Blame It On The Goyim

“. . . emphasizing Gentile persecution as the root cause of Jewish
“degradation.” This ideology . . . was shared in one form or another, by all the ideologists of nineteenth-century Jewry: Reform
Jews and Zionists, assimilationists and socialists, Bundists and
Communists—all became virtuosos of ethnic suffering. . . . The
point is that these Diaspora groups were uninterested in actual
history; they were apologists, ideologists, prefabricating a past in order to answer embarrassing questions, to outfit a new identity, and to ground a claim to equal treatment in the modern world.” J. M. Cuddihy, The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Levi-Strauss, and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity (New York: Basic Books, 1974), p. 177.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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