Attempted attack on Donald Trump at Dayton Ohio March 12, 2016

The judge let the attacker out on bail.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Steve, it’s prudent for the media if a Trump assassination is what they want to have happen. If they get their wish… I am having to self censor pretty strongly here.

* I’d add that some of the most unhinged people seem to be at the Glen Beck end of the spectrum. Beck, Erik Erikson, Matt Walsh and several others are tweeting furiously against Trump, sometimes in literally apocalyptic terms. I hadn’t heard of most of these people until a few days ago but they have tens of thousands of followers. I get the impression these people have no sense that Trump and his supporters are well within the normal bounds of democratic, constitutional politics and instead they’re certain the American Republic is in immediate danger.

* Steve, you have NO IDEA of how deep Tommy-rabbit’s cuckhole goes.

1) Hilarious black male cuckold fetish. Yes, seriously. It sounds too good to be true, but this time it ain’t.

2) Has tweets out planning this for weeks. The video walks you through it.

3) Has co-conspirators.

4) So much weird video on this guy. Flag-stomping activism, drooling gaze at black male bodies, recurring music video theme of bare-chested black men shooting white police in some kind of Marxist revolution, etc etc.

It’s like this man was designed by 4chan.

* In a poetically just world, someone like Mr DiMassimego would be flayed.

That would take care of his most immediate white privilege problem. And he would no longer have skin in the game.

* In the 24 hours leading up to the rally, DiMassimo tweeted about hating white people, becoming a martyr, and physically attacking Trump at the rally.

And he was released on $3,000 bail after a few hours?? Should be in jail!

* I’ve just been reading the list of assassination attempts on US presidents. I’d say Trump is relatively safe. The most likely people to try it would be Muslim terrorists because of his promise to cut off Muslim immigration. It’s unlikely any would-be assassin will come from the SJW ranks. In the past, it was mostly right-wingers or psychotics/fanatics without any clear ideology who tried it.

* Trump needs to use the kind of Blackwater mercs who protected Paul Bremer outside The Green Zone. I wasn’t impressed how a solitary fat unathletic guy could make it within feet of Trump before being wrestled to the ground. Secret Service might be good as far as executive bodyguards go, but the anti-Trump rhetoric and threats are way beyond a lone political assassin. Drugs cartels and oligarchs want him dead. Show hosts like Bill Maher are openly wishing for it. Even establishment conservatives are wishing for it.

* A couple of months before Fortuyn was killed, he got a “pie” containing animal feces thrown in his face by protesters who were shouting “don’t give racism a voice”.

It is very likely that this event encouraged Fortuyn’s killer (who BTW is presently a free man again, having completed two thirds of his ridiculously light sentence, and having subsequently somehow convinced a judge to remove the conditions pertaining to his early release – yet another travesty of justice) to put his plans into action.

* Perpetual students are the sort of dodo birds who’d do something like this. They can’t mature properly. This moron doesn’t realize he’s made a serious career change once he’s tussled with the Secret Service. Once you fight with them, you’ve just committed a felony and a Federal crime. I hope he likes prison.

* I think Trump needs more secret service men or they should profile and kick out potential troublemakers beforehand.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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