Tag Archives: rabbs

What To Do If A Stripper Sits On Your Lap

It is important to talk to people softly, because if you yell at them, you might lose your voice and then you couldn’t tell a stripper to get off your lap. Watch the whole Torah talk. Greg Leake emails: Hi … Continue reading

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The Ten Commandments Of Chabad Jews

Watch the whole Torah talk. Rabbi Rabbs goes off on the Ten Commandments of Chabad Jews (I love Chabad and Aish HaTorah, but I enjoy hearing Rabbs’ rant): * You shall accept the Rebbe into your heart as your personal … Continue reading

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Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

This week we have two Torah portions — Nitzavim (Deuteronomy 29:9–30:20) and Vayelech (Deuteronomy 31:1–30). Rabbi Rabbs goes off on the Ten Commandments of Chabad Jews (I love Chabad and Aish HaTorah, but I enjoy hearing Rabbs’ rant): * You … Continue reading

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Log-In With Facebook Connect To Leave Comments On My Site

I’ve added Facebook Connect to my blog to make it easier to leave comments. Log-in on the upper right of the page. I paid somebody $50 to install this, so you better use it! PS. One of the best things … Continue reading

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Torah Talk Returns

Rabbs and I want to do a Rosh Hashanah fashions show in the next week or two on Torah Talk and we need prospective models to show off the latest in frum fashions. I will need to meet privately before … Continue reading

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