Julia Allison Is Perfect

I’d never heard of this columnist until Vanessa G.’s article in New York magazine on Gawker this week.

I spent a few minutes Googling Julia this morning and she’s perfect. Absolutely scrumptious. Delicious.

As BigApple put it in Gawker comments: "I just have to say that I am really put off by the anti-woman rhetoric every time Julia Allison’s name appears. I don’t know anything about Julia but it is disturbing that just because a woman is young, attractive and successful she is automatically a slut and we should discuss her breasts. All in all I think your mother would be very disappointed by this hateful language."

ThighHigh posts: "I was a Julia hater until the post about her slumming in Silicon Valley. When I saw that pic of her in the low cut dress, I realized that her tits are deserving of fame and admiration. They really are. They are perfect and powerful and I for one would like to get to know them. Or perhaps sublet them."

Pope John Peeps II posts: "As a super-keen yet intelligent hetero, that was actually the moment I started to like J.A.’s breasts much less. Before then, I was lounging in the cloudy Seinfeld-esque dreamworld of "real and spectacular". But when they cantilevered themselves without cantilevers, I got unhappily suspicious of the internal structure. Then my organic dreams were shattered, and I alternated singing "Eleanor Rigby" and "Back to Black" for the next two hours."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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