Slogan: “For Ourselves and Our Posterity”

Commenter ABN suggests:

… maybe “For Ourselves and Our Posterity” would make a good slogan.

The repeated possessive pronoun “our” unmistakably draws a contrast between the American nation and foreign nations. The implication is that our government arises organically from a specific national community and has neither rights nor responsibilities outside this context. If there is an “us,” there must be a “them,” and the state must necessarily distinguish between the two.

Moreover, the reference to multiple generations of a single people is a standing repudiation of the globalist/immigrationist notion that our people’s problems can be solved by other people’s fertility. The solutions to any economic, spiritual, or demographic problems we have must be found among ourselves, or the inter-generational social contract will be broken and we will cease to exist as a nation. Also, the invocation of demographic continuity here implies an ethnic or racial component of national identity without being too explicit or divisive in that regard.

The reference to the Constitution also has the advantage of attracting some of the Cruz-supporting types who have created a kind of cargo cult around the country’s founding documents. The underlying message to them is that Trump’s nationalism and True Conservatives’ constitutionalism are complementary; the Constitution wasn’t written in a vacuum. The laws and the ideology can’t be separated from the people and the land.

Finally, it’s hard for the Left to attack the Constitution itself. If leftists attack “For Ourselves and Our Posterity” as “racist,” “xenophobic,” or whatever, we need only point out that it’s part of the written mission statement of the USA. There would be no better opportunity to implement Peter Brimelow’s advice to respond to the accusation of racism with the counter-accusation of treason. That aggressive posture would suit Trump’s style.

Comments: * Gavin McInnes says there are 14 types of Conservatives.

If there are 14 types of Conservatives, no wonder the Right is fractured and not united like the Left.

Can anyone here name 14 types of Liberals? Do that many different types of Liberals even exist?

* Just because the founders thought this was a catchy slogan fit for the times (the 18th century) doesn’t mean it must have the same appeal as now.

Sweden believes the fundamental mission of the country is to fight racism worldwide and 1% of their economic output at least every year should go towards helping mothers in Africa and such.

Why not adopt that mission instead?

* Yes the Constitution was dedicated TO a specific people and their descendants. Don’t tell me how much you worship the Constitution yet fail to realize that (silly cuckservatives).

I must say, it appears we are in the beginning stages of a social revolution which people like Steve seemed to think were impossible without “elite intellectual” support.

* Obviously there are not 14 mutually exclusive types of lib, but the same is true of conservatives.

But if you were to force 100 random Democrats and fellow travellers to tell you their primary agenda, I think at least one person would list each of the following (possibly using euphemisms):

1) black supremacy

2) female supremacy

3) taxing the rich more

4) killing the rich

5) Gay power

6) Lesbian power

7) Tranny power

8) anti-war

9) Latinx power

10) anti-christian

11) Sharia jihad

12) Weed legalization

13) Single payer healthcare

14) tuitionless college, student loan debt forgiveness

15) ban guns

I could probably name a few more

* Fauxcahontas hates Trump because he represents an America in which blue eyed blond haired lesbians don’t get career boosts from claiming to be Indians.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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