Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

The Toxic Price Of Fame

On Oct. 22, 2009, Dennis Prager had Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on his radio to talk about his new book "The Michael Jackson Tapes." Shmuley: "You and I have had endless conversations about fame. You are very open about how you … Continue reading

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When Was The Last Time A Conservative Ran On ‘Hope’?

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: "Their arguments are not based on reality. They believe that higher taxes will help the economy. Paul Krugman won a Nobel prize in economics and he believes that. "The notion of hope. … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Changes His Position On Spanking

On his radio show Oct. 27, 2009, Dennis said he never spanked his kids. He now thinks that was a mistake. "Everything within context — spanking, yelling. All things being equal, when done right, a spanking can be less injurious … Continue reading

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Will Love Of Christ Overcome Lack Of Sex?

I was raised (in Seventh-Day Adventism) that you should not mess around before marriage. You should not even kiss too intensely. On his second hour of his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager got a call from a evangelical Christian man … Continue reading

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How Is Rabbi Weil Doing With The Orthodox Union?

Rabbi Steven Weil ran Beth Jacob for nine years. The shul members who hired him thought he’d stick around longer than that. Rabbi Weil’s fundraising abilities helped the shul turn its finances around. He also brought in new members, many … Continue reading

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