Tag Archives: gil student

Dear God, Why Is There A Naked Lady In My Haggadah?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There was always one passage that stuck out in my youthful mind because it refers to a naked woman with a little detail (see below). As I grew older and learned what the passage means from … Continue reading

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Biblical Criticism Vs. Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: Dr. James Kugel responds to Dr. Moshe Bernstein’s opinion piece about his speech at YU (link to Dr. Bernstein’s, link to Dr. Kugel’s). In my opinion, Dr. Kugel’s letter is disingenuous because: He implies that … Continue reading

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JB’s Taped Conversations

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. David Holzer published a fascinating book of his many taped conversations of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, titled The Rav Thinking Aloud. R. Holzer was R. Soloveitchik’s assistant for a few years and carried around a … Continue reading

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Should The Orthodox Ordain Women?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: On Sunday March 21st, 2009, Rabbi Avi Weiss conferred Yoreh Yoreh ordination on his congregational intern, Ms. Sara Hurwitz. The official certificate does not use the term rabbi but instead Rabbi Weiss invented a new … Continue reading

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Can Converts Become Rabbis?

It doesn’t bother me that there is a substantial case in Jewish law against converts such as myself becoming rabbis. I never knew this until I read this post. I have fantasized about becoming a rabbi because I am obviously … Continue reading

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