Sailer: Alternative Timeline NYT: Mostly Peaceful Protesters Call for Electoral Accountability Inside Capitol

Friend: “Yesterday was a metaphor for Trump’s candidacy and presidency: said some stuff to stir up people, people act/vote based on his rhetoric, he’s completely unprepared, has no one wiling to ruin career for someone who inspired zero loyalty. Then just disavows the whole thing, and watches tv.”

Steve Sailer: “It turns out that when you have only four cops to hold back a mob, and when two of the four are women, well, for most intents and purposes, you only have two cops.”

Sailer writes:

These kind of mob actions in Madison went on for months in 2011. But they’ve disappeared down the memoryhole because the mob was Democratic. So, therefore, they were the Good Guys, not the Bad Guys. It’s hard to remember facts that contradict The Narrative.

In contrast, the childish LARPers who got into the US Capitol today will of course go down in Narrative infamy, like the Charlottesville LARPers. They were the designated Bad Guys already, so their bad behavior plugs seamlessly into the prefab Narrative.

That’s not fair, but that’s how it works.

By the way, do Democrats now favor the use of facial recognition software for prosecuting the trespassers?

Democrats have objected to facial recognition’s use in prosecuting tens of thousands of BLM looters videotaped doing Undocumented Shopping during the George Floyd mourning process. But perhaps they will now have a change of mind over facial recognition’s utility.

Another question: How much rioting would there have been in D.C. if Trump had won?

We can tell who was the main threat by the behavior of D.C. business owners who boarded up their windows during Election Week until Joe Biden was announced the winner.

From 10-6-18: “Protesters opposed to Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the US Supreme Court swarmed over Washington — massing at the Capitol, disrupting the confirmation vote in the Senate and banging on the Supreme Court building doors when Kavanaugh arrived to be sworn in.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* A few hundred losers playing at being revolutionaries going up against losers playing at being cops and then chasing away a few hundred losers playing at being congressmen, all over a loser playing at being president.

* This reminds me of that Jimmy Stewart movie, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. But this is more heartwarming…

* The NYT coverage today went out of its way to call the protesters violent. To some degree they were, but the difference from how BLM and antifa are covered was glaring.

The only solace i take from today’s ridiculous events is that, by and large, the protesters WERE “mostly peaceful”.

It’s bad that they stole stuff and broke some stuff, but at least they didn’t shoot or hurt anyone or set things on fire.

But between the Georgia loss and today’s incitement and the ammo that it hands the left for years to come… Trump is REALLY saddling his supporters with a lot of baggage on his way out.

* Capitol cops don’t really do much in the way of actual policing, so they aren’t stress tested. Anything off the Capitol zone is DC’s problem, the White House is Secret Service’s responsibility, etc.

I predict this woman’s death will not be the spark for rioting; no chain big-box stores will be looted; no bridges across the Potomac will be blocked with barricades; no graffiti will be spray painted onto Federal buildings / monuments; no statues will be tipped over; no churches will be burned, etc. and etc.

The cop who shot her will not be doxxed, no mob will be sent to his / her home to terrorize the family. There will not be an arrest, nor will there be demands for one.

In other words, the MAGA’s will not act like BLM / Antifa, last year’s pampered pets of the progtards.

For this self control, we shall all be punished.

* All the news headlines are reporting something like “Armed Rioting, woman, shot and killed”, making it sound like the rioters shot and killed a woman. You have to read the fine print before you find out it was the cops shooting an un-armed White woman.
If it had been a Black woman shot and killed by cops in a left-wing protest, the headlines would be screaming, “Racist White Cops murder Un-armed Black Woman!”, the whole country would be up-in flames.

* The Guardian has the word “mob” in no fewer than 5 headlines in the UK edition. Surely they’re “protesters”?

“The incident provoked a stream of derisive comments on social media, comparing Trump unfavourably both to the presumptive Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, who visited protesters and to the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. The hashtag “#bunkerboy” became a trending term on Twitter.

Greg Sargent, who writes the Plum Line blog for the Washington Post, wrote: “President of the United States cowering in fear of delivering a national address while instead issuing deranged tweets from his underground bunker somehow persuades himself that the world is laughing at someone else.”

The activist and author Amy Siskind was equally scathing. “Trump hiding out in a bunker Friday, and shutting off the lights at the White House Sunday – both over a few hundred protesters – will be forever remembered as defining moments of his presidency when he was revealed as a coward, not the strongman he advertised.””

* I keep hearing on the TV that violence doesn’t work. What? The hell it doesn’t. BLM spent the Summer burning and looting every major city in America. They were rewarded with hundreds of millions of dollars and more power than any political party in the US. Their adherents caused billions in damage and helped themselves to tens of millions worth of DIY reparations and no one lifted a finger to stop them. Whatever else, violence works an absolute treat.

Oh, and you senators and congressmen, cowboy up a little bit. You were afraid? There was a loud and angry crowd outside and you thought they were going to hurt you? That’s how a store owner in Kenosha felt. That’s how the McCloskys felt. Remember that emotion next time you feel obligated to barge in front of a TV camera to excuse rioting and looting. Next time you feel obligated to tell us you’re proud of Jacob Blake. Next time you get on Twitter and exhort your followers to donate to a fund to pay bail for rioters. You created this monster. You nurtured it, sheltered it, and allowed it to grow. And now it’s come home to eat you. Good luck and go fuck yourselves.

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Trump Supporters Storm Capitol Hill (1-6-21)

America’s leading politicians, media and law enforcement could not care less during the Summer of George when the BLM mob came for ordinary Americans and now I’m supposed to care that the mob has come for the pols who care less about us? Pols got off easy.

