival of more than a million migrants in 2015 — and more recently the coronavirus pandemic — to engender a sense of impending crisis.

Why does Germany have this problem? Why now? What is it in response to? A best-selling book published in Germany in 2010 (but never translated and published in English) offers a clue — Germany Abolishes Itself. According to Wikipedia: “Sarrazin argued for restricting Muslim immigration to Germany on the grounds that Muslims who had immigrated to Germany from Turkey and other Muslim countries had failed to assimilate into German society, lived culturally separate lives in densely Muslim neighborhoods, and that two thirds of Germany’s Muslim immigrants were on welfare.”

Most concerning to the authorities is that the extremists appear to be concentrated in the military unit that is supposed to be the most elite and dedicated to the German state, the special forces, known by their German acronym, the KSK.

I would expect that those most willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their people are the least friendly to multi-culturalism. People don’t sacrifice for a state as much as they will for specific people. One reason that Germany soldiers have been so formidable in the past century is that they have typically come from the same parts of the country and thus feel a fierce loyalty to each other.

In many cases, soldiers have used the networks to prepare for when they predict Germany’s democratic order will collapse. They call it Day X. Officials worry it is really a pretext for inciting terrorist acts, or worse, a putsch.

“For far-right extremists, the preparation of Day X and its precipitation blend into one another,” Martina Renner, a lawmaker on the homeland security committee of the German Parliament, told me.

The ties, officials say, sometimes reach deep into old neo-Nazi networks and the more polished intellectual scene of the so-called New Right. Extremists are hoarding weapons, maintaining safe houses, and in some cases keeping lists of political enemies.

A Germany bent on abolishing itself will inevitably have a Day X.

Some German news media have referred to a “shadow army,” drawing parallels to the 1920s, when nationalist cells within the military hoarded arms, plotted coups and conspired to overthrow democracy.

When the current system doesn’t work, people will seek alternatives.

Under the headline, the Times writes: “Germany worries about a problem of far-right infiltration at the heart of its democracy.”

I would think in a democracy, citizens infiltrating the state is the whole point of this particular system of government, unless these citizens have an allegiance to a political ideology that is illegal. What if the only system of governance that could preserve Germany is currently illegal? Then those who want to preserve their people have the choice of giving up or infiltrating the rotting structure of the current state.

“I would estimate the number of soldiers in European armed forces that also belong to nationalist groups to number in the hundreds of thousands, with just as many employed in law enforcement positions,” Mr. [Brendan] Tarrant had written.

That makes sense. These people may be the only hope for Europe.

But investigating the problem is itself fraught: Even the military counterintelligence agency, charged with monitoring extremism inside the armed forces, may be infiltrated.

Do those who support the current system have the same dedication as those opposed? I doubt it. People don’t risk death for constitutions and democratic values.

“If the very people who are meant to protect our democracy are plotting against it, we have a big problem,” said Stephan Kramer, president of the domestic intelligence agency in the state of Thuringia. “How do you find them?”

“These are battle-hardened men who know how to evade surveillance because they are trained in conducting surveillance themselves,” he added.

“What we are dealing with is an enemy within.”

If at core these insurgents are anti-social, then they will collapse from within like the American Alt Right. If at core these insurgents are pro-social, then maybe they deserve to triumph.

It was never easy to be a soldier in postwar Germany. Given its Nazi history and the destruction it foisted on Europe in World War II, the country maintains a conflicted relationship to its military.

For decades, Germany tried to forge a force that represented a democratic society and its values. But in 2011 it abolished conscription and moved to a volunteer force. As a result, the military increasingly reflects not the broad society, but a narrower slice of it.

General Kreitmayr said that “a big percentage” of his soldiers are eastern Germans, a region where the AfD does disproportionately well. Roughly half the men on the list of KSK members suspected of being far-right extremists are also from the east, he added.

Good luck trying to forge an armed service around democratic values. That’s thin gruel for people risking their lives.

Officials talk of a perceptible shift “in values” among new recruits. In conversations, the soldiers themselves, who could not be identified under the unit’s guidelines, said that if there was a tipping point in the unit, it came with the migrant crisis of 2015.

As hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan were making their way to Germany, the mood on the base was anxious, they recalled.

“We are soldiers who are charged with defending this country and then they just opened the borders, no control,” one officer recalled. “We were at the limit.”

For every action, there’s reaction.

One night in 2017, Little Sheep, the sergeant major whose weapons stash was uncovered in May, was among about 70 KSK soldiers of Second Company who had gathered at a military shooting range.

Investigators have identified him only as Philipp Sch. He and the others had organized a special leaving party for a lieutenant colonel, a man celebrated as a war hero for shooting his way out of an ambush in Afghanistan while carrying one of his men.

