Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

New York Post Covers R. Leib Tropper Scandal

Reuven Blau and Melissa Klein write: Eww, that’s not kosher! A prominent Orthodox rabbi has been caught on tape discussing his apparent love affair with a shiksa he was converting to Judaism — whom he allegedly also pushed to have … Continue reading

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Rabbi Leib Tropper – A Talent For Scandal

From Wikipedia: In 2004, Trooper was the main force behind the ban of Rabbi Nathan Slifkin‘s books. Rabbi Slifkin explores in his books conflicts and resolutions between traditional Judaism and modern science. [3] In 2006, Tropper revoked the conversion of … Continue reading

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Orthodox Conversion Programs In Los Angeles Working Well

According to what I hear, all of the Orthodox conversion programs in Los Angeles boast better than a 90% success rate (when success is measured by its converts staying Sabbath-observant after becoming Jewish). I’ve not encountered an Orthodox rabbi in … Continue reading

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Jewish Links

From Hirhurim: YU students create wind-powered (non-kosher) menorah: link R. Eliezer Melamed told he must condemn IDF insubordination: link Mystery illness at Ramaz: link Prof. Yosef Yerushalmi passes away: link Disney’s first animated movie about a Jewish American Princess (joke!): … Continue reading

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The Former Orthodox Rabbi Who Now Does Interfaith Weddings

I interviewed David Gruber in June 2008 about how he lost his faith and left the Orthodox rabbinate. Then I did another interview with him Nov. 30 about his appearance on MTV doing an interfaith wedding. Here’s an excerpt from … Continue reading

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