Guess The Candidate


From the Chateau:

* Here are my guesses:

Group 1: Kasich or Cruz

They look pretty conventional, middle America, nice White lady vibe from the women, and cuck vibe from the men.

Group 2: Trump

Men aren’t smiling, have that shitlord look to the eyes. UNCUCKED. The women look like they enjoy the company of men.

Group 3: Cucksich or Cruz (leaning Cruz)

Sunglasses, military, flag shirt, guitar. The men are good ol’ boys. The women look friendly but also a little mentally unstable. Possible religious nuts?

Group 4: Sanders

Men: Baseball hats, beards/goatees, and that Quentin Tarantino-ish faggotry about the face. Women: exotics, cat ladies, and art and crafts hippies.

Group 5: TheCunt

The men are all weird-looking omegas, and one of them is doing something stupidly ironic in his profile pic (sipping on an iced coffee). The women look like manjawed lawyercunts and sluts. Two of them are wearing “problem glasses”.

You can find the answers here., along with PA’s 5/5 winning picks and reasoning behind each one. I’ll give myself 4.5/5. The sexually de-polarized manjaws and omega males were the easiest; those are Hillary folk!



* Kasich people have a wholesome but naive look

Trump men have strong eyes

Cruz: “conservative” looking black guy; women have a clean but bossy hen look

Sanders males have that gay daddy-baiting look; all are White

* Mrs. B.J. Clinton’s male voters look very weak, like they prefer women but would happily bend over and go full powerbottom for Bathhouse Barry if he ordered it. Three of Bern’s supporters, the middle three, would sodomize little boys were it not illegal, and the one on the left would videotape it and pleasure himself later.

* How Trump teases an attention whore. Female reporter is back-hamstering to explain what happened when she interviewed Trump. She grilled him about being a negative racist, he went through the usual motions of swatting away each silly question, then as they were concluding he nuked her with a compliment. Of course this is supposed to be a somewhat meta accounting of a press conference rather than a direct report of the issues, but notice how the chick becomes “WowJustWow” and protests too much about how he affected her:

“As the meeting ended and we were walking out of the room, I thanked Trump for taking my question. He turned to me and said, “I really hope I answered your question,” and added casually with a smile, “Beautiful.” I was stunned. I didn’t say thank you [too busy preening], and I don’t think I smiled [grinning from ear to ear]. He then walked out to meet with my Post colleagues briefly before heading to the elevator. I stayed in the conference room for a few minutes as it sunk in that the potential GOP nominee for president thought it was okay to comment on my appearance. Did he just say that?
Planning out how to question Trump in a way that was illuminating was like planning for asymmetrical warfare against an opponent who doesn’t follow the same rules as you do. Who doesn’t believe in rules. Who thinks that rules won’t help make America great again. In Trump’s world, commenting on a woman’s appearance in a professional setting is fair game…”

* I do this all the time and of course they think I’m creepy. The power of success. You can tell how hard she’s trying to sound neutral yet subtly judgemental about it: but can’t resist crowing about it very publicly, and admiring his disregard of the rules of “acceptable discourse”.

* Epic fail does not begin to describe the situation.

“Beautiful” is a common way someone superior would conclude the conversation with an inferior as an favourable assessment of a situation
(“How are you guys doing?” “We poured the concrete.” “Beautiful”)
(“How are you doing” “I’m feeling much better” “Beautiful”)

Has nothing to do (prima facie that is) with the skank’s appearance.

These ((people)) are so ignorant it boggles the mind.


* “PS PHYSIOGNOMY IS REAL” ——— Isn’t it depressing? It’s what I started calling “Biological Calvinism” a while back. And I was wondering whether ugly chicks appear ugly to us because a gazillion generations of Darwinian Nihilism have imbued in us [or, more specifically, in our hindbrains] the ability to sense serious character flaws merely by glancing at a person’s face.

* I used to believe that – that the “nurture” takes its toll on the “nature”. But Biological Calvinism says that you have to consider whether it’s actually the “nurture” [the environment] being created by the “nature”. So that ugly people aren’t ugly because they’ve spent their entire lives frowning and frumping and being miserable – we seem them as ugly because that’s how our hindbrains try to convey to us the message of “Danger Will Robinson!”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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