The colonel, an imposing man covered in Cyrillic tattoos who enjoys cage-fighting in his spare time, had to complete an obstacle course. It involved hacking apart tree trunks and throwing severed pig heads.

As a prize, his men had flown in a woman. But the colonel ended up dead drunk. The woman, rather than being his trophy, went to the police.

Standing by the fire with a handful of soldiers, she had witnessed them singing neo-Nazi lyrics and raising their right arm. One man stood out for his enthusiasm, she recalled in a televised report by the public broadcaster ARD. She called him the “Nazi grandpa.”

This group sounds anti-social and will probably fall apart on its own. Drunks and addicts don’t have the right stuff to change society because they can’t even control themselves.

Conspicuously missing is any mention of a disgraced former KSK commander, Gen. Reinhard Günzel, who was dismissed after he wrote a 2003 letter in support of an anti-Semitic speech by a conservative lawmaker.

General Günzel subsequently published a book called “Secret Warriors.” In it, he placed the KSK in the tradition of a notorious special forces unit under the Nazis that committed numerous war crimes, including massacres of Jews. He has been a popular speaker at far-right events.

“What you basically have is one of the founding commanders of the KSK becoming a prominent ideologue of the New Right,” said Christian Weissgerber, a former soldier who has written a book about his own experience of being a neo-Nazi in the military.

What exactly was this anti-Semitic speech? It was delivered by Martin Hohmann, who was then a member of the CDU. According to Wikipedia:

He attracted public attention with a speech on German Unity Day on October 3, 2003. He set out to repudiate the supposed accusation that during the Holocaust, the Germans were considered a “nation of perpetrators” (German: Tätervolk, a term which was later named German Un-Word of the Year by a jury of linguistic scholars).[1] To his end, he elaborated at length on the involvement of Jews in the violent 1917 Russian Revolution.

Hohmann starts from noting a strong sense of self-contempt among Germans and quotes Hans-Olaf Henkel, the vice president of the Federation of German Industry, who has stated that “Our original sin paralyzes the country”. Hohmann thinks that an undue occupation with Germany’s past—which he distinguishes from a necessary admission and remembrance of German crimes—lies behind discrimination against fellow-countrymen. Among examples, he mentions the refusal of German government officials to consider demanding compensations by Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic on behalf of forced German labourers in World War II, in the same way as Germany pays compensation for those they forced to labor camps.

He notes that, while the notion of collective guilt is usually denied, it is very much applied to Germans. Other nations tend to white-wash their history, like the French who hail the bloody French revolution as some kind of emancipation and the imperialist dictator Napoleon as a benevolent father of the people. The Germans, on the other hand are depicted in black and white as perpetrators and their enemies as innocent lambs. He vehemently denies the thesis of Daniel Goldhagen about a general German complicity in Hitler’s politics.

To illustrate his point, that this treatment of Germans is absurd, he draws a parallel with Jews, who, he argues with painstaking submission of evidence, have, to a remarkable extent taken part in communist activities, such as the Russian revolution. Hohmann states: “Thus one could describe Jews with some justification as a nation of perpetrators…Judged by these facts, it would feel justified to call the Jews a people of ‘perpetrators’.” His conclusion is: “That may sound terrible. But it would still follow the same logic, as the one used to call the Germans a people of perpetrators.” To make it clear that the judgement follows only if you accept the premises he is out for demolishing, he explains that “neither the Germans nor the Jews can be termed a nation of perpetrators”.

Hohmann goes on to note that the Jews who participated in revolutionary activities where such who had been alienated from their religion and heritage—a trait, he observes, they shared with national socialists. The target of his speech, hence, is secularisation. “Because of that neither ‘Germans’, nor ‘Jews’ are a people of perpetrators. It can be said with every justification, though, that: The Godless, with their godless ideologies were the perpetrators of this last, bloody, Century.”

That 2003 speech sounds much more anti-secular than anti-Jewish.

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‘I Need You’

“I need you like the flower needs the rain
You know I need you, guess I’ll start it all again
You know I need you like the winter needs the spring
You know I need you, I need you”

(America, 1972)

As a teen, what I most wanted to tell the girls who entranced me was “I need you.” I’m not sure if I ever said this to anyone, but it would rise up inside of me whenever I’d see the one who made my problems disappear.

I’m sure my neediness poured out of me, even without words, and was obvious to anyone with discernment. I moved to California in May of 1977 and began sixth grade in the fall and quickly people began calling me “insecure.” That was not a term thrown around much in my home country of Australia.

Listening to this song today, I remember my old yearning for someone to complete me. My favorite songs in the 1980s were love-sick anthems by groups such as Air Supply and ABBA.

I was often been told to think of others. That never did me much good. Until I could rewire my thinking, I was stuck for decades in a desperate search for attention. I was like a wounded soldier who could not care for others until he could get his own bleeding staunched.

