Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Black America’s Attachment To Barack Obama

Dennis Prager did his radio show today from Zambia. He notes that a new poll shows that only 19% of Americans believe Obama that healthcare reform won’t add to the federal budget deficit. "The man is so far left that … Continue reading

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A Sweet Screw-You

Dennis Prager called Artur Davis’s comments "as sweet a screw-you as I’ve ever read." "We have to remember that line. That’s precious." From CBSnews.com: Democratic Rep. Artur Davis is the the only African American in Congress representing Alabama, and he … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Says New Mammogram Guidelines Are A Taste Of Obamacare

Dennis Prager opened his radio show today: "This latest announcement that women should not get mammograms until they are 50 is a telling statement of what is in store for you if the House and Senate bills are paid. "Do … Continue reading

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An Original Mind At Beth Jacob

Rabbi Kalman Topp is giving a bunch of classes at Beth Jacob and he prepares original content for each one (just like the rabbis at Bnai David and the rabbi at YICC much of the time). Rabbi Topp is fluent … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Thoughts On The Fort Hood Murders

Dennis condemned on his Friday radio shows "news media reports that mentioned everything about the man except his religiosity. On the three major networks, only Charlie Gibson of ABC mentioned it. That is disgraceful. The people who wrote those news … Continue reading

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