Tag Archives: shul

Let It Rain II

From my live cam: YourMoralLeader:  i got booted from my shul palestine4ever:  i kinda gathered from your front page 🙁 YourMoralLeader:  for outing that 18yo anon blogger chick palestine4ever:  no palestine4ever:  way palestine4ever:  ? palestine4ever:  all of the fraudsters who … Continue reading

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Behind The Scenes At Shaarey Zedek

The Graff Family Foundation is suing its longtime shul Young Israel of North Beverly Hills for not using their donation properly. I heard about a certain family in Valley Village who donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Orthodox … Continue reading

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A Lonely Space

So I was feeling quite alone Friday night as I strode home from shul. I ran into four 18-year old Israeli girls who’d just arrived two days ago and were looking for their Shabbat dinner hosts. I didn’t know where … Continue reading

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I Dream Again About Rabbi Weil

I dreamed I swung by Beth Jacob on a Sunday morning. The shul had some family event. I hung out. Then, with some trepidation, I walked to the door of the shul. Rabbi Weil came by and invited me to accompany … Continue reading

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Stopping Aron Tendler

I have a question, if Aron is not to live in Baltimore, where can he live? Nobody has accused him of violence. I get this email: TO ALL SURVIVORS OF ARON TENDLER – WE NEED YOUR HELP! "I have been … Continue reading

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