Sudden Jihad Syndrome


* I mentioned the other day the Turkish guy who ‘randomly’ stabbed four white women at a supermarket in the relatively upmarket suburb of Hampton, London.

A Somali guy is on trial at present for ‘randomly’ stabbing four people and attempting to behead a fifth in East London.

“A former taxi driver has admitted trying to stab four commuters at a Tube station but denies attempting to behead a fifth. Muhiddin Mire, 30, appeared at the Old Bailey today to enter pleas to five charges over the incident at Leytonstone underground station.

But being East London, a random sample of white people looks like this – “Mire, who is of Somalian origin, pleaded guilty to four charges of attempted wounding of David Pethers, Daniel Bielinski, Serena Valori and Andrius Sabaliauskas.”

Naturally in neither case has the issue of Sudden Jihad Syndrome been mentioned.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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