To tell me as a teen that I should not have felt this way would not have done me any good. People don’t usually heal from being reprimanded and ridiculed. Happy people naturally think of others while unhappy people can’t sustain this for long.

Looking back at age 54, I’d like to tell my teenage self that this yearning was OK, that it would pass, that I should embrace and accept it, that these feelings were a microdot encompassing my love map, that it was a prompt to accept how desperately I needed a fix, and that nobody, in all likelihood, could provide one for long. Not many people come along who can give you an emotionally corrective experience. All they can do is distract you, or perhaps carry you for a bit.  

Feeling lonely in a group of people is a lousy feeling. Company can’t fix loneliness. Loneliness is a learned compulsion that can be unlearned.

When I would reach out to people from a lonely needy place, it did not usually go well. The type of people who would respond to my desperation were often equally sick.

I didn’t know then that nobody could fix me. Sure, people would enter my life and include me and the pain would go away for a while, but my tendencies to loneliness were still written into my mental patterns and that until I did the hard work of rewiring my reactions to stimuli, this yearning would continually pop up, often at the most inconvenient of times. 

My dad would tell me that there was no rider that can’t be thrown and no horse that can’t be rode. There’s porn out there that can trigger a hands-free ejaculation. Every untreated addict is vulnerable to situations and substances. Even the addict in recovery is going to stumble at times. With 12 Steps, I find it easier to desist from beating myself up after I’ve slipped, and instead get up and carry on. Sure, some song might come along and trigger a memory, and then all I can do is marvel at how far I’ve come from, and feel gratitude that I made it out of my desperation alive.

Joe says:

I did quite a bit of work on myself starting in my twenties. What were most valuable to me were the books Psychocybernetics by Matthew Maltz, Hypnosis by Leslie Lecron and A guide to rational living by Harper and Ellis. All of these books suggest that our neuroses can be addressed through relaxation, visualization and reprogramming, (Maltz) self hypnosis (Lecron) and through semantics by reframing our perceptions and the way we describe events to ourselves, and by not falsely attributing our perceptions to others intentions. I also started therapy which I went to weekly for four or five years. For those who haven’t been to therapy, the process for me went something like the therapist uncritically accepting and agreeing with everything I said, much of which included attribution of motives to others and my fear of how I was being perceived. Finally after months of uncritically listening and accepting what I said, the therapist at the margins was able to suggest alternative ways of looking at things. This was never a head on: You’re wrong, but always a subtle jab at a minor point: Could they have meant that in another way?

After months of this then the real work starts with dismantling the egoistic view of the world. Finally, I began studying Tibetan Buddhism. I did not particularly want to study or practice Buddhism, but I was fascinated by Tibet and how long it had retained its isolation from the rest of the world. The practice of Buddhism and everyday life in Tibet were so intertwined that I could only gain some understanding of it through studying and practicing Buddhism. For anyone who has not studied Buddhism the main emphasis is on learning to meditate. Meditation contrary to what I believed is in fact a way of retaining focus, by having the mind rest on breathing in and out, but being aware of what stimulus the senses are receiving, with the specific practice of if those stimulus distract one from resting on the breath returning to the breath.

This gets to your point about “I need you.” It is very common to think that we are incomplete and a “relationship” will complete you. This can be true if the two persons in the relationship love each other. However, if one party looks to the other to complete him or her and the other does not, then this unrequited love is nothing more than a neurotic projection. If the love is mutual, then there is a level of understanding that undermines the ego. For instance, in a loving relationship, I don’t think it is possible for one party to keep score of anything. Too many persons feel that they are putting too much into the relationship and resent their partner or spouse. In fact if there is communication and something needs to be done, it is done and even if it appears as though it is done for the other person, in fact it is willingly done for the benefit to the relationship.

A corollary to this is that If a person doesn’t like being alone, then what is the reason that person should inflict himself or herself on another. The first order of business for those who want a relationship is to as the Buddhists say, make friends with yourself. Or as therapists say, to accept yourself. Only after you are comfortable with yourself, can you both be comfortable with and make comfortable another.

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Private Luke Vs Public Luke

What are the biggest differences between public Luke and private Luke? Public Luke takes more care to not offend needlessly and to be judicious with his words and deeds. Private Luke usually hates drama, Public Luke often enjoys stirring. Private Luke knows how just under the surface are his strong passions for recognition and for lust. Private Luke and Public Luke both love to provoke, but Private Luke is less constrained in how he does it as the stakes are lower with interpersonal relations as opposed to Youtube relations. Public Luke tries to keep a handle on his passions. The interests of Private Luke and Public Luke are the same. The books and articles I read privately I discuss publicly on my show and blog. I don’t do anything privately that would shock those acquainted with Public Luke. Public Luke, by definition, is often the center of attention, while Private Luke usually is not. Private Luke says a lot of things for shock value and for exploration while Public Luke tamps that down. Private Luke does not think as much before he speaks, does not keep himself as much in check, feels more free to react viscerally and primally.

