Tag Archives: rabbi

West Coast Chabad Leader Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin Gets $18 Million From Roland Arnall’s Estate

Many of L.A.’s biggest rabbis were salivating at the shiva for subprime billionaire Roland Arnall. Rabbi Cunin got the biggest jewish payout. Roland’s son Daniel holds the $3 million note for the loan Roland extended to Shalhevet. Daniel could call … Continue reading

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Rabbi Nachum Sauer’s Mom Died

The Levaya (saying goodbye ceremony) for Chana Bas Akiva will take place tonight at 8:20 PM at 7211 Beverly Blvd, Kehillas Yaakov. Rabbi Sauer is a leading Los Angeles authority on Jewish Law.

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Monsey’s Yeshiva Of Spring Valley Fires Rabbi For Sexually Abusing Kids

The victims were under ten years of age. The firing happened a few weeks ago. It’s been kept hush hush at the Orthodox co-ed educational school. I want to learn more details before I publish the rabbi’s name. Oct. 2010 … Continue reading

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He Always Wanted To Talk To A Room Full Of Jews About Jesus Christ

Gavriel Sanders used to be a Christian minister (under the goyisha name he was born with). Now he’s an Orthodox Jew who’s married to a Bais Yaakov girl and works for Artscroll. He operates GavrielSanders.com. Here’s a recording of his … Continue reading

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Shalom Aleichem

On a Friday night walking home from shul, I’m stopped by a stranger in a car. He wants to know where Preuss is. I don’t know. I ask my friend. She doesn’t know. A rabbi comes out of his home … Continue reading

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