Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Men Should Call Their Wives

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says it is more important that husbands call their wives during the day than vice versa. “It goes back to primal elements in men and women. It’s a good thing if he is … Continue reading

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Reasons For Pessimism About Egypt

Dennis Prager writes: From the moment the Tahrir Square demonstrations against Hosni Mubarak began, optimism has dominated American reporting and commentary on what is being called the Egyptian revolution. I fervently hope I am wrong, but I find it hard … Continue reading

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Radio Talkshow Hosts Talk Judaism & Christianity

Brian Day writes: PASADENA – Nationally syndicated radio hosts and scholars Dennis Prager, a Jew, and Hugh Hewitt, a Christian, hosted a talk Sunday on the topic of Judaism and Christianity. The presentation, titled, “Religion on the Line – Ask … Continue reading

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Luke The Jackal – The Frightening Kinship I Feel With Carlos The Terrorist

I just watched a miniseries on the terrorist Carlos the Jackal and felt a strange connection with the man. I remember when I was booted from Young Israel of Century City in June 2001, some members of the shul called … Continue reading

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Why Did CBS Wait Five Days To Release The Lara Logan Sexual Assault Story?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: There are a fair number of Arab Muslims who believe that the victims of sexual assault are the guilty party. Why CBS withheld it? Because it does not comport with its narrative … Continue reading

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