Tag Archives: radio show


Hour three of Dennis Prager’s radio show Friday. Dennis: “Is it Shadsi in Lakewood, New Jersey?” Shabse: “That’s correct.” Dennis: “Could you spell it?” Shabse: “S-H-A-B-S-E. Shabse.” Dennis: “What ethnicity is that?” Shabse: “Jewish.” Dennis: “I’m Jewish. I never heard … Continue reading

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Addicted To Causes

On his radio show Friday, April 2nd, Dennis Prager said: “One of the phenomena of the progressive…parts of society is that they are so addicted to causes. There’s always a cause. If you could list normal left-wing causes and normal … Continue reading

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Women Worry More

Alison Armstrong, relationships expert, was on Dennis Prager‘s radio show today. Alison: “The amygdala is much more active in women than in men, and much bigger, it is the worry center of the brain. Women tend to think that what … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Feeling More European

On his radio show Monday, Dennis said: “On the day after the darkest day in my lifetime. Obviously 9/11 was so dark in pure human tragedy, but it didn’t weaken America. In terms of weakening America, yesterday was by far … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Obamacare

On his radio show March 22, 2010, Dennis said: “For the last year, I expected this… There was no time when I thought this wouldn’t pass… “This is the Left. The Left will get this done. I know the Left … Continue reading

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