Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

I Don’t Share The Excitement Over The Inauguration

I was stunned to find out today that a class I attend daily might not meet tomorrow so people could watch the inauguration. I don’t get it. I haven’t watched any inauguration. I’d be as indifferent to the inauguration of … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Sees The Movie ‘Australia’

On his radio show Jan. 9, Dennis turned to his wife 20 minutes in to the movie and said, ‘If this does not get better in 15 minutes, we’re outta here." "It is well worth seeing. It is the great … Continue reading

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Bringing Back The Fairness Doctrine

Brian C. Anderson of the Manhattan Institute has published the book "A Manifesto for Media Freedom." Anderson was on Dennis Prager’s radio show last week. He writes in the New York Post: The Fairness Doctrine was an astonishingly bad idea. … Continue reading

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Doing Yoga On A Sheepskin Mat

I went to a kundalini yoga lecture the other day on the virtues of vegetarianism. I noticed that many people people sat on sheepskin mats. I assume that many people walked to the program on leather shoes. I wear leather … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Favorite Rock Group

He was asked this (a rock group during the 1970s and early 1980s to be exact) during the third hour of his radio show Friday. He said "ABBA", because he associated them with happy music and he generally prefers happy … Continue reading

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