Tag Archives: radio show

Spike Lee

Dennis Prager on his radio show today: “I sat next to Spike Lee for five hours New York to LA. I don’t want to badmouth the guy but he didn’t say a word to the guy sitting next to him, … Continue reading

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Loving America

On his radio show May 20, 2010, Dennis Prager says: “If you say that the United States is a racist country, which is a common charge on the left, how do you love a racist entity? “There is no doubt … Continue reading

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He Wants To Wear A Dress To Work

When you meet someone and you can’t tell if the person is a male or a female, it bothers you. I think Freud noted that you may remember nothing about a person except whether he is male or female. Yale … Continue reading

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Don’t Depend On A Single Source For Happiness

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show Friday, April 30, said: “A clear way to have happiness is to think of our life as a pier. Each pillar on that pier should give us happiness and sustain us. Each pillar … Continue reading

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What Would Orthodox Judaism Gain From Women Rabbis?

“I am part of a religion that has roles,” Dennis says on his radio show April 13, 2010. “While I am not Orthodox, I am a fellow traveler in many ways. I have great admiration for things that they do. … Continue reading

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