When Nationalism Attracts Bad People

Richard Spencer tweets yesterday: “For decades, the “Nationalist Right” has been a shit magnet—that is, an attraction for unhinged, mentally ill, and self-deductive people. I’m beginning to wonder if “nationalism” isn’t better understood as “magnetized to shit.” Whenever there’s a shitty individual who does shitty things, moments later, without fail, “nationalists” fall over themselves to defend him, begging him to join their cause: *This is your home, shithead. Together, we will build a world of shit! It’s worth asking if these self-declared “nationalists” have any concept of a nation at all. An actual nation includes varieties, levels, and hierarchies. To paraphrase Jesus, we will always have the shitty among us. But building a shit movement wasn’t what he had in mind.”

Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, tweets: “This is a time to remain nonviolent, 100% & morally upright in everything we do. We should remove all vices from our lives, except political dissent, because everything else will be used against us. Remove all bad influences who can lead you astray. This is a dangerous time.”

Is it that nationalism is inherently a shit magnet or do we have an ability to present nationalist ideas in ways that are more likely to attract productive people than unproductive people? Is there often a synthesis of globalism and nationalism wherein national sovereignty is preserved where necessary and where global cooperation is preserved where necessary? Think about cricket (ICC) or soccer (FIFA) or the Olympics. They have global governance boards to facilitate, among other things, the nationalism of international competition. The UK, for example, did not just leave the EU, it negotiated an exit so as to preserve its free trade with the EU.

A friend says: “Elites will overwhelmingly always reject nationalism. For corporations globalism is better for business. For academics, as you’ve pointed out, they tend to be least nationalist of any sub group. If banks, corporations, academics, all skew globalist, than most aspirational/productive people will want to follow that lead.”

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The Last Days Of Trump (1-8-21)

00:00 The problems with pursuing your dreams
04:00 Finding your mission in doing God’s will
22:00 Answering chat questions
28:00 WP: Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol, https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2021/01/08/ashli-babbitt-shooting-video-capitol/
38:45 Richard Spencer: THE 18TH BRO-MAIRE, https://www.bitchute.com/video/gLVy6foLuplA/
1:12:00 Tucker Carlson: Who will stand up for everyday Trump voters facing retribution from the left?, https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-republican-party-trump-voters-left-revenge
1:18:00 Alt Right Talk (Mike) joins
1:26:30 Should everyone take politics seriously?
1:27:00 Should everyone take religion seriously?
1:50:00 Michael Tracey: Donald Trump’s ruinous legacy, https://unherd.com/2021/01/donald-trumps-ruinous-legacy/
2:11:00 Blind hatred of elites
2:22:00 Your mind on /pol/
2:29:00 The search for external validation, https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program
2:43:45 Where do you feel the anxiety?
2:51:00 Haftorah for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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NYT: It Wasn’t Strictly a Coup Attempt. But It’s Not Over, Either. (1-7-21)

00:00 Those who stormed Capitol Hill were idiots
02:00 If you believe the 2020 election was stolen, there are no moral boundaries
28:00 Dennis Prager: I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German’, https://dennisprager.com/column/i-now-better-understand-the-good-german/
52:00 INSOMNIA STREAM #19 – SIEGE EDITION, https://www.bitchute.com/video/65LU66nQkwPE/
1:34:00 Academic Agent: Emergency Stream: January 6th, Washington DC, https://rumble.com/vci3w4-emergency-stream-january-6th-washington-dc.html
2:12:20 Moldbug, Unregistered 146: Curtis Yarvin (VIDEO), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt44Ui2HvEE
3:05:00 Trump concedes
3:16:00 Recovery, https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program
3:19:00 No, Joe Biden Did Not Only Improve in Four Major Swing-State Cities, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=136320
3:39:00 Hitler Admired Jews For Their Blood Purity, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=63281

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Stroll Stream: The day after the MAGA occupation of Capitol Hill (1-7-21)

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No, Joe Biden Did Not Only Improve in Four Major Swing-State Cities

Dan McClaughlin writes for National Review Nov. 16, 2020:

It’s time to debunk another bogus claim. In looking for fraud or misconduct in an election, we sometimes assume that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” But that too often leads people to assume there must be fire when, on closer inspection, there is not even smoke. Disappointed Trump supporters looking to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 vote counts have spread an unfortunate profusion of viral claims since the election pointing to apparently suspicious or inexplicable patterns in the reported vote tallies. As I have previously noted here and here, however, many of these patterns have entirely rational explanations, or are framed in ways that are outright false or misleading. This is not a reason to ignore hard evidence of actual fraud or misconduct in the election. But patterns in the voting are, at most, smoke; and if there is nothing suspicious about the pattern, we should be all the more demanding of proof of fire.

Consider the latest viral claim, from Patrick Basham at Democracy Institute, Matt Vespa at Town Hall, Mike LaChance at Gateway Pundit, and amplified by sources such as Rassmussen Reports, quoting pollster Richard Baris:

How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.” Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst, observes in these “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’; Trump’s real leads subsequently vanished. (Emphasis added).

The reader is left to believe that Joe Biden did unusually well in these four particular cities compared to 2016. These cities are all in key swing states that flipped narrowly to Biden, all traditionally provide a crucial source of votes to Democrats in their states, and Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia in particular have extremely long-entrenched, notoriously corrupt one-party Democratic governments (Milwaukee may be run by Democrats, but it was only a decade ago that the county executive was Scott Walker). Those three are also, although this is never quite stated out loud, cities dominated by their African-American populations, and Milwaukee is almost 40 percent black. Now, the fact that these are heavily black cities should not blind us to the well-known and well-documented flaws of their governments, but there is certainly at least a whiff of racial appeal in efforts to convince white audiences that these particular cities must have stolen the election. In some quarters, that whiff is more like a reek.

The problem, if you look at the cities themselves, is that the facts do not fit the story. I took a look across the 36 largest U.S. cities outside of California and New York where Biden beat Trump by at least 10,000 votes, as measured by county-wide vote totals (admittedly, some cities cross county lines or have suburban voters within county lines, and Maricopa County, Ariz., has two large cities in a single county). I excluded California and New York only because they are still counting votes so slowly that it is not yet possible to fairly compare their vote totals to 2016. I also excluded four cities where Trump either won or lost by a tiny margin: Colorado Springs, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, and Tulsa. That leaves us with a comparison across the major American Democrat-voting cities. Is it true that Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in 32 out of 36, and overperformed in Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia? No, it is not. It is emphatically false:

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