Private Luke will express his irritation more readily than Public Luke, though if you’ve watched my show and seen what annoys me, you get a pretty good handle on Private Luke.

I feel that there is less distance between Private Luke and Public Luke than ever before. Neither Public Luke nor Private Luke lie (deliberately say things that he knows are not true). I can do 20 hours a week of Youtube broadcasting because I am at ease with myself, others and the universe. I am not hiding anything and I don’t see the outside world as the enemy to be debunked.

Private Luke and Public Luke are equally affected by others. Different company brings out different sides of Luke. Luke easily adapts to changing company and environments, perhaps that is the result of growing up in foster care.

Private Luke is more sensitive than Public Luke.

Private Luke feels that he should be the subject of great movies and PhD dissertations, but then fears that would not be good for him.

Luke wants interaction on his terms. Luke hates conflict and negotiation, preferring to settle things according to the dominance hierarchy.

Public Luke no longer puts on airs that Private Luke finds tiring. Private Luke does not do things that fill Public Luke with fear and Public Luke does not do things that fill Private Luke with fear.

Public Luke tries to avoid offending proprieties that Private Luke could care less about.

Luke has weighed between 172 and 174 pounds since the pandemic. He weighs himself every morning and is not happy to be over 170. When his weight goes to 174, he gets frustrated. He does not want to enter another 12-step program. He wants to take care of this on his own. So far, he’s failing. Luke rides his stationary bike about 5 miles a day, about four to five days a week. He eats three solid meals a day.

Most days Luke feels solid about everything he did that day. Sure, there’s always room for improvement, but he rarely gets shame attacks. It’s a beautiful thing to feel proud of your day, when the spiritual and religious and work and play parts of your life all flow together.

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Trump’s Speech At Mount Rushmore

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Like all real women, my wife is a sucker for displays of power, so she loves this stuff and often gets me to watch with her. I like airplanes, so I enjoy it too. No other president has done this kind of thing better than Donald Trump.

* Can you think of another film that shows the leader descending from the heavens like a god, flying over the local landmarks in a plane? Leni could sue for copyright infringement if she were still alive.

* Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

* I appreciate the use of Sweet Child O’ Mine. It is pitch-perfect because in his heart-of-hearts, Trump is a creature of the 80s.

* I’ve been been on the Trump train–talking him up with friends, neighbors–since i read his (Jeff Session’s) immigration policy pitch back in 2015. I’m still on board.

But the bottom line–cut away all the b.s.–is that the delivery problem isn’t just that Trump’s pushing against the Democrats, the state, the new post-1964 constitution. It’s also that Trump has lacked focus on the nationalist agenda that won him the nomination and squeezed out a narrow victory. Poor advisors–nepotism. Ego. Lack of discipline. Too easily rolled. Too confused.

We all knew Trump would be pushing against a corrupt, vile, anti-American, anti-republican, globalist establishment, and that progress would be a grind. But Trump’s lack of focus and discipline in the fight has hindered progress–and the case he can make for re-election. Denying this rather obvious fact is silly.

I’m with Trump because he’s the nationalist we’ve got–warts and all. But we deserve to see him fight hard and smarter.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* We used to have decent investigative journalists in America. Still, at this point, nobody has come up with a clear, logical, convincing story on how Epstein got a hold of so much money. What did he do all those years to acquire that money? The last real job he had was with Bear Stearns in the very early 80s, from which he was fired for some misconduct or another.

* I’ve always assumed Laine was being watched by several I’tel agencies and some US law enforcement and where ever she was it wasn’t anonymous. She could have been picked up any time.
So why now? Can this have anything to do with the election 4 months away? What can Big Bill Barr do to gum up the works and does he even want to? Is she going to be offered bail or have to stay in that joint in NYC Epstein couldn’t survive?
I guess the only thing we know is she has a lot to tell and quite a few people that just wish she’d go away.

* She’s the madame at the center of the mothership of Mossad honeypot operations. So, Robert Maxwell’s daughter will commit suicide just like her dad and Jeffery and her confessions will lay the groundwork for a narrative that reveals the REAL sex-trafficking villains to be The Russians and their controlled asset in The White House.

* I have to admit I’m surprised she was still in the US. Her Dad was an Israeli spy and she was clearly running a spy group for someone.

* I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Berman was fired in the SDNY two weeks before Maxwell was charged in the same district.

Berman impeding an investigation against his co-ethnics? Impossible! That would be like saying Maxwell was seeking refuge at the Israeli Embassy in Paris! Oh wait, nevermind.

* Ghislaine’s action-girl lifestyle – pilot, submariner, international woman of mystery and so forth – shows that even a real-life Lara Croft can’t live beyond the reach of the the law.

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