00:00 Law enforcement try to corral DC rioters
1:10:00 Fortune 500 companies funding BLM/Antifa terrorism,
1:27:00 Richard Spencer: Everyone missed this attempt coup,
1:43:00 Rodney Martin joins
1:48:00 Ricardo joins
3:40:00 Robert Barnes Live from Washington! Viva & Barnes Live Stream,
3:58:45 Baked Alaska & company storm Capitol Hill

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Richard Spencer’s New Project – REM Theory (1-5-21)

00:00 How a livestreamer can enhance your life,
04:00 Podcasting
06:00 The typical TV news report
12:00 REM Theory: Part 1,
15:00 An introduction to REM theory,
45:00 Introducing LIONELMEDIA.COM (The Most Important Forum Available Today)
54:30 Myth, Symbol, & Religion: An Introduction to REM,
56:30 Collective (2019 doco),
1:04:00 Gotta love the logic of bioethicists…,
1:06:00 The Intellectuals and the Masses: Pride and Prejudice Among the Literary Intelligentsia 1880-1939,
1:11:30 Kamala Harris plagiarizes MLK’s story
1:20:00 Jonathan Bowden, ‘Wyndham Lewis A British Modernist Life’,
1:28:00 In Our Time: S10/30 Yeats and Irish Politics (April 17 2008)
1:33:00 Lionel Nation: It’s #Georgia. Plain and Simple. For All the Marbles.

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Historicism (The New Critical Idiom)

Paul Hamilton writes in this 1995 book:

* Historicism is a critical movement insisting on the prime importance of historical context to the interpretation of texts of all kinds. It has enjoyed a long tradition of influence upon many disciplines of thought, recently experiencing a lively renewal in contemporary literary criticism. The most prominent late 20th-century critical fashions, poststructuralism and postmodernism, have ended up being understood through the images of history they imply.

* Historicism emerges in reaction to the practice of deducing from first principles truths about how people are obliged to organize themselves socially and politically. The natural laws governing human behaviour at all times are formulated, and cultures evaluated by the degree to which they approximate to this ideal pattern. Historicists oppose this tradition, which, primarily associated with the Enlightenment, stretches, in different versions, from the 17th-century naturallaw theorists to the sophistications of Kant and Hegel. They argue instead that human nature is too various for such legislation to be universally applicable. They therefore have to evolve a model for apprehending social and cultural diversity different from the scientific, law-governed paradigm of the Enlightenment.

* such anti-Enlightenment historicism develops a characteristically double focus. Firstly, it is concerned to situate any statement—philosophical, historical, aesthetic or whatever—in its historical context. Secondly, it typically doubles back on itself to explore the extent to which any historical enterprise inevitably reflects the interests and bias of the period in which it was written. On the one hand, therefore, historicism is suspicious of the stories the past tells about itself; on the other hand, it is equally suspicious of its own partisanship.

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The Faith of Fallen Jews: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi and the Writing of Jewish History

From’s description of this 2013 book: “From his first book, From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto, to his well-known volume on Jewish memory, Zakhor, to his treatment of Sigmund Freud in Freud’s Moses, Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi (1932–2009) earned recognition as perhaps the greatest Jewish historian of his day, whose scholarship blended vast erudition, unfettered creativity, and lyrical beauty. This volume charts his intellectual trajectory by bringing together a mix of classic and lesser-known essays from the whole of his career. The essays in this collection, representative of the range of his writing, acquaint the reader with his research on early modern Spanish Jewry and the experience of crypto-Jews, varied reflections on Jewish history and memory, and Yerushalmi’s enduring interest in the political history of the Jews.”

Here are some excerpts:

* Yerushalmi’s eminence, it must be noted, was not a result of the volume of his writing. In striking contrast to his doctoral mentor at Columbia University, Salo Baron, whose scholarly output was overwhelming, Yerushalmi was not an especially prolific writer. He was a careful guardian of quality control, a slow and meticulous craftsman, at times burdened by writer’s block and perhaps the anxiety of having the massively prolific Baron as his teacher. After producing a masterful monograph for his first book, Yerushalmi moved away from that genre, preferring relatively brief books, often first delivered in oral fashion. Zakhor, based on the Stroum Lectures at the University of Washington, was the most
famous example.

* After completing his B.A. at Yeshiva College, Yerushalmi headed further downtown to the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), whose rabbinical program he entered in 1953. The source of attraction to him was not the prospect of becoming a rabbi but the fact it was “the best place in New York to study Judaism from a critical perspective.”15 The assembly of academic talent at JTS in this period was extraordinary and included Saul Lieberman, H. L. Ginsburg, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Mordecai Kaplan. Yerushalmi’s favorite mentor at JTS was the scholar of medieval Hebrew literature Shalom Spiegel, whom he remembered as the mythic “homo universalis” and who is perhaps best known for his multilayered analysis of the biblical story of the binding of Isaac (Genesis 22) in rabbinic literature in The Last Trial.16 The opportunity to work with the likes of Spiegel and Lieberman left an indelible imprint on Yerushalmi and solidified his desire to make the study of history his chosen path. It was at the Seminary that he also encountered as a guest professor a visitor from neighboring Columbia University who would have the most profound impact on Yerushalmi as a scholar: Salo Wittmayer Baron (1895–1989).

* Although he was well known as a scholar in the United States, Europe, and Israel, he did not believe that his historical knowledge bestowed upon him any particular right to speak out on issues of the day with regularity or in forums other than scholarly ones.

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