Tag Archives: orthodox jew

Certifying Ethics

Big Red emails: A belated Chag Sameach. I think this Kosher Business Ethics [certification] is for the birds. To me it seems like a reaction to a few recent events. First and foremost, the Rubashkin debacle. There is no question … Continue reading

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Is My Blog Certified Kosher By The Orthodox Rabbis Of Los Angeles?

I heard Orthodox rabbi Yitz Greenberg say that while Israel should be more moral than other nations, if it insisted on being 100% more moral, it would be dead. It should instead strive for something achievable and survivable, such as … Continue reading

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Medicine’s Loss Is Poetry’s Gain

On PoemHunter.com, Dr. Gershon Hepner (born May 5, 1938 in Leipzig, Germany, and has lived in LA for 30 years) writes: "I am a physician educated in England and living in LA. I am married to a brilliant poet, Linda, … Continue reading

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I’m Live With The President

I’ll be live on my cam when the president addresses the nation at 6 p.m. about our financial crisis. I’m part of a new KNBC.com team providing analysis via web cam and YouTube video. KhunDiddy:  I’m back after 11 nights … Continue reading

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Friday Night Lights

While I was sick this past week, I watched all 22 episodes of season one of the TV show "Friday Night Lights." I loved it. I also enjoyed the movie "Arranged." It’s about a budding friendship between two teachers — … Continue reading

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