Steve Sailer: Marco Rubio Denounces Freedom of Speech

Steve Sailer: From the Washington Post:

“This is what a culture and a society looks like when everybody says whatever the heck they want, when everyone just goes around saying ‘I’m just going to speak my mind,’” Rubio said at a morning press conference in Largo, Fla. “Well, there are other people that are angry, too. And if they speak out and say whatever they want, it all breaks down. It’s called chaos. It’s called anarchy. And that’s what we’re careening towards.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The thing about being a homogeneous society is that everybody will instinctively understand where the line is. The more people around me differ from me the less I can safely say because the window of what will probably offend nobody will be tiny.

* Republican voters, not Donald Trump, got attacked in Chicago.

Why would Republican voters vote for somebody who excuses violence against Republican voters?

* How long before the submissive right joins the left in chanting “free speech does not include hate speech”?

That and a few graduates from colleges accustomed to routinely “no platforming” uncomfortable opinions, and Bob’s your uncle – the First Amendment reinterpreted to class “hate speech” with “fighting talk”.

Five years? Ten?

* The Homosexual British Greek Jew Milo Yiannopoulos is a bigger defender of the 1st Amendment than the Christian Cuban Republican Little Marco.

* What I find utterly dispiriting is how deeply so many on the right have internalized the Left’s values. As Conservatives, what are they conserving? Conservatism seems to be a grab-bag of policies which bind these people together and they’ve just slapped a tag, conservatism, on the grab bag.

Free Speech, no, can’t have that if it disrupts the road to capital gains tax reductions. Reducing capital gains tax, now that screams conservatism, but free speech, why is that conservative? What thread ties Rubio back to ancient traditions in America? You’d think conserving Free Speech would be a no-brainer, but this isn’t immediately obvious to him, instead he’s driven by something else.

For all the talk about Trump having no core of convictions, when I see guys like Rubio who robotically spout Republican policy positions, I wonder about the root of his convictions. Trump is easier to understand, love of America past. Rubio seems to have gone hook, line and sinker, into love of America future, full of glorious multiculturalism and glorious government managing us all and glorious military launching revolutions for democracy all over the world. What’s conservative about that?

* Rubio’s statement was presaged in the last debate when he said he understands that people might like Trump because he says what they would like to say but can’t. I wondered why no one explored why people can’t say certain things and whether Rubio thinks they should be able to.

* How many times have we heard movement conservatives say something like this, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?” So much for that bluster from those who claim to worship the Constitution. For now it appears Rubio, Kasich, Cruz and the rest of the GOP establishment are not only not going to defend us to the death, but are going to assign the blame to us instead. For anyone still supporting Rubio, Kasich or Cruz this should be eye opening.

If they collapse like a house of cards on a clear-cut 1st amendment issue like this, how sanguine are you that they will protect your interests when it comes to immigration, trade and a host of other issues? In this case they don’t even have to approve of Trump or his supporters because the 1st amendment is pretty clear. Yet they still found a way to back down. Just wait until they go to bat for you on an issue that is more nuanced and even less clear-cut.

* A political party that favors the American people over the will of the wealthy elites, special interest groups, and citizens of other countries, doesn’t need to hold secret meetings at Sea island to try to silence the will of the people in support of wealthy elites. Core American voters are not the ‘useful idiots’ that make up the masses of the Democrat Party. They can put 2+2 together, and they remember. If they do come up with a way to remove Trump, the GOP is basically eviscerating itself with its base.

* From today’s LA Times: “Trump has yet to back down from any of the incendiary, race-based comments he has made during this campaign; only the night before he had insisted in a Republican debate that he was correct in asserting Muslims “hate” Americans.”

Paul Ciotti: “This is not as wild a statement as it first seems. It was addressed in Samuel P. Huntington’s 1996 book, “The Clash of Civilizations” and in historian Bernard Lewis’s 1990 article for the Atlantic entitled: “Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their bitterness will not easily be mollified.”

* The recent events at the Trump rallies, although probably an overreaction to a bit of heckling are a reminder that Democracy is a pretty fragile thing, and the US, although the most heavily policed nation in the world other than ISIS territory, is not immune to breakdowns of public order at elections in a country where millions have guns.

Perhaps we should have curated elections on TV only, with commercial breaks for candidate advertising, and only allow those candidates approved by the Supreme Court to participate. It would also reduce divisiveness if we only allow one party, since there is not much to choose between the two we have anyway and it is impossible to found a new party because only the existing parties are allowed to make the rules for elections, a single party nation makes more sense.

The new party could be called the Partido Unido.

* As a Traditional Catholic, an Aristotelian-Thomist, a monarchist, and a perennialist, I know pretty well what I am trying to conserve. I admit, however, that my side has had a rough few centuries.

As you mentioned, the “conservatism” of Marxo Rubio is really just a label without meaning or significance. What he actually stands for is the complete liberation of crony-capital to loot and ransack the world. This differs from transnational socialism only in inessentials.

Back in the heady days of the mid 2000′s when the Iraq War as in full swing and George Bush and the Neocons were much hated, it became fashionable among dissenters to criticize Leo Strauss, whose philosophy was believed to animate their whole nation-building mission. The salient point of Strauss’ program was that the End of History would see the coming of a universal liberal democracy in which everybody could find expression for their grievances and would hence be “satisfied.”

“Conservatives” like Little Marco only care about America insofar as they see it as a seed crystal of the universal liberal democracy, thus their desire to conflate the historic American nation with other crystalization points like the EU, the UN, and global capitalism. They don’t care how many traditions, nations, and peoples have to be destroyed for the advancement of their vision. They truly are apocalyptic, millenarian, chiliastic, and eschatological. If a proper taxonomy of heresy were still in usage, they would be known as a Gnostic cult on par with the Albigensians.

There is a vast fog of confusion which beclouds the vision of Establishment Cuckservatism. What many fail to realize, however, is that the source of this confusion predates, and finds expression in, the US Constitution itself; therefore adverting to “constitutionalism” a la Ted Cruz is not going to help anything. The Constitution is a Gnostic document.

The wonderful thing about Donald Trump is that he is pioneering a new era of extra-constitutional rule, but that he is doing so within the established political traditions of the country. This is “conservatism” in a much deeper and more ancient sense than any GOP ideologue can appreciate. It is the conservatism of Julius Caesar, who in his own way harkened back to the heroes of the Mycenaean Age.

* Perennialism (as distinguished from Perennial philosophy, which is actually a syncretist heresy) is really just a way of saying that you’re a natural-law realist. Perennialism is the metaphysical substrate of all traditionalist thought. It condenses cultural continuity, patriarchy, race-realism, and a whole raft of other concepts into single handy term.

* Of course Rubio is against freedom of speech.

You don’t have it in Latin America so you don’t need it in Latinizing America.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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