Terror In Brussels

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Talking heads this morning were already blathering about how Muslims in Europe feel ostracized.

* “Belgium quickly raised its threat status to the maximum level”

That would be to Threat Level Chartreuse, which requires increasing praises of diversity to ten per hour, quintupling the number of Muslim refugees accepted over the previous year, and scores of good white SJW’s performing a flash mob in the nearest bus station or shopping mall singing a song from a Rodgers & Hammerstein musical.

* I went for a hike on the beautiful Akamas Peninisula today. On the way home, I passed a British family whose daughter was wearing a Refugees Welcome T-shirt. I called them arse-holes. I got home to learn about the Brussels atrocity. I think they should drop their kid daughters off at the local refugee centre. They could watch them being raped and tell themselves how good they are.

* In January, Trump called Brussels a “hellhole” and the NYTimes and the usual suspects laughed at him. What are you talking about? It’s a lovely multicultural city, not a hellhole. Anyone with half a brain could see that the large unassimilated Muslim population was a welcoming sea in which terrorists could swim undetected and undetectable, that the city was a powder keg, and the only question was when, not if, someone would light the fuse. But if your mind is addled by leftist ideology you don’t even have half a brain.

* How could this happen? Just yesterday, at AIPAC, Hillary expressed her horror at a rival candidate for the presidency who is “demanding we turn away refugees because of their religion, and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.”

Hillary continued, “Now, we’ve had dark chapters in our history before. We remember the nearly 1,000 Jews aboard the St. Louis who were refused entry in 1939 and sent back to Europe. But America should be better than this. And I believe it’s our responsibility as citizens to say so.”

The audience applauded enthusiastically. Apparently American Jewish activists feel it would be terrible to distinguish between Jewish and Muslim immigrants. Not in Israel, of course, but certainly in the US.

Hilary concluded with a ringing, “If you see bigotry, oppose it! If you see violence, condemn it! If you see a bully, stand up to him!”

But remember–only if we’re talking about white gentile men

* Obama, Hillary, and the GOPe must hate it the way reality keeps breaking for Trump.

* As is often the case with early reports, the report that the explosion took place at the AA counter was apparently wrong. The part about the guy shouting in Arabic seems to be true.

If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. While you may be “jumping to conclusions” if you automatically assume that a terrorist is an Arab and not say some right wing white guy, chances are you will be right most of the time. Assuming that the bomber is an Arab until proven otherwise is a normal, natural and correct way of thinking under current circumstances and only people whose mind is poisoned by ideology of one kind or another will fail to make the obvious presumption. Sometime that presumption later turns out to be wrong but it is a safe bet to start out with it until proven otherwise. Damon Runyon said, “the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.”

* Years ago some wit wrote the mock headline “Muslim leaders denounce anti-Muslim backlash resulting from tomorrow’s terrorist attack”.

Part of this I think is just quote shopping by reporters looking to fill up time and space. If you are CNN, you have hours of airtime to fill and the basic facts really take only a few minutes to get across so you spend the rest of the time getting “reaction” from the usual suspects. One of the stock characters in this Kabuki theater is the “Muslim community leader” who delivers some canned lines about how Islam is a “religion of peace” and denouncing the “backlash”.

* You know that feeling you get when you’ve eaten the same food over and over and you’re sick of it? Like when you keep eating turkey day-after-day after Thanksgiving.

“Ugh, turkey casserole, then turkey burritos, then turkey sandwiches, then…”

That’s how I feel about terrorist attacks now. I’ve lost count. I’ve lost track of what, when, where, how, etc. (Only WHO is cosistent!)

This morning, I woke up to find my wife silently watching the story from Europe on TV in the living room. She was just sitting there, not bothering to tell me what was going on. It wasn’t like other times, when one of us would say, “hey there’ve been explosions in Europe and lots of people are hurt.” No, it was just another workday morning with just another Islamic terror attack on innocent people like us.

You know that day they’ve been talking about, the day when terror attacks by Muslims will be a regular part of life, something we all just have to live with?

That day has arrived.

* Apparently three of the people injured in the Brussels attacks were Mormon missionaries from the USA.

It’s an interesting tidbit because the Mormon Church and several Mormon politicians emphatically denounced Donald Trump after he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the US.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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