Ellen Pao’s Diversity Crusade


* Still no pictures of Pao and her gay black diversity litigant scam artist husband Buddy Fletcher.

* I think the phrase “failing upward” is appropriate here. She’s got the gender and ethnic thing working for her, I guess all that is lacking is actual talent…yet she keeps getting hired for jobs that put her in an income bracket 99% of the country will never experience.

* Why is the diversity limited to ethnicity and race? What about height and weight? What about unattractive people, who often get the shaft? What about bald men? What about women who smell? What about people with bad teeth? The list is endless.

If we’re going to police companies, we should police everything about them, not just one element.

* I think Theranos might have an opening soon. I wouldn’t put it past that cracker jack board to extend an offer to her to replace Elizabeth Holmes.

* PAO! Take that, you cretins! The Asian Vagina strikes again – Ha-Ha!

* The current workforce shares of Hindus and LGBBQ can’t go down because that’d be racism and lgbtphobia. The diversicrats might try going after the workforce share of Asians, at first, but the Asians will quickly learn to protect their “minority” turf. The diversicrats are often very stupid and can’t tell who is jewish, so they will target a few Jews here and there, viewing them as mere “fcking white males”. They will quickly learn that Jews are protected too and they will learn to identify them.

There is thus one kind of silicon valley employee that the diversicrats will be able to go after with very few repercussions : the actual white cisgender male. He’s the one who will be pushed aside to make room for the black and latino same-gender-lovin non-binaries. The white cis male working in silicon valley is often enough of a cuck to gladly go along with this plan.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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