Jewish security patrol trio accused of beating gay black man likely to avoid prison

Chaim Amalek writes: “Old Cossack joke about America: In America, the Hassids beat YOU!
I just want all of your liberal goy readers to know that Judaism is actually very tolerant when it comes to gays. By which I mean you would need at least two eye witnesses to an act of buggery between men for the death sentence to be carried out on them.”

New York Daily News: The three Orthodox Jewish men accused of brutally beating a gay black man and leaving him partially blind will likely not serve prison time under an expected plea deal, the Daily News has learned.

The case largely crumbled once at least two witnesses to the December 2013 beatdown changed their version of events after initially implicating the members of the Shomrim volunteer Jewish security patrol, sources said.

Also, surveillance video from the Williamsburg, Brooklyn, scene is limited, people familiar with the case told The News.

Taj Patterson, 25, was walking down Flushing Ave. in Williamsburg in December 2013 when he was set upon by a gang of men shouting anti-gay slurs, prosecutors said. Patterson suffered severe injuries including a broken eye socket and a torn retina that has left him permanently blind in one eye.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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