Purchased: Leaving the Sex Trade

Deanna Lynn, the ex-porn star turned Christian, writes in her 2019 memoir:

* In Tucson, it was hard to be a white girl. I was often accused of being a racist, even though I was the one picked on for my race. Classmates were looking for any reason to provoke me into fighting… If they said I was racist, then they could justify bullying me. Everyone knew that I hated violence.

* My cool older sister officially dropped out of school, became a stripper, got a fake ID, and could get us anything we needed to have a good time. Her gang-banger boyfriends…looked out for us.

* One night, we went to the bars… After they hung out with my dad, we came back to their house. A man was waiting in Kristen’s bed. “I’m in a lot of pain from cramps,” she said. “Would you mind taking care of him? He’s going to pay me a lot of money. I really need it this month for my kids.” My codependency kicked into high hear. I took care of business for and officially turned my first trick.

Prostituting was a dizzying mix of demoralizing and empowering. I am now getting paid for doing what I already end up doing when I’m drunk.

* I was fascinated with how addicts judged other addicts for what drugs they used and how…

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Psychobabble: Fast Talk and Quick Cure in the Era of Feeling by Richard Rosen

Here are some highlights from this 1977 book:

* These days, fewer seem willing to settle for anything so quaint as ordinary human suffering. Consumer expectations have risen, demanding the “permanent and uninterrupted bliss”…the you you never thought you could be, a total eclipse of anxiety… [M]ental health is…a total triumph over all that threatens the autonomy of the individual.

* Because of this free mixing of the psychological and the spiritual in popular therapies and popular speech… Their words don’t belong to them so much as to the current guru of choice or best-selling self-help book. It’s as if they’ve rented their insights for the occasion.

* What appears to be occurring in the therapeutic culture of the seventies is the suppression of natural narrative speech…

* It is the ultimate effect of too much psychobabble to repress those surprises during which we start to glimpse the ingenious deceptions of our lives.

* In order for quickie therapies like est to achieve their “remarkable results,” they must provide an engaging vocabulary, indicate a therapeutic goal (“getting It”) and, in fact, often bluntly tell you what is wrong with you (“You’re all asshole whose lives just don’t work”).

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A Place For You (11-22-20)

00:00 The Crown (Netflix)
00:00 Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941
08:40 Media Buzz with Howard Kurtz
10:10 Late-night hosts tear into Giuliani following raucous news conference
13:00 The British People at War 1939 – 1945 with author Alan Allport
17:00 Conspiracy theories about Dominion election software
25:40 Millenial Woes returns
33:00 The difference between information and transformation
56:30 GLENN GREENWALD Calls Out AOC’s Fake Progressiveness
1:05:00 Bad TV Impressions: The Crown Season 4
1:07:00 The Big Rig with Richard Spencer, Edward Dutton
1:10:30 Jake Tapper critiques the Trump team’s voter fraud arguments
1:14:30 Styx: I Was Right: Trump Team is Focusing on Constitutional Issues, Not Just Fraud, in Election Suits
1:20:00 Sidney Powell on Dominion, voter fraud
1:26:30 Dr. John Sarno Methodolgy Lecture
1:38:30 In One Country, Chronic Whiplash Is Uncompensated (and Unknown)
1:47:00 Shake Hands With Danger (1980)
1:57:00 What kind of people go to a MAGA rally?
2:15:00 China expert Michael Beckley
2:15:40 Power of Nations: Measuring What Matters by Michael Beckley
2:20:00 Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the World’s Sole Superpower
2:30:00 China Keeps Inching Closer to Taiwan

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A Place For You (11-21-20)

00:00 Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941
08:00 The Royal House of Windsor
24:00 Tucker Carlson vs Sidney Powell
28:00 Erik Wemple: Hey MAGA folks: Don’t bail on Tucker!
33:50 Styx On Cucker Carlson and Other Establishment Hacks “Demanding” Evidence Prior to Litigation
49:00 If Republicans thought the Dems were going to cheat, why weren’t Republicans ready?
51:00 Tearful MAGA caller to Rush says Trump has never let them down
54:50 Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks endorses bestiality
56:00 Nick Fuentes counter-signals Tucker Carlson
1:06:50 HAPA Video: My thoughts on the Richard Spencer vs Nick Fuentes rivalry within the nationalist right
1:12:00 The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry’
1:13:00 Sam Hyde: Jocko and Rogan Have No Real Solution For You (Sam Hyde Podcast)
1:17:00 Rick Wiles counter-signals Tucker Carlson
1:18:45 Dr. John E Sarno – 20/20 Segment
1:26:00 Howard Stern’s Eulogy for Dr. Sarno
1:31:00 Dr. Sarno Methodology Lecture
1:38:00 Mersh not thrilled with Matt Heimbach and others playing out of the anti-extremist handbook
1:42:30 NWG: Avoid The Wignats
1:49:45 Ramzpaul is not an ethno-nationalist
1:51:10 The Big Rig with Richard Spencer, Edward Dutton

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A Place For You (11-20-20)

00:00 The House of Windsor
10:00 Robert Lawrence joins
20:00 The Anti-Christ world system
49:00 Patrick Little
1:05:30 Truth is the Only Client: The Official Investigation of the Murder of John F. Kennedy
1:08:00 German doctor, covid-skeptic, arrested during Youtube livestream
1:10:40 Michael Tracey talks to Robert Barnes about election fraud, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nuMe7DDnpY
1:21:00 OnlyFans and the Changing Face of Pornography
1:27:00 Banned words on Only Fans

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