Will London Elect A Muslim Mayor?

Steve Sailer writes: There are two nuclear armed Western European powers: the UK and France. Both have growing numbers of Muslim voters. Houellebecq’s Submission sketches out one path by which a Muslim politician might luck into getting his finger on a nuclear button in Europe.

American Jews really ought to start thinking about whether immigration schmaltz and refugee worship might someday in the distant future put Israel at odds with a Muslim-led Western European nuclear power?

But that doesn’t seem to have yet dawned upon organized Jewish interests in America. For example, the Anti-Defamation League is currently pushing its We Were Strangers Too campaign to browbeat the West into taking in more Muslim refugees.

But is it good for the Jews?


* This guy called moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms.”

He supports homosexual “marriage,” so it looks like the only part of his tradition he’s hanging on to is the Jew hatred. It should be very interesting to see where all this leads.

* Zac Goldsmith is a lousy candidate. A rich aristocratic socialite trying to appeal to proles and Hindus and Tamils was doomed from the start. People criticize the GOP for being tone-deaf but they ain’t got nothing on the Tories.

* What’s the problem with a muslim mayor!. He supports gay marriage. He has all the right labor opinions. We’ve had Jewish mayors in christian cities for almost a century. Apart from white nationalism or overt religious prejudice (of the Steve Emerson or daniel pipes type), is there a good reason to oppose Muslim politicians in Europe or north America?

* Jews get along better with Muslins (for example-Moorish Spain) than they do Christians, who have been their historical persecutors.

Hopefully, London will elect a Muslim mayor. It would be a start to ending the unfair privileges enjoyed by heterosexual white males in the city.

* “What’s the problem with a muslim mayor!”

Can a Jew, Christian, or Atheist be elected mayor of a city in Iran, Egypt, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia for example?

* I saw a video today about 5 famous refugees – Einstein, Albright, Brin & Freud. I can’t remember the other one but I’m certain they were also Jewish. Somehow the example of these refugees was given as proof as to why Europe should take in more refugees.

Zac has run a bad campaign (and I say this as a Zac) as Boris-lite. Ironically Zac G’s two nephews (Jemima & Imran Khan’s sons) are super-devout Muslims.

The Labour Party is purging the anti-Semitic elements and Ed Miliband was the last leader. I don’t necessarily think it’s bad for the Jews but maybe for Israel (as the old aphorism goes, the left loves the Jews the right Israel).

Apart from naming bikes after himself I have no idea what Boris actually did as mayor and I say this as a Londoner.. He seemed to have simply been sulking that DC’s been PM all this while (the opposition sits on that side of the house but the enemy sits on ours).

I’d like Zac to win (I saw Sadiq voted for a fully elected HoL and I’m a deep believe in the hereditary peerage and their rights to sit in the upper House) but I don’t really care – if anything Zac’s ex-bro-in-law Imran Khan is a far bigger fanatic than Sadiq (who seems a super-moderate sort of chap).

Also it was pretty low of Zac to dredge up those mainly false allegations about Sadiq – race baiting at its worst.

* It’s not just Muslim politicians: white British leftists, such as Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway, Ken Livingstone are making anti-Zionism respectable in the Labour party.

* The French and British nuclear arsenals should be the concern not just of Jews but of everyone. I have mentioned it on these pages before. I hope the US DoD is thinking about those arsenals. I would guess that Israel thinks about them. I would not place too much hope in US Jewry leading the charge against Muslim immigration though. Most are incurably liberal (2/3) and more importantly their institutions are captured entirely by that 2/3. Their motto and the motto of all liberal immigration proponents is: ” I may not agree with Muslims wanting to kill me, but I will fight to the death in order to protect a Muslim’s right to kill me”.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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