NYT: The Supreme Court Is Afraid of Racial Justice

By OSAGIE K. OBASOGIE JUNE 7, 2016: “The 40th anniversary of Washington v. Davis should serve as a reflective moment for the court to rethink its commitment to racial equality and its approach to equal protection.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I read Obasogie’s op-ed in the Times opinion page and, predictably, he makes the typical innumerate-liberal’s math errors. He takes a simple percentage e.g. number of black convicts (who had murdered whites) executed in Georgia versus number of black convicts who had murdered blacks, and, finding a disparity, cries “FOUL!”.

By his reasoning though, it could be just as cogently argued that more blacks who had murdered blacks should be executed to even things up a bit. But for some reason, he doesn’t draw that conclusion.

Further, I doubt if he bothered to check whether the study had given any weight to whether those executed at higher rates had committed other felonies. At any rate, he makes no mention of holding other variables constant.

* Osagie Obasobie? Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that he probably doesn’t have deep ancestral roots in the US. What is an immigrant doing lecturing us about race?

* Of course, Obama and Holder ordering a federal investigation of the Ferguson police department because a black guy who attacked a cop and reached for said cop’s gun got shot by the cop isn’t at all racial in tenor.

I think Trump’s popularity is partly explained by White people getting fed up at the constant fabrications, exaggerations, distortions and just plain lies about the supposed constant and terrifying spectre of White racism.

The more the NYT and the rest of the MSM keeps singing the tune of the Noble Minority valiantly defending their dignity against the perfidy of White Bigotry, the stronger the reaction to it will be. Trump may not necessarily win the election, but he has ignited a movement that will be a force to be reckoned with over the next few years.

* My favorite is all the neocons/liberal interventionists complaining about how Trump will start un-necessary wars…

* Those of us half a century old or more have witnessed drastic changes in the US and the Western World, and not for the better. The misguided effort toward “progress” and a global community has made us less free, poorer, and without real countries. It has brought us down to the lowest common denominator; it had to, because we were so far ahead of the rest of this globe we have been forced to join.

Steve’s NTY example here illustrates the split mind we are supposed to have now. Read Orwell’s 1984 if you haven’t; learn about doublethink.

* “Our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. … I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” – Justice Sonia Sotomayor

* Whether or not we can win this argument in the court of public opinion should be a critical litmus test for whether or not Trump can win the election. If anyone can win this argument, it’s Trump.

As most everyone posting here knows, Curiel is a perfect example of a minority whose allegiance is not to Americans or to the Constitution, but rather to Hispanic people in general and to Mexican nationalism in particular. Lets see if Trump can win this argument right in front of the American people – it would be a huge victory for the American cause. And it would be a very good indicator that Trump will indeed pull this off. Lets see.

* Sometimes the cognitive whiplash of Affirmative Action is just hard to take.

We are pressed, and pressed again, to look past the usual qualifications of merit and hire or admit an Affirmative Action candidate, and to embrace the idea that this person will provide a “distinctive point of view” peculiar to their background. But then, after this person is hired or admitted, we are called out as racists if we reflect on any way in which this person might not be as objective or meritorious because of the very way this person was selected, and its justifications. Suddenly, now that they have the position, they are one and all every bit as dispassionate and capable as anyone selected purely for their merit and temperament, and it’s racist to suggest otherwise. We are simply not allowed to recall or bring up exactly what had gone on in placing them in their position.

* I predict within the next year you’re going to have a major political figure/pundit get on a major news show/channel and call out blacks for their high crime rates and that the police profiling of them is their own dang fault and that blaming whitey is a ruse. He/she might also call out Obama for starting the Zimmerman lynching, the Ferguson riots, and the Baltimore riots.

And this figure will do this several times without apology and be big news, and be denounced by all the usual suspects, and yet develop a following. And I don’t think it will be Donald Trump.

The Overton Window is shifting. Black bad behavior and black crime statistics are shining through on the internet, and the anti-pc forces are gathering steam. And whites are getting fed up with being told they have to lose every argument and be degraded at every turn—or else they are “racist.”

* We already had a political figure who did just that and his name was Rudy Giuliani. As a New Yorker I can assure you that Rudy unapologetically stated everything you just did on many occasions and never back tracked or apologized in any way. He did it for his entire career as Mayor and was loved by the white ethnic working classes and reviled by the black community and their enablers in media and academia.
Trump knows Rudy personally and learned well the lesson that telling harsh truths can lead to great political success.

* If Trump doesn’t win, we’re finished as a country. Hillary and the Left will see to it.

You better take a good look around you. Race replacement has been accelerated, Silicon Valley giants Facebook, Google and others have already declared war against Americans and Europeans by censoring their online comments and even reporting them to the authorities in Europe. The same will happen here if Hillary wins. Gun confiscation is a given once Hillary wins.

The Left and the Globalist men-children of Silicon Valley have already equated Trump and his followers with being Nazis. You don’t do this unless you’re planning on doing something bad to them. Think about this. Nazis are the only people that it’s seen okay to do violence against.

Remember violence and intimidation are part and parcel of Socialism/Leftism and for that matter any authoritarian movement. Look at Argentina, Venezuela. In Europe, England, Sweden and Germany have a host of laws that can land you in a world of hurt if you just say the wrong thing.

This is right out of the Soviet Union and it doesn’t even get a mention anymore.

The point in this is that hammer is going to drop on us whether we like it or not if Trump loses and they will make sure his movement dies.

* Let’s be honest, Trump University was really questionable. Instead of talking about the embarrassing specifics of the operation, we’re talking about the judge’s ethnic background. Another brilliant move by The Donald.

The only way Donald Trump can win is by being Donald Trump. So far, so good. He’ll also need to pick a VP candidate that the establishment hates even more than him.

* For people in cheap seats, “la Raza” means “the Race.”

Sooo, blacks can see the KKK under every bed and the NYT has nothing to say, but if a cracker says a Judge with ties to la Raza might have a beef with him, the they go ape. No racism at the NYT, nossir.

Drudge says “Ryan calls Trump attack ‘textbook definition of racist comment’…”

Ryan is just calling himself out as a coward who lets racism go without comment. Because the left does the same thing to whites all day long (and our whole society, to boot), and Ryan never says a thing. He’s a racist who buys into the left’s schtick; non-whites and leftists can accuse whites all day long of being racist, with no consequences regardless of the merit of the charge, but whites are forbidden from accusing non-whites of racism, regardless of the merit of the charge.

Total cuckservative, meekly accepts the left’s self-serving narrative.

Why didn’t he just go Democrat? Oh, wait, I know: because the left already controls the Democrat party, so now they want the GOP, too.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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