From ERSNews:

We here at ERS thought about writing a story about this doozy of a letter we obtained sometime ago. Then we thought to ourselves, why waste the space, this letter as they say "speaks for itself".

In addition to praising Qaddafi’s "courage and undaunted spirit", we suggest you take special notice of last paragraph of the first page where the letter offers the friendly dictator the "option to approve the edited version" of her interview before it is aired or published.

Many people may have forgotten, that Colonel Qaddafi was once targeted by US warplanes in the mid-1980’s in what can best be described as an attempt to kill the leader of Libya and an act of war by the United States. Two US Air Force pilots died back then and dozens of

Libyan’s were killed. Then President Ronald Reagan ordered the military attack on Libya and dubbed Qaddafi a terrorist for his countries repeated involvement in terrorist acts aimed at the United States around the world.

Here at ERSNews all we can say is "boy times sure have changed"! If you might be wondering about the "authenticity" of this letter we assure you it is 100% real. It was penned by a "Chief Senior Correspondent", Yeeli Hua Zheng, a former Chinese government official working then in the Washington DC bureau of "Phoenix Satellite TV." Rupert Murdoch and the Chinese government (PRC) own the satellite television network that beams "news" into China. The offices of the "news network" where Ms Zheng worked were conveniently located inside the Fox News Channel offices in Washington DC.

Ms. Zheng attended Harvard University where it seems they failed to teach her journalism 101. She has gone on to work at the New York Stock Exchange. You can read more about this Chinese "journalist" and her career at her own website.

We found all of this rather ironic. We think you will too.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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